Hey Dano, The Woman Admits Making up the Robbery Attack Story!!!!!

They referred to "this" crime. Where "this" crime meant the girl being attacked and robbed.
Dano, they simply made a quick official reply that really holds no more merit other than to show they cared and didn't support anybody who would do that to another.

McCain's camp made notes that they spoke to the woman but didn't make any huge deal about any crime at all, does that mean that they didn't believe that there was a crime?
They weren't sure what happened Dano. They stated that they hope that the justice system would prevail in this crime. You can sit here an pretend that they were just as wrong as you were, but they weren't. And it appears even the McCain camp knew not to say anything on the matter as well.

you are really stretching.
Dano when are you going to explain to us what it is about McCain supporters that make them commit this kind of crime. What is it about McCain supporters that make them make up stories about black men attacking white women and then carving B's on their face.
Dano when are you going to explain to us what it is about McCain supporters that make them commit this kind of crime. What is it about McCain supporters that make them make up stories about black men attacking white women and then carving B's on their face.

Supporters? As far as we know this was ONE crazy bitch. What the fuck you want from me? Obama and McCain campaigns both bought the story too and made statements that they wanted to see the crime get punished. A lot of people fell for it and hell why wouldn't they? Who the hell beats the shit out of themselves and cuts themselves? It's pretty hard to believe that kind of desperation.

As I've said before you are a good reasonable guy on just about every issue except when something COULD harm your precious Obama, you turn into a regular ol pitbull for the left. Just don't come crying to the board when Obama takes away your assault weapons, invades nuclear Pakistan and spends more as I said he would and jacks up your taxes. Because there WILL be a very HUGE Dem majority in the house and possibly a filibuster proof majority in the senate. McCain is your last electoral hope for any kind of moderation. That's what you need to consider this election. Hopefully you will.

Really, if the Obama campaign had come out and said she was faking it they'd be toasted by everyone and their grandmother. He said the right thing politically. My guess is they didn't buy it. You'd have to be a real schmuck to believe such a bad hoax.
Yep Obama got owned too, he bought the story as did many.

well i bought it too, but the difference is that you would think an isolated incident is worthy of a reason not to support obama. you tried to make a link that barack supporters are nuts...

now i ask you are you going to vote for mccain b/c he has supporters who self mutiliiate their bodies?
I should have said "pig". I even chose the wrong word. Dangit. Darla didn't say all men are predators, an article somebody posted did, so even the reason I was using it was a muckup...

One of those halfzheimer's moments...

you were drunk just admit it. i thought you were repeating something dano or dixie had said about me.

you know, i live with a man. i love a man.

it never ceases to amaze me that any woman who finds sexism to be piggish and gross, is assumed to hate men.
wouldnt that be nice.

I may just take down my Obama signs right after the election.

I have not put one on my car for just this reason.

I have noticed very few car stickers this whole season.

i have a obama/biden sticker desh. and a second one, my fav, which reads "pro-women, anti-palin"

i have had a couple of interesting incidents, but the worst thing so far was some guy who got so close to me on the LIE in order to catch my attention so he could point backwards and then give me the finger, that i thought he was going to hit me. the others were just stupid stuff.

nothing violent.

Really, if the Obama campaign had come out and said she was faking it they'd be toasted by everyone and their grandmother. He said the right thing politically. My guess is they didn't buy it. You'd have to be a real schmuck to believe such a bad hoax.

you mean like Damo, ib?
Supporters? As far as we know this was ONE crazy bitch. What the fuck you want from me? Obama and McCain campaigns both bought the story too and made statements that they wanted to see the crime get punished. A lot of people fell for it and hell why wouldn't they? Who the hell beats the shit out of themselves and cuts themselves? It's pretty hard to believe that kind of desperation.

As I've said before you are a good reasonable guy on just about every issue except when something COULD harm your precious Obama, you turn into a regular ol pitbull for the left. Just don't come crying to the board when Obama takes away your assault weapons, invades nuclear Pakistan and spends more as I said he would and jacks up your taxes. Because there WILL be a very HUGE Dem majority in the house and possibly a filibuster proof majority in the senate. McCain is your last electoral hope for any kind of moderation. That's what you need to consider this election. Hopefully you will.
Ok I give a fuck what the McCain or Obama campaign said or thought or bought. Here is what you said in the opening salvo of your post at [ame="http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=15269"]Robber Takes Womans Money, Then Mutilates Her for McCain Support - Just Plain Politics![/ame]
The lesson is don't support candidates that are tougher on crime, because the criminals don't like that.
"PITTSBURGH -- A 20-year-old woman who was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield was also maimed by her attacker, police said.

Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Diane Richard tells Channel 4 Action News that the victim was robbed at knifepoint on Wednesday night outside of a Citizens Bank near Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street just before 9 p.m.

Richard said the robber took $60 from the woman, then became angry when he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the victim's car. The attacker then punched and kicked the victim, before using the knife to scratch the letter "B" into her face, Richard said."
So here is your comment at the top which I increased in size. You said criminals, in this case, the man that attacked this woman, don't want you to support the guy that is tough on crime (McCain). Insinuating that this guy, the criminal, supported Obama because he is SOFT on crime. It isn't real difficult to deduce where you were going with this one. We later all of us find out that this woman works for the McCain campaign as a volunteer at a phone bank. She is a McCain supporter. What I was asking of you, is that since you were able to so reasonably deduce that this fictional criminal was an Obama supporter because criminals don't like candidates that are hard on criminals. So what I was asking was that you now use your amazing powers of deduction to explain to us WHY a person that supports McCain would do this and what it is about THIS type of criminal that makes them likely to support McCain. Now, that being said, I'll let you off the hook. The point I was trying to make was that you IMMEDIATELY jumped to make this an issue of Obama being the candidate of choice for violent criminals and that they support him because he will just let them run rampant, being soft on crime and all. I don't think there is anything about McCain that makes this particular criminal, the woman who carverd on her own face, more likely to support McCain. But you still don't seem to get the point I was getting at. You wish to remain purposely obtuse and claim that I was trying to "protect Obama" when the real truth is when you first posted this I was on her side to the extent that I didn't think she made it up, because like you I thought that was a lot of abuse to put yourself through just to try and harm the obama campaign. But I also dismissed YOUR blantant attempt at tarnishing Barack Obama by distant association, which you did by telling us all how this guy could not possibly support McCain because McCain is much harder on crime. Ergo he MUST support Obama. You made this ugly, but you did it subtley and didn't think any of us were swift enough to catch you at it.
My only sadness is that this story came and went before Dixie got a chance to jump in and tell us how this poor child was so abused by the left accusing her of lying and planning this. And you know he was going to. You really do know it.