Hey, conspiracy theorists...

The only rights as an individual I have, I have because the federal government doesn't let the state or local government trample over them. I have no respect for my big-government loving racist "brothers" in the south.

Shut up! I am tired hearing your bitch ass whine about how horrible the south is.

A big part of the problem in Iraq is that we don't know and respect their culture. Their culture might be wrong but it is theirs and it is no wonder they will bristle when some distant and foreign power demands that they change at the point of a gun.

The feds are running the war on drugs. The feds are running the war in Iraq and threaten to drag us into more wars which might lead to a draft. The feds are the ones spying on Americans. The feds are the ones torturing people. And once you get your ass into the real world the feds will be the ones stealing the most from your paycheck and diminisihing every raise for which you have worked hard.

How does Mississippi limit your rights? I am not arguing against the 14th here.

I have lived here 34 years. My family has been here at least 5 generations. And you, you have 0 years off your momma's tit.
Shut up! I am tired hearing your bitch ass whine about how horrible the south is.

A big part of the problem in Iraq is that we don't know and respect their culture. Their culture might be wrong but it is theirs and it is no wonder they will bristle when some distant and foreign power demands that they change at the point of a gun.

The feds are running the war on drugs. The feds are running the war in Iraq and threaten to drag us into more wars which might lead to a draft. The feds are the ones spying on Americans. The feds are the ones torturing people. And once you get your ass into the real world the feds will be the ones stealing the most from your paycheck and diminisihing every raise for which you have worked hard.

How does Mississippi limit your rights? I am not arguing against the 14th here.

I have lived here 34 years. My family has been here at least 5 generations. And you, you have 0 years off your momma's tit.

My family has been in the south since before the United States existed. Ancestors of mine owned slaves. There aren't families that get more southern than mine. And the south, with it's hive-mind collecvist religious holier than though attitude, is a piss-poor region.

It's not even worth this painting:

Maybe someday you will grow the fuck up. I can assure you that the problems you encounter in the South are all over the country; the only thing different is the presence of the "Southernness".
Maybe someday you'll stop being an ignorant fool. Unlikely, to say the least, but it is to be hoped for.

The fact that you blame one region in this country as if you picked a horrible lottery shows that you nothing about America and nothing about history. The South is not any different from the rest of the country in the scope of its problems, and it is laughable that you would call me ignorant.
The fact that you blame one region in this country as if you picked a horrible lottery shows that you nothing about America and nothing about history. The South is not any different from the rest of the country in the scope of its problems, and it is laughable that you would call me ignorant.

Roughly 2% of the southern population is open-minded and individualist, and that is a generous estimation.
Roughly 2% of the southern population is open-minded and individualist, and that is a generous estimation.

By what standards? What evidence? Just because you didn't get enough hugs from mommy or too many hugs from daddy doesn't mean that all of your hang-ups translate to the rest of the country.
So, no specifics on what it is that Mississippi is doing to oppress you? Meanwhile the feds reinstitute slavery every couple of generations.

My family has been in the south since before the United States existed.

More than likely mine have too.

Ancestors of mine owned slaves.

No, on that one.

There aren't families that get more southern than mine. And the south, with it's hive-mind collecvist religious holier than though attitude, is a piss-poor region.

Uhhh, no, your family is not the typical southern family. Most did not have any slaves. Yours must be one of the rich land owning families.

The south is poorer because of slavery, mostly. So, the shitheads from your family.

I don't see how it is more collectivist than other regions.

It's not even worth this painting:

The south is what it is. As I have stated before, most of the music, most of the art, most of the culture of value that this nation has to offer originates in the south. Mississippi itself gave us the delta blues of Robert Johnson and others.

Why don't you quit pissing and moaning and look for some good.
Roughly 2% of the southern population is open-minded and individualist, and that is a generous estimation.

BS! And yeah, how many years have you lived outside of the south? 0. You think the other regions are more open minded, but you don't know what you are talking about.
So, no specifics on what it is that Mississippi is doing to oppress you? Meanwhile the feds reinstitute slavery every couple of generations.

More than likely mine have too.

No, on that one.

Uhhh, no, your family is not the typical southern family. Most did not have any slaves. Yours must be one of the rich land owning families.

The south is poorer because of slavery, mostly. So, the shitheads from your family.

I don't see how it is more collectivist than other regions.

The south is what it is. As I have stated before, most of the music, most of the art, most of the culture of value that this nation has to offer originates in the south. Mississippi itself gave us the delta blues of Robert Johnson and others.

Why don't you quit pissing and moaning and look for some good.

YOu're right.