heart injuries from COVID vaccine 3000x higher than thought


Verified User
I hope that vaccine you got didn't screw cup your heart


In fact, in a study with only 777 participants with a median age of 37--all medical professionals getting the COVID vaccine–the incidence of elevated cardiac enzymes 3 days after injection was pretty substantial, at almost 3%.

The CDC did a study and from that, they claimed the rate was 0.001%, or one out of 100,000.

2.8% is a lot higher than 0.001%. Another 0.3% had “probable myocarditis,” putting the total at over 3%. That is 3000 times higher than the US government claimed.

In this small study, nobody had serious complications, but with a myocarditis complication rate of 3%, you would have to expect that giving out hundreds of millions of doses is a pretty risky proposition.

I think we all knew that already, but this study seems to put the nail in the coffin of “vaccine injuries are super rare” from COVID-19 shots.

Oops. Who could have guessed?

One oddity was that the rate of myocarditis among the participants was heavily weighted toward women, not men. That could be an artifact of the sample, or it could indicate that women are more likely to get a complication, but the complications are more likely to be serious among men.

One reason the researchers posit for the vast difference between their results–which are based upon blood tests looking for cardiac enzymes in all participants–and the commonly asserted claim that vaccine-induced myocarditis is rare is that the only cases that are diagnosed without looking specifically for it are severe.

In other words, most people don’t go to the doctor until there is a serious problem, so many people suffer from myocarditis without ever getting diagnosed.

This suggests that there is a very large group of people who were afflicted but never treated. This in most cases would not be a huge problem, as the inflammation resolves on its own, but in some cases, actual damage to the heart was done without it ever being caught.

Another variable, not mentioned, is that myocarditis complications are more common in young men, and this study skewed both female and middle-aged professionals. Given the cohort studied, one would expect them to be not entirely representative of the population as a whole. They are likely wealthier, healthier, and moderately older than the population as a whole.
Also a Dutch study says that something like 5% of the batches caused 90% of the injury so far.....meaning that a lot of the harm was caused by bad manufacturing most likely. On the other hand it appears that an alarmingly high number of the doses given did not have any active material for turning our bodies into spike protein factories....and OH BY THE WAY spike protein is toxic
Glad I never put that crap in my body.

Never had Covid either.

They have not figured on why some people never get it when exposed to SARS-COV2....you might think that discovering why this is would a high priority with the health bosses but you would be wrong.
They have not figured on why some people never get it when exposed to SARS-COV2....you might think that discovering why this is would a high priority with the health bosses but you would be wrong.

I've never actually been sick in my life, never even had a cold.

Never broken a bone, never sprained anything.

I'm like Bruce Willis in unbroken.

Never even been in a car accident.
I've never actually been sick in my life, never even had a cold.

Never broken a bone, never sprained anything.

I'm like Bruce Willis in unbroken.

Never even been in a car accident.

I went 6 years never missing a day of school, I was not thrilled, a day in bed sounded great.
If they are the CDC will deny it. Did Brenny James get the Vaccine?

The vaccine does not cause heart troubles. Right-wing beliefs do not supplant science. The only Covid deaths in my people were the ones who refused the vaccine. Other anti vaxxers were quite sick.
Rightys refuse to take that terrible vaccine. Refuse them all and for your kids too, The CDC and medical industry are plotting against Americans, You guys have it all figured out. When Covid returns, stay from the shots and go on like normal. You can show those leftys that you are smarter.
The vaccine does not cause heart troubles. Right-wing beliefs do not supplant science. The only Covid deaths in my people were the ones who refused the vaccine. Other anti vaxxers were quite sick.

You believe the lies of the CDC>. It has been proven the vaccine does cause heart problems especially in young people

Tell that to the James family
The vaccine does not cause heart troubles. Right-wing beliefs do not supplant science. The only Covid deaths in my people were the ones who refused the vaccine. Other anti vaxxers were quite sick.

You believe the lies of the CDC>. It has been proven the vaccine does cause heart problems especially in young people

I've found that it's hard to prove almost anything, but I do believe that the evidence strongly suggests that these Covid vaccines are causing a lot of heart damage.