

New member
My name is Matt and I'm really poor at making introduction threads. I'm a conservative blogger and activist and I recently I've been looking to branch out and rediscover the small forum atmosphere. Small factoids about myself? I'm 31 and I'm from Washington, DC (well, technically Northern VA but whatever). I work in real estate (not an agent). I served in the Air Force for four years. I'm a registered EMT. That's about all I can think of.
My name is Matt and I'm really poor at making introduction threads. I'm a conservative blogger and activist and I recently I've been looking to branch out and rediscover the small forum atmosphere. Small factoids about myself? I'm 31 and I'm from Washington, DC (well, technically Northern VA but whatever). I work in real estate (not an agent). I served in the Air Force for four years. I'm a registered EMT. That's about all I can think of.

There's more money in real estate than in being a paramedic for sure. Welcome, enjoy your stay.
There's more money in real estate than in being a paramedic for sure. Welcome, enjoy your stay.

Unfortunately, because I always had a love for medicine but EMS doesn't make nearly enough to survive. I convinced myself in my twenties that I was burned out of medicine (I regret that now) and wandered my way to real estate but I like it lol.
My name is Matt and I'm really poor at making introduction threads. I'm a conservative blogger and activist and I recently I've been looking to branch out and rediscover the small forum atmosphere. Small factoids about myself? I'm 31 and I'm from Washington, DC (well, technically Northern VA but whatever). I work in real estate (not an agent). I served in the Air Force for four years. I'm a registered EMT. That's about all I can think of.

Hi Mason. (God! Why do you need such a large 'sock' army?)
Ok. Just gonna let this one sit. I can't help you, sorry. I just don't know how to respond to it.

Sorry, it's the hazing ritual. Every time a new person shows up and does an intro, they must be thoroughly sniffed, found to be wanting, and then accused of being a new sockpuppet of an older JPP member.
Sorry, it's the hazing ritual. Every time a new person shows up and does an intro, they must be thoroughly sniffed, found to be wanting, and then accused of being a new sockpuppet of an older JPP member.

Works for me. It's just very odd and a bit unsettling lol. It doesn't bother me. In a debate you can defend yourself....but how does one defend oneself in an intro thread where someone doesn't believe you are you? It's a dilemma!
Sorry, it's the hazing ritual. Every time a new person shows up and does an intro, they must be thoroughly sniffed, found to be wanting, and then accused of being a new sockpuppet of an older JPP member.

Why do you always step in to salvage these people. My next gambit was to ask if he was 'Naked Guy' (the one that exposed his penis to you), but now ... you've fucked that up.
(sigh) Thanks, Owl. :(
Works for me. It's just very odd and a bit unsettling lol. It doesn't bother me. In a debate you can defend yourself....but how does one defend oneself in an intro thread where someone doesn't believe you are you? It's a dilemma!

Probably 79% of the ppl on here are best ignored. I see you've met Jack. Interesting character. Penchant for writing soft porno posts about leftie women on here who find him repulsive enough w/o the poorly-visualized dreck. He's an equal opportunity botfly who enjoys trying to lay his eggs on both right and left. Apparently he finds you succulent. lol
Why do you always step in to salvage these people. My next gambit was to ask if he was 'Naked Guy' (the one that exposed his penis to you), but now ... you've fucked that up.
(sigh) Thanks, Owl. :(

I'm sorry I missed Naked Guy. Must have been busy being concerned about politics, or something.
I'm sorry I missed Naked Guy. Must have been busy being concerned about politics, or something.

DO NOT LIE! You were VERY aware of 'Naked Guy'. Even one of your Lieutenants pointed it out.
... and stop trying one of your diversion tactics. Why are you bailing out 'PatriotGuy', an obvious Trump aficionado?
I give up. I'm not this person. Seriously. I'll just leave the forum. I'm too weirded out by this. Are you people seriously this haunted by this Mason person that everyone has to be him? I was on another forum and they did this. You know what the result was? They drove off every new person that came to their board and they actually succeeded in killing it. It got the point where it was only an echo chamber and even the echoes started to get bored and drift away. This isn't the only forum I signed up for tonight. I signed up for just about all the active ones left on the web. This one has a paranoia problem, another decided to attack me right from the gate, and you know what...there's one that really clicked and I'm going to stay there.

I'll check back in a few days. I assume this place has moderators. If I'm Mason. Ban me. Whatever. If I'm not, and I'm not, just get over it and maybe a learn a lesson from this. Peace out.
Hey Pardner. This isn't the Candy Store. You need to put the Kevlar on when you enter JPP.
If you can't handle a little playful 'hazing', you're not going to last long here.

Just a Tip from a friend.


I give up. I'm not this person. Seriously. I'll just leave the forum. I'm too weirded out by this. Are you people seriously this haunted by this Mason person that everyone has to be him? I was on another forum and they did this. You know what the result was? They drove off every new person that came to their board and they actually succeeded in killing it. It got the point where it was only an echo chamber and even the echoes started to get bored and drift away. This isn't the only forum I signed up for tonight. I signed up for just about all the active ones left on the web. This one has a paranoia problem, another decided to attack me right from the gate, and you know what...there's one that really clicked and I'm going to stay there.

I'll check back in a few days. I assume this place has moderators. If I'm Mason. Ban me. Whatever. If I'm not, and I'm not, just get over it and maybe a learn a lesson from this. Peace out.
I give up. I'm not this person. Seriously. I'll just leave the forum. I'm too weirded out by this. Are you people seriously this haunted by this Mason person that everyone has to be him? I was on another forum and they did this. You know what the result was? They drove off every new person that came to their board and they actually succeeded in killing it. It got the point where it was only an echo chamber and even the echoes started to get bored and drift away. This isn't the only forum I signed up for tonight. I signed up for just about all the active ones left on the web. This one has a paranoia problem, another decided to attack me right from the gate, and you know what...there's one that really clicked and I'm going to stay there.

I'll check back in a few days. I assume this place has moderators. If I'm Mason. Ban me. Whatever. If I'm not, and I'm not, just get over it and maybe a learn a lesson from this. Peace out.

I remember my first day being called "cum gargler".
This isn't a place for the faint of heart.
But stick around,you'll get use to it!.
My name is Matt and I'm really poor at making introduction threads. I'm a conservative blogger and activist and I recently I've been looking to branch out and rediscover the small forum atmosphere. Small factoids about myself? I'm 31 and I'm from Washington, DC (well, technically Northern VA but whatever). I work in real estate (not an agent). I served in the Air Force for four years. I'm a registered EMT. That's about all I can think of.

Hi Matt!This is a unique place,give it a chance,people like to see if new posters are tough enough!
Hi Matt!This is a unique place,give it a chance,people like to see if new posters are tough enough!

Probably another Candy Boy ... like that guy 'Truth Detector'. (don't they have a Cat Video Forum around here somewhere?)