
stick around......post.......if you go at least 24 hours without posting something incredibly stupid it will prove you aren't Mason.......

(hint: three out of five of the people who've already posted in your thread ARE Mason).......

Poor PMP still crying since Mason kicked him to the curb,from the amazing GR forum.
Mason isn't a Democrat dumb fuck.

Dim wit. I wasn't referring to mason's political aspirations, I was referring to the liberals in particular that peddle this mason sock nonsense.

GR closed down the CP...that probably a first/last in their history...who abuses a site like GR?:)
GR closed down the CP...that probably a first/last in their history...who abuses a site like GR?:)

Poor dumb fuck Top still claiming she knows what happened to a forum,she was to much of a coward to join.
With her handle.
But did try to sneak on countless times.
But Owl caught her everytime,and kicked her to the curb.
Mason pulled the plug on GR!I was there.
Top just wishes her silly assumptions were true!
Poor Lilly !:(
Poor dumb fuck Top still claiming she knows what happened to a forum,she was to much of a coward to join.
With her handle.
But did try to sneak on countless times.
But Owl caught her everytime,and kicked her to the curb.
Mason pulled the plug on GR!I was there.
Top just wishes her silly assumptions were true!
Poor Lilly !:(

You and scowlwoman's obsession with Top is, sadly, noted again.
My name is Matt and I'm really poor at making introduction threads. I'm a conservative blogger and activist and I recently I've been looking to branch out and rediscover the small forum atmosphere. Small factoids about myself? I'm 31 and I'm from Washington, DC (well, technically Northern VA but whatever). I work in real estate (not an agent). I served in the Air Force for four years. I'm a registered EMT. That's about all I can think of.

Nothing wrong with Conservatism- as long as you don't get that confused with TRUMPISM!

Unfortunately, most people who claim to be conservative today, would rather eat the peanuts out of Donald Trump's shit, than use common sense!

So, please use your conservative voice wisely- or you'll end up being laughing stock here with just after a few posts!
Nothing wrong with Conservatism- as long as you don't get that confused with TRUMPISM!

Unfortunately, most people who claim to be conservative today, would rather eat the peanuts out of Donald Trump's shit, than use common sense!

So, please use your conservative voice wisely- or you'll end up being laughing stock here with just after a few posts!

Trust me this guy is the most vulgar liberal on the forum (his sickening comment here is "holy" compared to some of the other things he's said.)

He was banned for a month due to this vulgarity but unfortunately he is back and dirty as ever.

The man isn't here to debate the issues or talk about politics. He gets his rocks off by cussing out conservatives using the most grotesque language possible.

Don't worry about him, even if he tries to get the last laugh. Because God will ultimately deal with him appropriately. He's made his bed. Now he has to sleep in it.
Trust me this guy is the most vulgar liberal on the forum (his sickening comment here is "holy" compared to some of the other things he's said.)

He was banned for a month due to this vulgarity but unfortunately he is back and dirty as ever.

The man isn't here to debate the issues or talk about politics. He gets his rocks off by cussing out conservatives using the most grotesque language possible.

Don't worry about him, even if he tries to get the last laugh. Because God will ultimately deal with him appropriately. He's made his bed. Now he has to sleep in it.

Welp, never thought this would be my first set of remarks here, but I'm siding with Adolf. You sound certifiably insane.