"He's Dumb As Hell"


And with that, Thompson becomes a shoe-in for the R nomination.

Finally, the right dummy has come along.

Nixon on Fred Thompson: “He’s Dumb as Hell”
Posted by Trish * Jul. 8, 2007, 1:13 pm
Pres. Nixon didn’t want Fred Thompson as minority counsel during the Watergate hearings because he doubted the mental capacity of the future actor and lobbyist.

Thompson, then 30, was appointed counsel by his political mentor, Tennessee Sen. Howard Baker, the top Republican on the Senate committee. Thompson had been an assistant U.S. attorney in Nashville and had managed Baker’s re-election campaign…

Nixon was disappointed with the selection of Thompson, whom he called “dumb as hell.” Nixon did not think Thompson was skilled enough to interrogate unfriendly witnesses and would be outsmarted by the committee’s Democratic counsel.

This assessment comes from audiotapes of White House conversations recently reviewed by the Associated Press at the National Archives in College Park, Md., and transcripts of those discussions published in Abuse of Power: The New Watergate Tapes, by Stanley Kutler.

“Oh, s—, that kid,” Nixon said when told by his chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman, of Thompson’s appointment on Feb. 22, 1973.

“Well, we’re stuck with him,” Haldeman said.

The two were concerned that Thompson would be outgunned by much brighter lawyer John Dean, who was ready to desert their sinking ship. Appealing to Thompson’s strong partisan side helped him focus and prepare for the questioning.

Dean, the panel’s star witness, had agreed to tell what he knew if he was granted immunity.

Nixon expressed concern that Thompson was not “very smart.”

“Not extremely so,” [Nixon lawyer J. Fred] Buzhardt agreed.

“But he’s friendly,” Nixon said.

“But he’s friendly,” Buzhardt agreed. “We are hoping, though, to work with Thompson and prepare him, if Dean does appear next week, to do a very thorough cross-examination.”

Sounds perfect. Republican voters don't like to feel intimidated by anyone's intelligence; Karen Hughes was famously suspicious of anyone who read books in the White House.

As long as he seems like a good guy to have a beer with, he fits the bill nicely...
Sounds perfect. Republican voters don't like to feel intimidated by anyone's intelligence; Karen Hughes was famously suspicious of anyone who read books in the White House.

As long as he seems like a good guy to have a beer with, he fits the bill nicely...

I actually did not know that about Hughes, though I'm not surprised.

Yep, I think this is it; the real deal.
Who is Karen Hughes?

You know who she is. She was Bush's right hand woman before she left to spend more time with her family, and then got tired of spending time with her family and came back to DC for the 04 election, where she was most famous for dressing up as a duck hunter with Karl Rove to mock John Kerry.

She has size 13 feet, looks like a man, and Bush made her a roving PR rep for the middle east?
You know who she is. She was Bush's right hand woman before she left to spend more time with her family, and then got tired of spending time with her family and came back to DC for the 04 election, where she was most famous for dressing up as a duck hunter with Karl Rove to mock John Kerry.

She has size 13 feet, looks like a man, and Bush made her a roving PR rep for the middle east?

Horse-toothed advisor to Bush who pops up only at election time. Main campaign tactic is trying to portray opponents as mentally deranged, with a weird way of saying "very troubling" in a repetitive fashion, first about Gore's "exaggerations," and then about Kerry's foggy memory re: Vietnam history.

In short, a really terrible person, who helped elect someone who quite possibly IS deranged, judging from his single-minded obsession with Iraq & his legacy...
Horse-toothed advisor to Bush who pops up only at election time. Main campaign tactic is trying to portray opponents as mentally deranged, with a weird way of saying "very troubling" in a repetitive fashion, first about Gore's "exaggerations," and then about Kerry's foggy memory re: Vietnam history.

In short, a really terrible person, who helped elect someone who quite possibly IS deranged, judging from his single-minded obsession with Iraq & his legacy...
Hmmm... Very troubling...

This story just kills me ,Fred is a neocon scumbag actor.

A Nixon butt buddy who Nixon thought was as dumb as a stump.
Nixon on Fred Thompson: “He’s Dumb as Hell”


Dan Quayle
Denny Hastert
Dick Armey
Bob Dole
Trent Lott
Tom Delay

There does appear to be a pattern of republicans voting for men with primate-like intelligence, and men who evidently lack opposable thumbs.
In short, a really terrible person, who helped elect someone who quite possibly IS deranged, judging from his single-minded obsession with Iraq & his legacy...

That's not narrowing the field. That's pretty much every republican.
And with that, Thompson becomes a shoe-in for the R nomination.

Finally, the right dummy has come along.

Nixon on Fred Thompson: “He’s Dumb as Hell”
Posted by Trish * Jul. 8, 2007, 1:13 pm
Pres. Nixon didn’t want Fred Thompson as minority counsel during the Watergate hearings because he doubted the mental capacity of the future actor and lobbyist.

Thompson, then 30, was appointed counsel by his political mentor, Tennessee Sen. Howard Baker, the top Republican on the Senate committee. Thompson had been an assistant U.S. attorney in Nashville and had managed Baker’s re-election campaign…

Nixon was disappointed with the selection of Thompson, whom he called “dumb as hell.” Nixon did not think Thompson was skilled enough to interrogate unfriendly witnesses and would be outsmarted by the committee’s Democratic counsel.

This assessment comes from audiotapes of White House conversations recently reviewed by the Associated Press at the National Archives in College Park, Md., and transcripts of those discussions published in Abuse of Power: The New Watergate Tapes, by Stanley Kutler.

“Oh, s—, that kid,” Nixon said when told by his chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman, of Thompson’s appointment on Feb. 22, 1973.

“Well, we’re stuck with him,” Haldeman said.

The two were concerned that Thompson would be outgunned by much brighter lawyer John Dean, who was ready to desert their sinking ship. Appealing to Thompson’s strong partisan side helped him focus and prepare for the questioning.

Dean, the panel’s star witness, had agreed to tell what he knew if he was granted immunity.

Nixon expressed concern that Thompson was not “very smart.”

“Not extremely so,” [Nixon lawyer J. Fred] Buzhardt agreed.

“But he’s friendly,” Nixon said.

“But he’s friendly,” Buzhardt agreed. “We are hoping, though, to work with Thompson and prepare him, if Dean does appear next week, to do a very thorough cross-examination.”


Could it be that Nixon just thought the man was to honest for his tastes?????
wow... comments made by NIXON about Thompson over 30 years ago. Wow, that is really relevant. Thanks for that informative update.
wow... comments made by NIXON about Thompson over 30 years ago. Wow, that is really relevant. Thanks for that informative update.

You're welcome. I try to make sure that you guys have all of the facts available for the primary. I know it's a tough choice for you guys. Ten balding white men, all of whom would not prosecute Jack Bauer.

It gets confusing.
Right now, not a fan of any of them... especially Thompson. But that doesn't change the fact that this article isn't relevant. :)
Right now, not a fan of any of them... especially Thompson. But that doesn't change the fact that this article isn't relevant. :)

Really? So if, at around the same time that the photo of Bill Clinton shaking JFK's hand was widely published, it also became known that JFK had called Clinton a "dumb shit" , you wouldn't have found that interesting?
Really? So if, at around the same time that the photo of Bill Clinton shaking JFK's hand was widely published, it also became known that JFK had called Clinton a "dumb shit" , you wouldn't have found that interesting?


Oh God, we never would have heard the end of that on wingnut talk radio!
Long ago I heard about a candidate for a different party whose actions 30 years ago weren't supposed to matter....

Hmmm... What was it again... Oh, yes! "Very troubling".