
You can come here and claim to be a Centrist, or moderate on either side of the aisle, or straddle the knife edge as an independent and be as sincere as possible in viewing both sides of the coin before you speak, IT DON'T MATTER.

The first time you disagree with certain posters about their biased comment, you are going to be thrown in the camp of either a liberal or a Trump Supporter, because there is literally no nuetral ground anymore.

You are either a Leg-Humping Ass-Kissing Trump supporter- or you belong to a class of people known as "Everybody else" who is not.

Because truly- that's all there is anymore. as Trump has divided us and pushed us into a binary political phenomena!
Welcome aboard!

What about religion interests you? I used to hang out (many years ago) on various discussion platforms and sometimes discuss religion. Not with the idea of changing anyone's mind... more trying to figure out why we believe what we do.

Thanks, and re religion I'm interested in its historical importance and the revolutionary social impact of Christianity on western development and progress, which in my opinion was an extremely positive one and a much preferred one to where paganism was leading, which was to stagnation and de-evolution, kind of like the so-called 'progressive' times we live in now; I'm an atheist as far as the theological side of it goes, but I have no problems with those who are believers. I'm certain the Gospels and the NT were were true to their time and place, not faked, or forgeries, and the people real as well, I just don't follow the supernatural aspects. I admire many of the Christian writers and intellectuals, especially Thomas of Aquina and Augustine, each for different reasons, for example, and I think it obvious that a lot of later so-called 'Enlightenment' philosophers merely stole from the earlier writers, re such fare as 'natural law' and the like.

Re the OT, I see a definite break in the 'old school' Judaism versus the 'new school' Judaism, i.e. the post-exilic versions, and generally see the 'palestinian' Judaism as the more legitimate over the path Judaism took under Cyrus and the post-exilic versions, which embraced a particularly racist and oppressive bent against those Jews who had remained and weren't exiled. I find it small wonder that several movements had developed by the times of Jesus and the Essenes and Pharisees that would finally collapse that particular path in favor of setting the Christian sect on its way to greatness while the racist dead end continued its decline into unimportant isolationism, despite all its vanity and egotistical posturing. It is the Christian sect that went on to fulfill the prophecies of Moses and Isaiah, and became the 'light unto the world' Judaism was supposed to be but failed to become.
Chuck: "Mostly interested in religion, ..."
Jack: Well, you've met Phantasmal. Here, let me toss out two questions:
1. Phantasmal believes Muslim students have the Right to bring Prayer Rugs to school, claims it's in the Constitution.
2. Phantasmal also believes people shouldn't have sex until they are 25, claims their brains aren'y fully developed.

Any thoughts on this from a religious perspective?

Well, re #1 I don't have a religious perspective, but my educated perspective is that Islam is not a religion, it's much more of a political ideology, a violent and genocidal one, and it's ridiculous to pretend it is protected as such under our Constitution, and re #2 I don't see anything wrong with such an opinion, as we know how harmful early promiscuity is for females and their health, and we know most peoples' cerebral cortex and maturity isn't fully realized until around the age of 25, but I know it won't ever be popular or practiced much.
You can come here and claim to be a Centrist, or moderate on either side of the aisle, or straddle the knife edge as an independent and be as sincere as possible in viewing both sides of the coin before you speak, IT DON'T MATTER.

The first time you disagree with certain posters about their biased comment, you are going to be thrown in the camp of either a liberal or a Trump Supporter, because there is literally no nuetral ground anymore.

You are either a Leg-Humping Ass-Kissing Trump supporter- or you belong to a class of people known as "Everybody else" who is not.

Because truly- that's all there is anymore. as Trump has divided us and pushed us into a binary political phenomena!

I never feel personally responsible for other peoples' biases and self-delusions.
It is the Christian sect that went on to fulfill the prophecies of Moses and Isaiah, and became the 'light unto the world' Judaism was supposed to be but failed to become.

Interesting. You also said this: "revolutionary social impact of Christianity on western development and progress, which in my opinion was an extremely positive one and a much preferred one to where paganism was leading,..."

What do you mean by "paganism" and where it was leading? You mentioned "stagnation" and "de-evolution." What do those terms mean to you?
You can come here and claim to be a Centrist, or moderate on either side of the aisle, or straddle the knife edge as an independent and be as sincere as possible in viewing both sides of the coin before you speak, IT DON'T MATTER.

The first time you disagree with certain posters about their biased comment, you are going to be thrown in the camp of either a liberal or a Trump Supporter, because there is literally no nuetral ground anymore.

You are either a Leg-Humping Ass-Kissing Trump supporter- or you belong to a class of people known as "Everybody else" who is not.

Because truly- that's all there is anymore. as Trump has divided us and pushed us into a binary political phenomena!

Oops. Chuckie's not a centrist. Another Trumpanzee!

I think all adults know the Russia scam was to cover up for Hillary's and Obama's criminal activities, and now the current scam is to cover up for Biden's criminal activities; why else would these foreign govts. be giving billion dollar deals to some inexperienced coke head, if nor for Daddy, a presidential candidate, out fishing for bribes? Trump was right for asking that Biden be investigated; it's about national security, and Democrats are known traitors.
Well, re #1 I don't have a religious perspective, but my educated perspective is that Islam is not a religion, it's much more of a political ideology, a violent and genocidal one, and it's ridiculous to pretend it is protected as such under our Constitution, and re #2 I don't see anything wrong with such an opinion, as we know how harmful early promiscuity is for females and their health, and we know most peoples' cerebral cortex and maturity isn't fully realized until around the age of 25, but I know it won't ever be popular or practiced much.

OK. Thanks for your opinion. Enjoy yourself here.
Oh well, I was civil to him. My conscience is fine with ignoring the Reichtard from here on out.

All of these Teflon Dons and Truth Deflectors will all be re-inventing themselves and coming back with new identities after they were all betting their memberships here on Donald Trump not being impeached and betting that Donald Trump is going to win the 2020 election.

Some of Donald Trump's ticks have already realized Donnie's demise and have already created new sock accounts- AND HERE THEY COME!

All of these Teflon Dons and Truth Deflectors will all be re-inventing themselves and coming back with new identities after they were all betting their memberships here on Donald Trump not being impeached and betting that Donald Trump is going to win the 2020 election.

Some of Donald Trump's ticks have already realized Donnie's demise and have already created new sock accounts- AND HERE THEY COME!


He-he, words of wisdom from little Adolf TWATLER. What a joke!
Well, re #1 I don't have a religious perspective, but my educated perspective is that Islam is not a religion, it's much more of a political ideology, a violent and genocidal one, and it's ridiculous to pretend it is protected as such under our Constitution, and re #2 I don't see anything wrong with such an opinion, as we know how harmful early promiscuity is for females and their health, and we know most peoples' cerebral cortex and maturity isn't fully realized until around the age of 25, but I know it won't ever be popular or practiced much.

This is just silly. Islam is very clearly a religion, and also created one of the world's great civilizations, preserving classical learning when the west was wrecked back to barbarism. The Middle East, including Classical Greece, had a crappy attitude to women long before Islam - which insisted on their rights when both the Christian Byzantine Empire and the Persian one were both enforcing their religions on the Arab people. Most people's cerebral cortex doesn't seem to be developed until they are going senile anyway, as far as I can see. Why should this have anything to do with sex, I wonder! It is babies, not sex, that affect women's health, surely, though promiscuity is hardly required by any sensible person.
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