Herman Cain: Communities should be able to ban mosques

So because you "don't know anyone who considers McVeigh a martyr" they don't exist? They do. They share your feelings about the Weavers as well.

I never said they didn't exist. Timothy McVeigh was a murderer. Whether he thought he was avenging other murders does not change that.

Vicki and Sammy Weaver were not criminals. Yet they were murdered by federal agents. And how were the people responsible for those murders punished?
I never said they didn't exist. Timothy McVeigh was a murderer. Whether he thought he was avenging other murders does not change that. Vicki and Sammy Weaver were not criminals. Yet they were murdered by federal agents. And how were the people responsible for those murders punished?

I don't know. Do you?
I don't know. Do you?

I know that the sniper who shot Vicki Weaver was indicted on manslaughter charges in 1997 (5 years after the events) but the case was moved to federal courts and his case was dismissed on the grounds of soveriegn immunity. Also, the case was filed just before the statute of limitations was about to run out.

In addition to serving no time in jail, he continued to be an FBI agent until at least 1999.
I know that the sniper who shot Vicki Weaver was indicted on manslaughter charges in 1997 (5 years after the events) but the case was moved to federal courts and his case was dismissed on the grounds of soveriegn immunity. Also, the case was filed just before the statute of limitations was about to run out. In addition to serving no time in jail, he continued to be an FBI agent until at least 1999.

OK. How does this relate to the topic?
You asked if I knew, and I answered and elaborated.

So you did. I must've confused you with the guy who posted this:

Suspicion of child abuse and pedophilia are serious, there is no doubt of that. And law enforcement sure taught Koresh his lesson, didn't they? As for the militia, the massacre at Ruby Ridge was a blatant abuse of power by the federal gov't. Is insurrection such a horrible crime that citizens can be shot on sight by FBI snipers for merely being suspected of it?

So you did. I must've confused you with the guy who posted this:

In post #205, Poet mentioned Timothy McVeigh and David Koresh. I entered into that portion of the discussion. You have been involved in the rest of the discussion.

Exactly what has confused you? The connection to the topic?
In post #205, Poet mentioned Timothy McVeigh and David Koresh. I entered into that portion of the discussion. You have been involved in the rest of the discussion.

Exactly what has confused you? The connection to the topic?

What confused me was your apparent pretense at caring about the dead. I now see I was mistaken.
What confused me was your apparent pretense at caring about the dead. I now see I was mistaken.

Oh? And what, pray tell, makes you think I do not care about the dead? (btw, isn't this even farther off the topic?)
Oh? And what, pray tell, makes you think I do not care about the dead? (btw, isn't this even farther off the topic?)

Are claiming that you do care about the dead?

Seems that you posted this:

Lets really get this going and talk about the motivations for the OK City bombings. Immediately following 9/11/01, there were so many people talking about what we had done to deserve the attack. And was the extreme action against David Koresh warranted? What the killing at Ruby Ridge something that needed to happen?

Are claiming that you do care about the dead?

Seems that you posted this:

Yes, I do care about the dead, and those who lost loved ones. Please point out what, in my statement, leads you to believe that I don't?
Yes, I do care about the dead, and those who lost loved ones. Please point out what, in my statement, leads you to believe that I don't?

Why, now that you mention it, I do see the heartfelt concern you've evinced for those killed by Islamophobics. It's just implied, not overt. How could I have been so blind?

Has the Pope been alerted? I'm sure you would qualify for canonization, or something.
Why, now that you mention it, I do see the heartfelt concern you've evinced for those killed by Islamophobics. It's just implied, not overt. How could I have been so blind?

Has the Pope been alerted? I'm sure you would qualify for canonization, or something.

Ahh, sarcasm to avoid answering the question. Nice.

BTW, they can't canonize me. There is already a St. Christopher.
Was he a member of a racist organization? Seriously. I have no idea. It doesn't seem like much of a stretch. However, his eyes appear brown in the picture.

I haven't seen anything that says they connected him with one. At least not yet.
Ahh, sarcasm to avoid answering the question. Nice. BTW, they can't canonize me. There is already a St. Christopher.

So point out your expression of outrage for the slaughter in Norway....we can always name you Saint Alabam.

Anders Breivik, the man who was arrested after Friday's massacre in Norway and now has 92 human lives on his conscience, is a member of the Swedish Nazi web forum Nordisk (Nordic). Some members of that forum regularly call for political terrorism and bomb attacks on government buildings. The Swedish EXPO organization, which follows neo-Nazi activities, reported on Breivik's connections today.

According to EXPO, Breivik joined the Nordisk forum - which has more than 22 000 members, most of them from Scandanavia - in 2009 and was very active and radical there. Participants in the forum discuss everything from White Power music to the strategy for getting rid of democracy.

Nordisk was founded in 2007 and rapidly became a favorite forum for Swedish neo-Nazis. Highly positioned members of the Swedish Democratic Party, a nationalistic party holding 20 seats in the Swedish Parliament, are registered in the forum, as are members of the neo-Nazi movement (including, apparently, deranged psychopaths).

Members of the Nordisk forum are connected by their hatred for immigrants and a multicultural Europe and discuss, for example, the Turner Diaries, which is a "practical terrorist manual". The American Federal Bureau of Investigation has labeled this book "the terrorist Bible". It served as a direct inspiration for the terrorist attack in Oklahoma in 1995, when 168 people perished.

Some members of the Nordisk forum openly call for violence. In March 2010, for example, according to the EXPO organization, and anonymous user wrote the following on the forum: "Cars parked by a large building carrying fertilizer and gasoline can make a nice explosion. The skyscrapers will come down like the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. We are not talking about killing people. We hope the buildings will be empty, but if they aren't, that will be unfortunate ... I don't understand why people are not aware that we must wage war. Leading politicians in the government, who live at a remove from the threat that immigrants pose, have decided they can come here to live with us in our society. They are misusing what our ancestors built here. In my opinion, nothing you could do to those creatures would be immoral."

Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang reports that Breivik has posted at least 75 Islamophobic and racist commentaries on Facebook. In commentaries posted in 2009-2010 responding to articles by others on the web page www.document.no, which identifies itself as critical of Islam, Breivik criticized European politicians for their efforts to accept the cultures of various ethnic groups.

"When will multiculturalism stop being an ideology designed to disintegrate European culture, identity, nation states and traditions?" Breivik wrote in an entry posted on 2 February 2010. In another commentary dated 16 February of this year, he states: "According to two studies, 13 % of young British Muslims between the ages of 15 - 25 support the ideology of Al Qaida."

Breivik also wrote that he is an adherent of the "Viennese school of thought", which oppises multiculturalism and the spread of Islam. He has also written that he admires Geert Wilders, the anti-Islamic, populist Dutch politician. On Saturday, Wilders issued the following statement with regard to Breivik's crime: "I despise everything he stands for and everything he has done."

Nina Hjerpset-Ostlie, a journalist who contributes to www.document.no, told Reuters that she met Breivik at the end of 2009. She said he struck her as passionate about developing the website as a way to defend against what he perceived as a rising trend of multiculturalism. "The only thing we noticed about him was that he was an ordinary-looking man with some very ambitious, unrealistic ideas for promoting our website," she said, adding that Breivik was active on the site at the end of 2009, but lost interest during 2010.

Breivik was a member of the populist "Progress Party" (Fremmskrittspartiet) from 1999 - 2004 and a member of the party's youth organization during those same years. He managed local branches of the youth organization from 2002 - 2004.

I haven't seen anything that says they connected him with one. At least not yet.

I'd almost wish they had, at least then I could understand why it makes no sense... To me, this seems so much like Columbine. I never was able to wrap my mind around it and it makes it more difficult. At least with a group like that I could say, "Oh, no wonder I can't understand this person..." if it turns out a random attack with no purpose... ugh. It's difficult to explain.
So point out your expression of outrage for the slaughter in Norway....we can always name you Saint Alabam.

Oh, I see. All emotions must be expressed on this board or they do not exist? Thats nice to know.

Look the discussion was about terrorism. David koresh and Timothy McVeigh were mentioned, and I added to that discussion.

Has there been a thread about being outraged about the deaths? I saw the one you posted where you used the deaths in Norway to ridicule the Tea Party. Is that your expression of outrage or grief?