Hey, all...

...haven't been around for a few days and probably will not be around for lots more.

I just do not want to think that the discourse in America has gotten as shitty as it has...and posting here is pretty much proof-positive that it has.


I'll miss you, Frank.
...haven't been around for a few days and probably will not be around for lots more.

I just do not want to think that the discourse in America has gotten as shitty as it has...and posting here is pretty much proof-positive that it has.


I never took you to be a quitter. You are one of the few lefties I enjoy debating.
Hello Frank,

...haven't been around for a few days and probably will not be around for lots more.

I just do not want to think that the discourse in America has gotten as shitty as it has...and posting here is pretty much proof-positive that it has.


Sorry to hear that, Frank, but I fully understand.

I thought you truly enjoyed the mudfights.

Perhaps, after some reflection, you might want to give my style another look see.

I have created a sustainable method of posting. We've discussed it at length, so I don't have to bore you with the details.

Simply put, active filters are your friend here. Otherwise it just gets too depressing!

That method totally works. It is possible to come in here and talk about the best way to improve the USA without taking on somebody else's grief. You know, people have a lot of issues. You don't have to help them work through those. Sometimes I almost feel like I am being selfish to have such a big Ignore List. I am not. I am simply taking care of myself the best way I have found.

And there is no shame. The only people who think there is some kind of shame associated with using the Ignore Feature are usually the same ones you don't want to talk to anyway. You just have to get past caring what they say. You have to resist the curiosity to even peek. If you peek, you'll want to reply in kind and then you're right back to the gutter and the despair.

If you can get over caring what they say and the curiosity to even look at it, then you can transcend above it. That is when a beautiful inner peace emanates from deep within. And it's so beautiful that you will never want to go back. Anyway, that's how it was for me. I just tried it out of curiosity and never went back.

The discourse in America has gotten snitty. But it doesn't have to be. I show that every time I post. And I am not alone. Keep hope alive, one respectful post at a time.

I had to laugh. Yesterday, the site was down all day. I was the first to post after it came back up. Domer said it messed him up because he hadn't insulted anybody all day. I had no problem adding that I had not either. But I had to laugh because I can always say that, any day, whether I post or not. In JPP or out. It's the way I live. And I like it. Sure there are A-holes all around. It's up to us whether we encourage them or just keep them at bay.
Well, for me it is a useful experience to see the utter mental vacuity that lies behind the presidency of Trump and occasionally hit back, but I can see that for one of the many decent Americans, especially one like Frank with long experience, it must be as disheartening as hearing about the grotesque doings of the Brexiteer Parliament as they wage war on any future for the UK. I hope he comes back though: I enjoy his wise contributions.
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Hello iolo,

Well, for me it is a useful experience to see the utter mental vacuity that lies behind the presidency of Trump and occasionally hit back, but I can see that for one of the many decent Americans, especially one like Frank with long experience, it must be a disheartening as hearing about the grotesque doings of the Brexiteer Parliament as they wage war on any future for the UK. I hope he comes back though: I enjoy his wise contributions.

I think it is becoming clear that Putin is behind much of the unraveling of order in the world.

Looks to me like he gave us Brexit, Trump, Assad, and now he's working on sustaining Maduro. Gotta wonder if he had a hand in Duterte. Should we ask if he had a hand in the latest rout between India and Pakistan?

Pure evil.

Let the good people of the world rise and put Putin and his ilk in the proper place!