Herman Cain: Lover of Jim Crow, Apologist for White Racism

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Tell me, if you don't agree with it why do you pretend the racial content of the article you posted doesn't exist? It is very telling how you ignore actual links and explanations to continue on with this at the same time you desperately try to back away from the opinion in the original article.

Tell me again how you don't believe what you've tried to defend throughout the thread. That's working! I think finding and posting more racially based articles describing how black men should act only in the way the author wants them to will help you build your credibility here.

Now, it's "racial content"...?

Backpedal much?
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;810832 said:
Now, it's "racial content"...?

Backpedal much?

Wow, this dude is a peach. Crawfishing away from his original premise, trying to pretend he hasn't worked desperately to defend it throughout the thread (using the rather childish "I'll pretend you didn't say that." method of defense) he now comes in and attempts this.

Again I'll tell you that I think it's working well, I think you should try to defend foolish attacks based on race every day, it will lend you huge credibility.

If you don't support the article why are you trying to defend it? This is the question that you have been asked. Can you answer it?
Wow, this dude is a peach. Crawfishing away from his original premise, trying to pretend he hasn't worked desperately to defend it throughout the thread (using the rather childish "I'll pretend you didn't say that." method of defense) he now comes in and attempts this.Again I'll tell you that I think it's working well, I think you should try to defend foolish attacks based on race every day, it will lend you huge credibility. If you don't support the article why are you trying to defend it? This is the question that you have been asked. Can you answer it?

Your back must hurt from carrying all those assumptions around.

I posted an excerpt of an interesting topical article, which you apparently think means that I am a racist who hates Black Republicans .

Whose claims are these?

I'm liking this Herman Cain more now that the Democrats are attacking him based on race right from the start. If the best they can get on the guy is he's a black man who doesn't dwell on race, then he's golden.

You claim there have been "racist attacks" on Cain "right from the start" from "Democrats".

I asked for an example.

Not only did you fail to link a single example when asked, you then said this:

I don't have to link to your article, it's in the OP. But if you can't find the article you posted, here it is:

http://open.salon.com/blog/chauncey_devega/2011/03/21/herman_cain_lover_of_jim_crow_apologist_for_white_racism I personally think you should really go with the, "All Black Men must act like Democrats want!" plan. It will really help you out.

And you still haven't shown a single "racist attack" from the article.

Repeating an unsupported claim doesn't constitute proof, does it?

You cannot link to a single example of my "defending" it.

I asked you for proof of your claims about, which you cannot, or will not give.

If you think I care about establishing "credibility" with a person who makes these kind of erroneous and dishonest conclusions, you're mistaken. Again.
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;810840 said:
Your back must hurt from carrying all those assumptions around.

They are questions, deliberately unanswered. I didn't carry anything I simply lay it down on the floor and you trip over it.

I posted an excerpt of an interesting topical article, which you apparently think means that I am a racist who hates Black Republicans .

Whose claims are these?

No, I simply pointed out what the article said and promoted your use of it to build upon your awesome credibility and a hope (and wish) that the Democratic party would take up the cry. That you applied it to yourself and tried to defend the article was your bag of nuts, not mine.

You claim there have been "racist attacks" on Cain "right from the start" from "Democrats".
Yup, first article written by a Dem posted on the site is an attack based on race and a description of how they believe all black men should act.

I asked for an example.

You provided the example.

Not only did you fail to link a single example when asked, you then said this:

And you still haven't shown a single "racist attack" from the article.

Repeating an unsupported claim doesn't constitute proof, does it?
Had it been unsupported you may have a point, however it was directly described how the article used his skin color to judge him wanting based on how he did not act as the author believes all black men should act.

You cannot link to a single example of my "defending" it.

Again, linking back to a thread where you are defending it is preposterous. I've quoted it, here in this very post lies one version of your defense where you pretend that the article doesn't say what it does. Being deliberately obtuse and acting incapable of understanding is most definitely a form of defense.

I asked you for proof of your claims about, which you cannot, or will not give.

No, you simply use the "I'll close my eyes and talk real loud so I can't hear" defense in this thread. I've given it repeatedly, you are just being deliberately obtuse and pretending you can't read.

If you think I care about establishing "credibility" with a person who makes these kind of erroneous and dishonest conclusions, you're mistaken. Again.

Oh, I don't think you care about it, but I sure am hoping you take my advice. It would be a real win for you, you'd be winning like Charlie.
They are questions, deliberately unanswered. I didn't carry anything I simply lay it down on the floor and you trip over it..

Is that an attempt at humor?

No, I simply pointed out what the article said and promoted your use of it to build upon your awesome credibility and a hope (and wish) that the Democratic party would take up the cry. That you applied it to yourself and tried to defend the article was your bag of nuts, not mine...

Really? Yet you cannot link to a single post containing a "defense" of the article, can you?

Yup, first article written by a Dem posted on the site is an attack based on race and a description of how they believe all black men should act.

You said it was racist. What excerpts are racist, exactly? Post them.

You provided the example.

I posted two excerpts and links to the article. You posted accusations, assumptions, and unsupported conclusions.

Had it been unsupported you may have a point, however it was directly described how the article used his skin color to judge him wanting based on how he did not act as the author believes all black men should act...

How's that? Again, your opinion. I posted the article without comment, you attacked it as racist, and you still haven't shown how it is. Can you, or not?

Again, linking back to a thread where you are defending it is preposterous. I've quoted it, here in this very post lies one version of your defense where you pretend that the article doesn't say what it does. Being deliberately obtuse and acting incapable of understanding is most definitely a form of defense...


I think the word you're looking for is "impossible", because it doesn't exist.

What did you quote in "this very post" that could be construed as a "defense"?

No, you simply use the "I'll close my eyes and talk real loud so I can't hear" defense in this thread. I've given it repeatedly, you are just being deliberately obtuse and pretending you can't read. Oh, I don't think you care about it, but I sure am hoping you take my advice. It would be a real win for you, you'd be winning like Charlie.

You haven't given a single example of defense. You continue to repeat assertions without backing them up. And you continue to see this discussion as a contest, which you seem to feel I need to "win".
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;810675 said:
"...popular black conservatives perform their designated roles as mascots and apologists for white racism. They are "the good ones": black folks who do not complain or protest, who trust in white benevolence, and never rock the boat. Thus black conservatives fulfill a fantasy role for white conservatives who seek to minimize the role that centuries of discrimination, violent oppression and racism continue to play in contemporary American life..."


in other words, he isn't the articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy you were looking for in your storybook?......
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;810852 said:
Is that an attempt at humor?

Really? Yet you cannot link to a single post containing a "defense" of the article, can you?

You said it was racist. What excerpts are racist, exactly? Post them.

I posted two excerpts and links to the article. You posted accusations, assumptions, and unsupported conclusions.

How's that? Again, your opinion. I posted the article without comment, you attacked it as racist, and you still haven't shown how it is. Can you, or not?


I think the word you're looking for is "impossible", because it doesn't exist.

What did you quote in "this very post" that could be construed as a "defense"?

You haven't given a single example of defense. You continue to repeat assertions without backing them up. And you continue to see this discussion as a contest, which you seem to feel I need to "win".

It's been explained, that you deliberately "misunderstand" is just more entertainment.

I'll let you hang yourself, you're doing a good job of it without my help, I offered the rope to get you out of the hole but you choose to hang yourself with it.

It is my sincere wish that you consistently find stories that talk about how black men should act and then label them negatively if they don't behave as they are "supposed" to and tow the line for the Democrats. I think you'll be a real winner especially if you pretend that you can't understand how it could possibly be considered an attack on them based on race.

Purposeful ignorance is a real good stance and the best possible defense, it will serve you well. As it stands, he appears to be my kind of republican, one that is conservative fiscally but doesn't dwell heavily on the social issues. I like him and hope he does well in the primaries.
It's been explained, that you deliberately "misunderstand" is just more entertainment.

I'll let you hang yourself, you're doing a good job of it without my help, I offered the rope to get you out of the hole but you choose to hang yourself with it.

It is my sincere wish that you consistently find stories that talk about how black men should act and then label them negatively if they don't behave as they are "supposed" to and tow the line for the Democrats. I think you'll be a real winner especially if you pretend that you can't understand how it could possibly be considered an attack on them based on race.

Purposeful ignorance is a real good stance and the best possible defense, it will serve you well. As it stands, he appears to be my kind of republican, one that is conservative fiscally but doesn't dwell heavily on the social issues. I like him and hope he does well in the primaries.

In the absence of any evidence to confirm your assumptions, what else can you do?

In the meantime, dwell heavily on this quote: "“It’s not Planned Parenthood. No, it’s planned genocide. You can quote me on that.”

¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;810722 said:
Link to a racist attack on Cain.

your OP....why do you hate black people? why are you afraid of a black candidate for president?

this thread is pure lies....
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;811040 said:
Another lame Yurtard fail.

What an obsessive freak.

and once again all legion does is copy others and give bogus responses. i would debate the topic with you further, but damo completely skewered you.
and once again all legion does is copy others and give bogus responses. i would debate the topic with you further, but damo completely skewered you.

Translation: Too little, too late Trolltard Yurt has no skills, so he claims victory vicariously through the Damocrat, whose ass must be chapped from all the Yurt-kissing.
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;811078 said:
Translation: Too little, too late Trolltard Yurt has no skills, so he claims victory vicariously through the Damocrat, whose ass must be chapped from all the Yurt-kissing.

what? i never claimed victory. just because i won't repeat damo's points that showed you have no clue what you're talking, doesn't mean that "i" declared victory. it only means that i will not repeat the same arguments ad nauseum. but you of course, are so embarrassed by your thread, that you have to spout lies and wild farts. is your mom yelling down from upstairs telling you to stop banging on your keyboard? if not....tell her she should.

what? i never claimed victory. just because i won't repeat damo's points that showed you have no clue what you're talking, doesn't mean that "i" declared victory. it only means that i will not repeat the same arguments ad nauseum. but you of course, are so embarrassed by your thread, that you have to spout lies and wild farts. is your mom yelling down from upstairs telling you to stop banging on your keyboard? if not....tell her she should.


Enjoy this video, Trolltard:

¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;811127 said:
Enjoy this video, Trolltard:

what a great response.....way to hit the debate points and focus on the topic.

why do you hate black people who run for president? do you still think blacks are slaves?
Can't handle watching Cain playing the race card?

I'm not surprised.