
I give up. I'm not this person. Seriously. I'll just leave the forum. I'm too weirded out by this. Are you people seriously this haunted by this Mason person that everyone has to be him? I was on another forum and they did this. You know what the result was? They drove off every new person that came to their board and they actually succeeded in killing it. It got the point where it was only an echo chamber and even the echoes started to get bored and drift away. This isn't the only forum I signed up for tonight. I signed up for just about all the active ones left on the web. This one has a paranoia problem, another decided to attack me right from the gate, and you know what...there's one that really clicked and I'm going to stay there.

I'll check back in a few days. I assume this place has moderators. If I'm Mason. Ban me. Whatever. If I'm not, and I'm not, just get over it and maybe a learn a lesson from this. Peace out.

New blood (poster’s) is a good thing. Unfortunately about 95% of the “new” posters on this board are either a sock of another poster or disappear after their initial post. So there’s a reason people are skeptical when someone new arrives. However if you’re real this place is worth checking out.
Yeah. Sure. (why don't you STOP trying to blow smoke up everybody's ass?)

Don't cut possible new posters off at the knees so quickly. I thought of using a new account instead of reusing this play account but knew I'd probably end up being Mason after a few posts. Not everyone is Mason, he just likes to keep people guessing.
Don't cut possible new posters off at the knees so quickly. I thought of using a new account instead of reusing this play account but knew I'd probably end up being Mason after a few posts. Not everyone is Mason, he just likes to keep people guessing.

I thought YOU were Mason.
Probably another Candy Boy ... like that guy 'Truth Detector'. (don't they have a Cat Video Forum around here somewhere?)

He said he did 4 years in the Air Force,so he should be tough.
But he also said he was conservative,and you know they hid under the bed with a gun.
If the paperboy knocks on the door:palm:
Don't cut possible new posters off at the knees so quickly. I thought of using a new account instead of reusing this play account but knew I'd probably end up being Mason after a few posts. Not everyone is Mason, he just likes to keep people guessing.

Not everyone is Mason,but most are!:)
I give up. I'm not this person. Seriously. I'll just leave the forum. I'm too weirded out by this. Are you people seriously this haunted by this Mason person that everyone has to be him? I was on another forum and they did this. You know what the result was? They drove off every new person that came to their board and they actually succeeded in killing it. It got the point where it was only an echo chamber and even the echoes started to get bored and drift away. This isn't the only forum I signed up for tonight. I signed up for just about all the active ones left on the web. This one has a paranoia problem, another decided to attack me right from the gate, and you know what...there's one that really clicked and I'm going to stay there.

I'll check back in a few days. I assume this place has moderators. If I'm Mason. Ban me. Whatever. If I'm not, and I'm not, just get over it and maybe a learn a lesson from this. Peace out.

I've known Mason for years,here and before when he was a legend at the Amazon Forums.
Ever since he has been here the women have swooned over him,making the conservative men here jealous as Hell!
There's one Toxic poster here who has thrown herself at Mason for at least a decade.
Fact is Mason is the one true genius here.
What kind of scum said that to Margot.

I've known Mason for years,here and before when he was a legend at the Amazon Forums.
Ever since he has been here the women have swooned over him,making the conservative men here jealous as Hell!
There's one Toxic poster here who has thrown herself at Mason for at least a decade.
Fact is Mason is the one true genius here.
Hi Matt

Welcome aboard! You will see the democrats make total fools of themselves day in and day out here.

So it's worth it to stick around just for that, take my word for it.

After the democrats make fools of themselves you can go in for the kill.

The most dangerous element of your game is truth. The democrats HATE truth and they simply cannot handle it. So in that regard, it's fun to drop truth bombs and watch the liberal left squirm, weasel, and worm their way out of it.

All of the liberals are in total rebellion to Trump here. They forget what the term "obedience" is all about. They have lost sight of what really matters, hardened their hearts, and rejected the truth.

For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion. That is exactly what we are seeing right now.

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Hey, Matt.

Hold on tight!

Welcome back, Frank.
You've missed Red Team turning themselves into pretzels trying to defend Trump. It's been quite amusing and fun.
As the countdown to Election Time approaches, their antics should increase in bizarre and extreme behavior.

... in fact, your friend USF911, has claimed he will thread ban anyone that disagrees with him. :laugh:
Welcome back, Frank.
You've missed Red Team turning themselves into pretzels trying to defend Trump. It's been quite amusing and fun.
As the countdown to Election Time approaches, their antics should increase in bizarre and extreme behavior.

... in fact, your friend USF911, has claimed he will thread ban anyone that disagrees with him. :laugh:

Glad to be back, Jack.

Missed the brutality! ;)

Actually, I post in another forum where everything is so tightly moderated, that you can hear their asses squeak.

As for banning...I try to assure people who ban me that they should not be afraid of what I have to say. But...if they are...they should lban away!
I give up. I'm not this person. Seriously. I'll just leave the forum. I'm too weirded out by this. Are you people seriously this haunted by this Mason person that everyone has to be him? I was on another forum and they did this. You know what the result was? They drove off every new person that came to their board and they actually succeeded in killing it. It got the point where it was only an echo chamber and even the echoes started to get bored and drift away. This isn't the only forum I signed up for tonight. I signed up for just about all the active ones left on the web. This one has a paranoia problem, another decided to attack me right from the gate, and you know what...there's one that really clicked and I'm going to stay there.

I'll check back in a few days. I assume this place has moderators. If I'm Mason. Ban me. Whatever. If I'm not, and I'm not, just get over it and maybe a learn a lesson from this. Peace out.

stick around......post.......if you go at least 24 hours without posting something incredibly stupid it will prove you aren't Mason.......

(hint: three out of five of the people who've already posted in your thread ARE Mason).......
Hi Matt

Welcome aboard! You will see the democrats make total fools of themselves day in and day out here.

So it's worth it to stick around just for that, take my word for it.

After the democrats make fools of themselves you can go in for the kill.

The most dangerous element of your game is truth. The democrats HATE truth and they simply cannot handle it. So in that regard, it's fun to drop truth bombs and watch the liberal left squirm, weasel, and worm their way out of it.

All of the liberals are in total rebellion to Trump here. They forget what the term "obedience" is all about. They have lost sight of what really matters, hardened their hearts, and rejected the truth.

For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion. That is exactly what we are seeing right now.


Mason isn't a Democrat dumb fuck.
Welcome back, Frank.
You've missed Red Team turning themselves into pretzels trying to defend Trump. It's been quite amusing and fun.
As the countdown to Election Time approaches, their antics should increase in bizarre and extreme behavior.

... in fact, your friend USF911, has claimed he will thread ban anyone that disagrees with him. :laugh:

I never saw so much fiction,lies and bullshit as these Trump supporters lately.