Have you seen his tax returns? Have you heard his lies? We know nothing about this guy, or his agenda. Do you know how many subpoena to testify he is directed his employees not to honor?

Can someone please explain the separation of powers to Jarod? Specifically on Executive privilege? He seems lost or ignorant again.
Have you seen his tax returns? Have you heard his lies? We know nothing about this guy, or his agenda. Do you know how many subpoena to testify he is directed his employees not to honor?

You can be damn sure the IRS has seen them, are you saying that they are incompetent?
Do you know how many subpoena to testify he is directed his employees not to honor?

all of the invalid ones that were sent out before Nancy called a vote to authorize the investigation.......she should send those out again now that the hearings will be held in public.......by the way, did you hear about the guy yesterday who testified that his knowledge of the phone call was based on reading a NYT article?.......that was so cool........its sort of like that time you had your client on the stand and he slipped up and testified he wasn't actually involved in a car accident that injured him.......
all of the invalid ones that were sent out before Nancy called a vote to authorize the investigation.......she should send those out again now that the hearings will be held in public.......by the way, did you hear about the guy yesterday who testified that his knowledge of the phone call was based on reading a NYT article?.......that was so cool........its sort of like that time you had your client on the stand and he slipped up and testified he wasn't actually involved in a car accident that injured him.......

Pitiful claim. They were all valid. Even if they were not valid the most transparent president would honor them anyway.
Pitiful claim. They were all valid. Even if they were not valid the most transparent president would honor them anyway.

everyone knows they weren't.....even Nancy.......that's why instead of going to court and trying to enforce them she surrendered and called the vote.....
Watergate and the coup are not related.

McConnell- How to stop impeachment in the Senate...