Hellow from freshsea

How do you feel about Jews?

I saw on the news last night that somebody showed a Nazi flag at some Bernie Sanders event. Good for them! I wonder if the lying jew Bernie Sanders got a chance to see it. I hope so. I wonder what his take on the holocaust fiction is. More than likely, he would say it happened. But as any intelligent, un-brainwashed person knows, it didn't. The whole thing is just an assault against White people.

There was no lampshade made out of jew skin. No jews were turned into soap. And there was no holocaust. What jews who did die in jewish internment camps were killed by the allies! They did it by bombing the hell of the German infrastructure that maintained those camps. Mass outbreaks of diseases like typhus combined with lack of food did the rest. Everybody has had images of what the camps were like by the time the allies liberated them crammed down their throats. But that doesn't mean they were always that way.

Also, there were no gas chambers. Not as far as I have ever been able to discover. The worst of the worst "death camp" was Auschwitz. But their "gas chamber" was made to look like a gas chamber by the Russians after the war. I will show you a picture of one of the vents in the ceiling of the supposed gas chamber where Zyklon-B was supposedly dropped.

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As you can see, that vent was clearly chiseled through a very solid ceiling. Don't you think that if the Nazis had built such a room for that purpose, they would have built it with those holes already in place? There are other holes in the story. But that should be enough for now. Also, there was never any trace of Zyklon-B found in that room. I will show you the results of one group that did such tests.

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