i think they are just True Believers ( not really sharp enough to be paid operatives)

Believers of what? That Mitch McConnel is a piece of human fecal matter? C'mon explain how he is not. Let's go... lets have a redeeming quality of Moscow Mitch. No real America would have anything positive to say about this treacherous self-serving crook. Cough it up. Which policy has the turtle put forward that has benefitted average Americans?

Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao's empire of corruption

The sock-cucker and his bitch must have pockets in their coffins.
Believers of what? That Mitch McConnel is a piece of human fecal matter? C'mon explain how he is not. Let's go... lets have a redeeming quality of Moscow Mitch. No real America would have anything positive to say about this treacherous self-serving crook. Cough it up. Which policy has the turtle put forward that has benefitted average Americans?

Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao's empire of corruption

The sock-cucker and his bitch must have pockets in their coffins.

You're just a monotonous cunt who comes here every day to masturbate for all to see, you're a truly sad bastard.

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Believers of what? That Mitch McConnel is a piece of human fecal matter? C'mon explain how he is not. Let's go... lets have a redeeming quality of Moscow Mitch. No real America would have anything positive to say about this treacherous self-serving crook. Cough it up. Which policy has the turtle put forward that has benefitted average Americans?

Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao's empire of corruption

The sock-cucker and his bitch must have pockets in their coffins.
oh please.
what kind of sanctimony is this that you won't deign to negotiate in good faith w/Senate leader
to advance the nation's business?.....Why are you (Progs) so special otherwise?
oh please.
what kind of sanctimony is this that you won't deign to negotiate in good faith w/Senate leader
to advance the nation's business?.....Why are you (Progs) so special otherwise?

Whaat? Good faith like the SUPREME COURT JUSTICE THAT REPUBLICANS PICKED WITH OBAMA and then refused to vote on? That kind of negotiating? That kind of good faith?

Fucking idiot and flaming HYPOCRITE!
i think they are just True Believers ( not really sharp enough to be paid operatives)

We DON'T PAY, I've checked!! WHEN A PAID REP SCHILL GOT STIFFED, he went public (the boards) and told everyone how it work, how much he was paid and of course, in the end he was STIFFED! So I called the DNC and asked if I could be 'one'. They actually laughed. That was 2004. They wouldn't laugh now!

PS Do I think they are paying now? No. I think they are paying for FB time and every online 'site' that comes up for "Democrats" even if we are out clicking for tires, sneakers or what the hours are at COSTCO.
I didn't realize democrats are so desperate. Yikes!
Moscow Mitch has stopped the government from functioning. The house has passed hundreds of bills and Moscow refuses to put anything of the floor including very popular and non-partisan bills.. His wife is using her position to help him in the next election. She has a staff person whose function is to divert money and projects to Kentucky. Mitch is exactly the kind of person both parties should turn against. He is the poster boy for self-serving and corruption. Chao's family is into construction and TYrump put her in charge of Transportation dept. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/10/mcconnell-elaine-chao-1358068
The Trumperoos need to concentrate on how they're going to spin this event, which is not good for Trump or Moscow Mitch. And this is foretaste of things to come.
Whaat? Good faith like the SUPREME COURT JUSTICE THAT REPUBLICANS PICKED WITH OBAMA and then refused to vote on? That kind of negotiating? That kind of good faith?

Fucking idiot and flaming HYPOCRITE!
no you moron. not everything is the nuclear option.
Dems support NAFTA 2 for ex. but won't vote on it.. They are putting their political needs ahed of the country's interest