Help me out: why do people believe Trump?

Regarding 2020 being "rigged."

Trump is a liar. He has a long, long history of lying. He's pathological. He has lied his entire life, and there are literally thousands of documented lies he has told.

Trump hates losing. And anyone who has watched his career from the start knows it goes very far beyond that: he CAN NOT accept losing. Under any circumstances. He will never admit to a loss, ever. He claimed fraud in 2016 simply because he lost the popular vote.

Both points are evidenced by his willingness to believe ANY theory, false evidence, or bogus claim that was made, from election night on. He latched onto anything, with desperation. He claimed fraud in 2016, but then pivoted quickly in 2020 to the idea that more mail-in and special rules around that allowed Dems to "rig" it. Anything that would help him maintain the illusion he hadn't lost.

It's maddening that people buy this act. Are Americans this naive...this irrational? It has shaken my faith in this country, a great deal. It's very hard to comprehend.

They buy these lies because they are not very bright

Not all of a population of people can be smart enough to spot a con man

Some are so mentally vulnerable that they can not decern what a fact is in a rational manner

They are incapable of logical thinking

They think with their child like emotions

These stupid people get all excited when someone rubs their egos by telling them they are smarter than everyone else

The trump faction has been massaged by Fox News into feeling good about being stupid

For once in their lives someone told them that those people in their lives who have always bettered them in any debate are the stupid ones

Fox told them that nephew of theirs who humiliated them with facts every holiday is the one who is stupid

Fox gave them idiot retorts that stop any rational person for a second as that rational person thinks “what the fuck is wrong with this persons brains”

Fox owned these idiots

Then another con man came along and conned fox out of the ownership of this idiot brigade

Trump did the same thing to fox that fox was doing to their base

Drug them along like an excited puppy with a new toy

Fox tried now and then to resist

But the monster fox created had totally switched their aligence to trump

Trump out foxed fox

Fox had created a market for outlets to feed idiots lies

Trump now owned them all and created new ones that sought to be trumps best one

Fox couldn’t afford to anoint a new Republican over trump

All the viewers would just switch to OAN or some other turd outlet

Now all of them are being sued out of existence for lying about individuals and corporations that these idiots had to lie about to protect trumps ass

America is in fact taking care of these idiots as we speak

It is running its course and America and it’s brilliant system is crushing them

Yes it takes time

But the republicans have been dead set on killing democracy for many years

They can not win elections when facts are held on high

The minute the republicans started with the meme that “America is not a democracy” it should have been clear to ANY HUMAN that the Republican Party decided to end American Democracy

It was the only way that they could continue to due the bidding of the corporate class and stay relevant

They had to murder Democracy

They lost

We are now in the final processes of rolling the dead body of the failed Republican Party into its deserved grave

It’s a fat beloated heap of stupid and rolls slowly

But roll it will

Right into a prison until we can dig the grave deep enough to accommodate such a hulking mass of stupid

We are winning

Anti democracy ass boils are losing

Fear not

Democracy is strong

And stupid is weak
I didn’t say that. Biden did not say it. You are stupid if you can’t comprehend the difference, even IF Biden approved it.

You said the president didn't say it but the White House did meaning they say things opposite of the president.

That doesn't happen.
Biden never said anything about the cocaine... I know his "white house" did, but you cant see that Trump promotes lies by screaming them himself from a microphone. Additionally he insults the intelligence of his supporters by telling very clear lies that would help him personally, then he changes the lie, exposing his supporters for their hypocrisy. Once Trump has his supporters exposed for their incredible ignorance, they feel compelled to keep up the facade or admit humiliation. Those who stay become his forever.

I'm really beginning to think your stupidity isnt an act. What that idiot Brandon says is completely meaningless to me not just because he's a senile old fool but because we have 50 years of his lies in public office. If they REALLY don't know how the fuck the cocaine got there then even an idiot like you could get a nuclear bomb in there. Honest to God I swear I WANT to take you seriously but its impossible
I'm going to leave this here.

This is a Netflix tongue-in-cheek documentary called How To Become a Cult Leader. Each episode is about 30 minutes and every one is about a different cult leader. The last episode on Sun Myung Moon describes how some brain-dead Senate dems and repugs took part in a ceremony crowning him as the messiah. The series explains the MAGA mindset better than anything I've read before.

‘How to Become a Cult Leader’: Everything You Need to Know About the Docuseries

These half-hour explainers examine the minds of Charles Manson, Jim Jones, and more.

"The docuseries examines infamous cult leaders’ playbooks — from achieving unearned devotion to controlling followers’ minds, bodies, and souls.

The series wryly breaks down what it takes to run a cult, based on six of the most notorious cults of all time. Each episode focuses on a different pseudo-religious leader, their dark history, and goes over the basics of how they formed and led their following. First, learn how to found a cult with Manson Family head Charles Manson, then go over how to grow your flock with Peoples Temple founder Jim Jones, reform vulnerable minds with Buddhafield founder Jaime Gomez, promise eternity with Heaven’s Gate leader Marshall Applewhite, control your cult’s image with Aum Shinrikyo founder Shoko Asahara, and become immortal with Unification Church leader Sun Myung Moon."
I'm going to leave this here.

This is a Netflix tongue-in-cheek documentary called How To Become a Cult Leader. Each episode is about 30 minutes and every one is about a different cult leader. The last episode on Sun Myung Moon describes how some brain-dead Senate dems and repugs took part in a ceremony crowning him as the messiah. The series explains the MAGA mindset better than anything I've read before.

‘How to Become a Cult Leader’: Everything You Need to Know About the Docuseries

[FONT=&]These half-hour explainers examine the minds of Charles Manson, Jim Jones, and more.[/FONT]
"The docuseries examines infamous cult leaders’ playbooks — from achieving unearned devotion to controlling followers’ minds, bodies, and souls.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]The series wryly breaks down what it takes to run a cult, based on six of the most notorious cults of all time. Each episode focuses on a different pseudo-religious leader, their dark history, and goes over the basics of how they formed and led their following. First, learn how to found a cult with Manson Family head Charles Manson, then go over how to grow your flock with Peoples Temple founder Jim Jones, reform vulnerable minds with Buddhafield founder Jaime Gomez, promise eternity with Heaven’s Gate leader Marshall Applewhite, control your cult’s image with Aum Shinrikyo founder Shoko Asahara, and become immortal with Unification Church leader Sun Myung Moon."


You know what explains leftism best of all? Stupidity. Why dont you explain how you believe someone with a penis is actually a woman based on nothing more than their feelings that they are a woman? Talk about crazy cult shit you idiots have that covered in spades.
You know what explains leftism best of all? Stupidity. Why dont you explain how you believe someone with a penis is actually a woman based on nothing more than their feelings that they are a woman? Talk about crazy cult shit you idiots have that covered in spades.

Get back to me after you've actually watched it.
Regarding 2020 being "rigged."

Trump is a liar. He has a long, long history of lying. He's pathological. He has lied his entire life, and there are literally thousands of documented lies he has told.

Trump hates losing. And anyone who has watched his career from the start knows it goes very far beyond that: he CAN NOT accept losing. Under any circumstances. He will never admit to a loss, ever. He claimed fraud in 2016 simply because he lost the popular vote.

Both points are evidenced by his willingness to believe ANY theory, false evidence, or bogus claim that was made, from election night on. He latched onto anything, with desperation. He claimed fraud in 2016, but then pivoted quickly in 2020 to the idea that more mail-in and special rules around that allowed Dems to "rig" it. Anything that would help him maintain the illusion he hadn't lost.

It's maddening that people buy this act. Are Americans this naive...this irrational? It has shaken my faith in this country, a great deal. It's very hard to comprehend.

Read this because it's simple to understand and 100% accurate.

Trump tells very stupid people that they're smart and totally right to be racists and xenophobes.

They're so relieved not to be laughed at and looked down upon
as they always are by intellectually superior people [whom they regard as "elites" ]
that they're willing to vote in 180º perfect opposition to their own economic best interests.

This is the correct analysis of America's downfall whether you want to believe it or not.

First, our constitution gave the goobers more political representation than their numbers warranted.
Second, the goobers turned out to be far more stupid than the founders anticipated.
Third, we started getting B list actors and reality show hosts as our chief executives.
Fourth, we're on the path to dystopia.

It's really not that complicated.
Tragic, yes, but not complicated.
Get back to me after you've actually watched it.

No need to watch it. What I know is you're part of a cult that believes people with penises are actually women if they say they feel like a woman. You wingnuts are CULTivating this bullshit. You're growing the ideas of your idiocy. The LAST person who should be criticizing others about being in a cult is a leftist.
No need to watch it. What I know is you're part of a cult that believes people with penises are actually women if they say they feel like a woman. You wingnuts are CULTivating this bullshit. You're growing the ideas of your idiocy. The LAST person who should be criticizing others about being in a cult is a leftist.

Yep, you hit the points in the playbook. Deflect, deny and distract. Perfect! :good4u:
Yep, you hit the points in the playbook. Deflect, deny and detract. Perfect! :good4u:

Kind of like you're doing? I've clearly pointed out one of the major beliefs of your cult and you you deflect, deny and detract. Good little leftist.

Now the idiot that started this thread asked a question but not one of you cult members ever spends time to listen to the answer. You're so stupid you think people voted for trump because it's a ukt. You're an idiot. The thing you're too stupid to understand is if trump disappeared tomorrow I'd be as overjoyed as you but if he's the republican candidate I will be voting for him. You idiots ask why but you NEVER want to hear the answer.
OMG You are just out of this world.
In other words, your utter confusion is somehow my fault. Got it.

Yep, you hit the points in the playbook. Deflect, deny and distract. Perfect! :good4u:
That's exactly what you just did! Awesome! You didn't merely blame Yakuda for any of your own previous dishonesty; you blamed him for the dishonesty you were in the process of crafting! Major points for you! :good4u:

For the same reasons other people believe Biden...

Honestly, that's pretty weak whataboutism.

Biden doesn't have a cult like Trump does. Many Dems would love to see the party go in a different direction. And Biden doesn't lie on the level Trump does.

This thread is specifically about the election lies, though. Anyone who has watched Trump could have predicted he'd go w/ the "if they win, they cheated" approach.
Honestly, that's pretty weak whataboutism.

Biden doesn't have a cult like Trump does. Many Dems would love to see the party go in a different direction. And Biden doesn't lie on the level Trump does.

This thread is specifically about the election lies, though. Anyone who has watched Trump could have predicted he'd go w/ the "if they win, they cheated" approach.

It's not whataboutism, it's a valid comparison. Biden doesn't have a cult, but the Left is a cult, and Biden is on the Left. And, you're correct, Biden doesn't lie on the level Trump does, he takes it to a much higher plateau than Trump. The whopper for Biden is for years now he's claimed--often angerly--that he had no part, knowledge, or other connection to his son's business dealings. We now know for 100% certain that was a lie. Biden tells whoppers all the time about his past. Often when caught he just keeps on telling the same lie of a story anyway.
Regarding 2020 being "rigged."

Trump is a liar. He has a long, long history of lying. He's pathological. He has lied his entire life, and there are literally thousands of documented lies he has told.

Trump hates losing. And anyone who has watched his career from the start knows it goes very far beyond that: he CAN NOT accept losing. Under any circumstances. He will never admit to a loss, ever. He claimed fraud in 2016 simply because he lost the popular vote.

Both points are evidenced by his willingness to believe ANY theory, false evidence, or bogus claim that was made, from election night on. He latched onto anything, with desperation. He claimed fraud in 2016, but then pivoted quickly in 2020 to the idea that more mail-in and special rules around that allowed Dems to "rig" it. Anything that would help him maintain the illusion he hadn't lost.

It's maddening that people buy this act. Are Americans this naive...this irrational? It has shaken my faith in this country, a great deal. It's very hard to comprehend.

His fans do not believe a word of this crap!

They just don't care!

They think that Donald Trump owns the Democrats- and that is all that matters to these Trumptards!

Sorry, but Donnie Don't own anyone- and he will be in jail out of harms way! :laugh:

It's not whataboutism, it's a valid comparison. Biden doesn't have a cult, but the Left is a cult, and Biden is on the Left. And, you're correct, Biden doesn't lie on the level Trump does, he takes it to a much higher plateau than Trump. The whopper for Biden is for years now he's claimed--often angerly--that he had no part, knowledge, or other connection to his son's business dealings. We now know for 100% certain that was a lie. Biden tells whoppers all the time about his past. Often when caught he just keeps on telling the same lie of a story anyway.

Thanks, dude.

I totally needed that laugh.