Help me out: why do people believe Trump?


Verified User
Regarding 2020 being "rigged."

Trump is a liar. He has a long, long history of lying. He's pathological. He has lied his entire life, and there are literally thousands of documented lies he has told.

Trump hates losing. And anyone who has watched his career from the start knows it goes very far beyond that: he CAN NOT accept losing. Under any circumstances. He will never admit to a loss, ever. He claimed fraud in 2016 simply because he lost the popular vote.

Both points are evidenced by his willingness to believe ANY theory, false evidence, or bogus claim that was made, from election night on. He latched onto anything, with desperation. He claimed fraud in 2016, but then pivoted quickly in 2020 to the idea that more mail-in and special rules around that allowed Dems to "rig" it. Anything that would help him maintain the illusion he hadn't lost.

It's maddening that people buy this act. Are Americans this naive...this irrational? It has shaken my faith in this country, a great deal. It's very hard to comprehend.
Regarding 2020 being "rigged."

Trump is a liar. He has a long, long history of lying. He's pathological. He has lied his entire life, and there are literally thousands of documented lies he has told.

Trump hates losing. And anyone who has watched his career from the start knows it goes very far beyond that: he CAN NOT accept losing. Under any circumstances. He will never admit to a loss, ever. He claimed fraud in 2016 simply because he lost the popular vote.

Both points are evidenced by his willingness to believe ANY theory, false evidence, or bogus claim that was made, from election night on. He latched onto anything, with desperation. He claimed fraud in 2016, but then pivoted quickly in 2020 to the idea that more mail-in and special rules around that allowed Dems to "rig" it. Anything that would help him maintain the illusion he hadn't lost.

It's maddening that people buy this act. Are Americans this naive...this irrational? It has shaken my faith in this country, a great deal. It's very hard to comprehend.

Trump appeals to their sense of hate and anger.
Regarding 2020 being "rigged."

Trump is a liar. He has a long, long history of lying. He's pathological. He has lied his entire life, and there are literally thousands of documented lies he has told.

Trump hates losing. And anyone who has watched his career from the start knows it goes very far beyond that: he CAN NOT accept losing. Under any circumstances. He will never admit to a loss, ever. He claimed fraud in 2016 simply because he lost the popular vote.

Both points are evidenced by his willingness to believe ANY theory, false evidence, or bogus claim that was made, from election night on. He latched onto anything, with desperation. He claimed fraud in 2016, but then pivoted quickly in 2020 to the idea that more mail-in and special rules around that allowed Dems to "rig" it. Anything that would help him maintain the illusion he hadn't lost.

It's maddening that people buy this act. Are Americans this naive...this irrational? It has shaken my faith in this country, a great deal. It's very hard to comprehend.

Because he does hat he says when he is allowed to. Like tax cuts and a wall and the embassy in Jerusalem and the Abraham accord
Fuck, another dishonest leftist making yet another pitch claiming that the election really wasn't stolen somehow. Begin eye-roll ...


Regarding 2020 being "rigged."
I watched the election being stolen right before my eyes. I predicted it would happen and how it would happen, not because I am a genius but because the DNC made a big deal out of making all the arrangements to steal the election. Then, as the polls were closing and Trump had won by a landslide, strangely the media departed from their historical calling of the election by announcing that it was somehow too early to call the election, that they were going to need sufficient time to fuck with the votes. Over time, as the Democrats shredded Trump's votes and stuffed hundreds of thousands of invalid Biden votes, we were treated to periodic announcements of how the "gap was closing" until they had finally finished and declared Biden the winner.

If you are going to try to tell me that I didn't observe what I observed, and that you aren't a totally dishonest shill for election-stealers, this won't go well for you.

Trump won by a record margin. No other President in US history garnered as many votes as Trump. This means that the election-stealers had to stuff a record number of counterfeit votes for Biden so that he could be declared the winner. Go check. Biden, who could only get double-digit attendance at his rallies if they were bused in, somehow got a record number of votes, at the same time Trump got a record number of votes, while record numbers of voters didn't vote.

Trump is a liar.
No, he's not ... but you are.

He has a long, long history of lying.
Whenever I ask lying leftists like you to list Trump's top five lies, you have nothing to say. It's as if you know that he has never lied, yet you claim that all he does is lie. It's at this point that the casual observer notices that you are the liar in this equation.

I guess we're done.

... unless you want to list Trump's top five lies right here in this thread:

1. Lie #1
2. Lie #2
3. Lie #3
4. Lie #4
5. Lie #5


He has lied his entire life, and there are literally thousands of documented lies he has told.
So it will be an easy matter for you to make an interesting Top-5.

I'm looking forward to it.

Trump hates losing.
So do I. So do many people I know. In fact, 97% of all Climate Scientists agree that winning is preferable, and you know that you have to go with what the Climate Scientists say.

... but you disagree, you say?

And anyone who has watched his career from the start knows it goes very far beyond that:
Right. Trump was a lifelong, New York, Construction Union Democrat ... and leftists could never get enough of him. Everybody wanted to be associated with Trump. He was celebrated by black leaders, Jewish leaders, LGBTQIAMPRPSLRICVPWTG+ leaders, and loved throughout the leftist world.

But because Trump wanted to run for President, and the Democrat candidacy had already been promised to Hillary, Trump had to run as a Republican. Thus, the Democrat machinery had to destroy their previously favorite person (next to Obama) and they called on all of their most dishonest sleaze-slingers, such as you, to lie for the rest of your lives, or until Donald Trump dies, whichever comes first.

... he CAN NOT accept losing.
Very few people can accept losing when they have won, fair and square.

So, did you have a question? I'm waiting for your list.

Regarding 2020 being "rigged."

Trump is a liar. He has a long, long history of lying. He's pathological. He has lied his entire life, and there are literally thousands of documented lies he has told.

Trump hates losing. And anyone who has watched his career from the start knows it goes very far beyond that: he CAN NOT accept losing. Under any circumstances. He will never admit to a loss, ever. He claimed fraud in 2016 simply because he lost the popular vote.

Both points are evidenced by his willingness to believe ANY theory, false evidence, or bogus claim that was made, from election night on. He latched onto anything, with desperation. He claimed fraud in 2016, but then pivoted quickly in 2020 to the idea that more mail-in and special rules around that allowed Dems to "rig" it. Anything that would help him maintain the illusion he hadn't lost.

It's maddening that people buy this act. Are Americans this naive...this irrational? It has shaken my faith in this country, a great deal. It's very hard to comprehend.

We support him because he was a damn good president.

Who cares what he believes.

I would vote for Satan if he was a good president.
Regarding 2020 being "rigged."

Trump is a liar. He has a long, long history of lying. He's pathological. He has lied his entire life, and there are literally thousands of documented lies he has told.

Trump hates losing. And anyone who has watched his career from the start knows it goes very far beyond that: he CAN NOT accept losing. Under any circumstances. He will never admit to a loss, ever. He claimed fraud in 2016 simply because he lost the popular vote.

Both points are evidenced by his willingness to believe ANY theory, false evidence, or bogus claim that was made, from election night on. He latched onto anything, with desperation. He claimed fraud in 2016, but then pivoted quickly in 2020 to the idea that more mail-in and special rules around that allowed Dems to "rig" it. Anything that would help him maintain the illusion he hadn't lost.

It's maddening that people buy this act. Are Americans this naive...this irrational? It has shaken my faith in this country, a great deal. It's very hard to comprehend.

It ain't about Trump, it's about you. I've been saying this for years, I think it's hilarious you people don't understand how much other people hate you.
Fuck, another dishonest leftist making yet another pitch claiming that the election really wasn't stolen somehow. Begin eye-roll ...


I watched the election being stolen right before my eyes. I predicted it would happen and how it would happen, not because I am a genius but because the DNC made a big deal out of making all the arrangements to steal the election. Then, as the polls were closing and Trump had won by a landslide, strangely the media departed from their historical calling of the election by announcing that it was somehow too early to call the election, that they were going to need sufficient time to fuck with the votes. Over time, as the Democrats shredded Trump's votes and stuffed hundreds of thousands of invalid Biden votes, we were treated to periodic announcements of how the "gap was closing" until they had finally finished and declared Biden the winner.

If you are going to try to tell me that I didn't observe what I observed, and that you aren't a totally dishonest shill for election-stealers, this won't go well for you.

Trump won by a record margin. No other President in US history garnered as many votes as Trump. This means that the election-stealers had to stuff a record number of counterfeit votes for Biden so that he could be declared the winner. Go check. Biden, who could only get double-digit attendance at his rallies if they were bused in, somehow got a record number of votes, at the same time Trump got a record number of votes, while record numbers of voters didn't vote.

No, he's not ... but you are.

Whenever I ask lying leftists like you to list Trump's top five lies, you have nothing to say. It's as if you know that he has never lied, yet you claim that all he does is lie. It's at this point that the casual observer notices that you are the liar in this equation.

I guess we're done.

... unless you want to list Trump's top five lies right here in this thread:

1. Lie #1
2. Lie #2
3. Lie #3
4. Lie #4
5. Lie #5


So it will be an easy matter for you to make an interesting Top-5.

I'm looking forward to it.

So do I. So do many people I know. In fact, 97% of all Climate Scientists agree that winning is preferable, and you know that you have to go with what the Climate Scientists say.

... but you disagree, you say?

Right. Trump was a lifelong, New York, Construction Union Democrat ... and leftists could never get enough of him. Everybody wanted to be associated with Trump. He was celebrated by black leaders, Jewish leaders, LGBTQIAMPRPSLRICVPWTG+ leaders, and loved throughout the leftist world.

But because Trump wanted to run for President, and the Democrat candidacy had already been promised to Hillary, Trump had to run as a Republican. Thus, the Democrat machinery had to destroy their previously favorite person (next to Obama) and they called on all of their most dishonest sleaze-slingers, such as you, to lie for the rest of your lives, or until Donald Trump dies, whichever comes first.

Very few people can accept losing when they have won, fair and square.

So, did you have a question? I'm waiting for your list.


Where have you been, under a rock????? Fox News has already paid over $800 million for falsely claiming that the election was rigged.
Regarding 2020 being "rigged."

Trump is a liar. He has a long, long history of lying. He's pathological. He has lied his entire life, and there are literally thousands of documented lies he has told.

Trump hates losing. And anyone who has watched his career from the start knows it goes very far beyond that: he CAN NOT accept losing. Under any circumstances. He will never admit to a loss, ever. He claimed fraud in 2016 simply because he lost the popular vote.

Both points are evidenced by his willingness to believe ANY theory, false evidence, or bogus claim that was made, from election night on. He latched onto anything, with desperation. He claimed fraud in 2016, but then pivoted quickly in 2020 to the idea that more mail-in and special rules around that allowed Dems to "rig" it. Anything that would help him maintain the illusion he hadn't lost.

It's maddening that people buy this act. Are Americans this naive...this irrational? It has shaken my faith in this country, a great deal. It's very hard to comprehend.

I don't believe trump any more than I believe Biden. We are supposed to believe a bag of cocaine was left in the WH and no one knows how it got there? How fucking stupid do you think people are? I'll tell you one thing they arent as dumb as you leftists. I personally have explained a 1000 times why people voted for and will continue to vote for trump but you're just too fucking stupid to get it.

As to lying the very LAST thing a Brandon supporter should bring is lies from a politician. We have a 50 year record of Brandons lies. Stfu

Where have you been, under a rock????? Fox News has already paid over $800 million for falsely claiming that the election was rigged.
Where have you been, under a rock? Fox News, now long-since owned and run by lying leftists, settled a court case for "false claims" against Dominion voting systems.

Where were you when you were supposed to have been developing your critical reasoning skills? Under a rock?

Where were you when you were supposed to be learning to be an honest, contributing member of society? Under a rock?

My assumption is that this was the intended method for Dominion to get its payment for services rendered to the DNC, i.e. Fox News would "confess" that accusations against Dominion were "baseless", Fox News would "agree" to pay in damages whatever the DNC agreed to pay Dominion for their part in rigging the election, and then the DNC would simply pay Dominion on behalf of Fox News, and the public record would be clean, with a "court settlement" to "prove" that there was "never any rigging" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).


Where have you been, under a rock? Fox News, now long-since owned and run by lying leftists, settled a court case for "false claims" against Dominion voting systems.

Where were you when you were supposed to have been developing your critical reasoning skills? Under a rock?

Where were you when you were supposed to be learning to be an honest, contributing member of society? Under a rock?

My assumption is that this was the intended method for Dominion to get its payment for services rendered to the DNC, i.e. Fox News would "confess" that accusations against Dominion were "baseless", Fox News would "agree" to pay in damages whatever the DNC agreed to pay Dominion for their part in rigging the election, and then the DNC would simply pay Dominion on behalf of Fox News, and the public record would be clean, with a "court settlement" to "prove" that there was "never any rigging" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).


OMG You are just out of this world.
I don't believe trump any more than I believe Biden. We are supposed to believe a bag of cocaine was left in the WH and no one knows how it got there? How fucking stupid do you think people are? I'll tell you one thing they arent as dumb as you leftists. I personally have explained a 1000 times why people voted for and will continue to vote for trump but you're just too fucking stupid to get it.

As to lying the very LAST thing a Brandon supporter should bring is lies from a politician. We have a 50 year record of Brandons lies. Stfu

Biden never said anything about the cocaine... I know his "white house" did, but you cant see that Trump promotes lies by screaming them himself from a microphone. Additionally he insults the intelligence of his supporters by telling very clear lies that would help him personally, then he changes the lie, exposing his supporters for their hypocrisy. Once Trump has his supporters exposed for their incredible ignorance, they feel compelled to keep up the facade or admit humiliation. Those who stay become his forever.
Biden never said anything about the cocaine... I know his "white house" did, but you cant see that Trump promotes lies by screaming them himself from a microphone. Additionally he insults the intelligence of his supporters by telling very clear lies that would help him personally, then he changes the lie, exposing his supporters for their hypocrisy. Once Trump has his supporters exposed for their incredible ignorance, they feel compelled to keep up the facade or admit humiliation. Those who stay become his forever.

So you believe the press secretary issues statements without consulting with the president on what to say.


If Pierre says it then Biden said it.
So you believe the press secretary issues statements without consulting with the president on what to say.


If Pierre says it then Biden said it.

I didn’t say that. Biden did not say it. You are stupid if you can’t comprehend the difference, even IF Biden approved it.