Help me out: why do people believe Trump?

You are a strange one.
Yes, and you are a confused one.

Because he does hat he says when he is allowed to. Like tax cuts and a wall and the embassy in Jerusalem and the Abraham accord
You also claim to be a Christian when you have clearly proved there is nothing Christian about you. Sad.
Yes, and you are a confused one.[/IM][/QUOTE]Bulverism. Bigotry.
[QUOTE="Into the Night, post: 5716354, member: 7417"]Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE="gfm7175, post: 3787275, member: 7449"]Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.[/QUOTE][QUOTE="IBDaMann, post: 5507009, member: 8245"]bigotry, bulverism, [/QUOTE]
Trump has exposed pretty clearly that there will always be about 30% of society that is irredeemable stupid, gullible and who have fascist tendencies.

They rely on the apathy of others as they look to seize power, to implement their goals of hate, xenophobia and racism.

I don't think anyone is surprised. Things like slavery or fascism would not exist without such a base. Trump has just managed to become a magnet for them.
Everything you write is based on your erroneous belief that you speak for others and can read their minds ...

... which leads to absurd statements like this. It's about time for you to hang it up.

I read your mind, and I am embarrassed for you!

Are you still clinging to Trump's Balls like a tick, or are you ready to move on to another asshole to cling onto?

Regarding 2020 being "rigged."

Trump is a liar. He has a long, long history of lying. He's pathological. He has lied his entire life, and there are literally thousands of documented lies he has told.

Trump hates losing. And anyone who has watched his career from the start knows it goes very far beyond that: he CAN NOT accept losing. Under any circumstances. He will never admit to a loss, ever. He claimed fraud in 2016 simply because he lost the popular vote.

Both points are evidenced by his willingness to believe ANY theory, false evidence, or bogus claim that was made, from election night on. He latched onto anything, with desperation. He claimed fraud in 2016, but then pivoted quickly in 2020 to the idea that more mail-in and special rules around that allowed Dems to "rig" it. Anything that would help him maintain the illusion he hadn't lost.

It's maddening that people buy this act. Are Americans this naive...this irrational? It has shaken my faith in this country, a great deal. It's very hard to comprehend.

You had the neocons who believed in Ronnie Raygun as "The Great Communicator".
You had the teabaggers who believed in the Shrub as "The War President".

Now you have the MAGA minions who believe in the Orange Oaf as the GOAT President who is a victim of the "deep state".

All three require a major suspension of disbelief, willful ignorance and a high degree of victimhood & bigotry.
Regarding 2020 being "rigged."
It Democrats.
Trump is a liar. He has a long, long history of lying. He's pathological. He has lied his entire life, and there are literally thousands of documented lies he has told.
Blatant lie. You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear by blaming Trump.
Trump hates losing.
Trump has never lost an election. He is a successful real estate developer as well.
And anyone who has watched his career from the start knows it goes very far beyond that: he CAN NOT accept losing.
Trump has never lost an election.
Under any circumstances. He will never admit to a loss, ever.
He didn't lose.
He claimed fraud in 2016 simply because he lost the popular vote.
Presidents are not elected by popular vote. Election fraud by Democrats DID occur in 2016, but was insufficient to throw the election.
Both points are evidenced by his willingness to believe ANY theory, false evidence, or bogus claim that was made, from election night on.
Not a theory. Not false evidence. Not a bogus claim. The evidence of election fraud by Democrats exists. You cannot make it disappear.
He latched onto anything, with desperation.
No desperation. Psychoquackey.
He claimed fraud in 2016,
Because it occurred.
but then pivoted quickly in 2020 to the idea that more mail-in and special rules around that allowed Dems to "rig" it.
No pivot. Election fraud by Democrats occurred in both elections. The 2020 election faulted because of it.
Anything that would help him maintain the illusion he hadn't lost.
Trump didn't lose.
It's maddening that people buy this act.
Not an act.
Are Americans this naive...this irrational?
No paradox.
It has shaken my faith in this country, a great deal.
You hate America. What do you care?
It's very hard to comprehend.
Because you support the coup. You WANT The Oligarchy.
Biden never said anything about the cocaine...
That's the point.
I know his "white house" did,
They didn't...other than they had no idea how it got there WTF??????!?
but you cant see that Trump promotes lies by screaming them himself from a microphone.
Inversion fallacy.
Additionally he insults the intelligence of his supporters by telling very clear lies that would help him personally, then he changes the lie, exposing his supporters for their hypocrisy.
Inversion fallacy.
Once Trump has his supporters exposed for their incredible ignorance, they feel compelled to keep up the facade or admit humiliation.
Inversion fallacy.

Projecting YOUR problems onto others does not work.