Hi -- New here.

StarGeezer, might as well stop posting to me; I am not going to take you off ignore. I detest racists. You are a racist.

My advice to you is if you want to be considered an adult and not a filthy-mouthed nasty little racist toddler, take your comments about Oneuli and her posts directly to Oneuli. Consider this post an example of how you address someone to their face.

Bye, bitch.
StarGeezer, might as well stop posting to me; I am not going to take you off ignore. I detest racists. You are a racist.

My advice to you is if you want to be considered an adult and not a filthy-mouthed nasty little racist toddler, take your comments about Oneuli and her posts directly to Oneuli. Consider this post an example of how you address someone to their face.

Bye, bitch.

The very same posters who continually go on about how much they DON"T care about what posters post...can't seem to stop responding to those posts.

I notice the chickenshit chicks like Stargeezer and Toxic TOP are afraid to say anything to Oneuli. If you think she's a sock, too wordy, too liberal, wrong, whatever -- then put on your Depends and address her directly. Far easier to snipe behind her back and mock her indirectly than to act like an actual adult and have a discussion to her face. Wimps.
I rarely click on introduction threads. I'm always skeptical of new accounts, as this place encourages socks. Most are better than I when it comes to sniffing (pun intended) out the socks.

I'll assume Oneuli is who she says she is until I notice something that doesn't jive with her claims in this thread.

Nevertheless, she's certainly articulate, with near perfect grammar/punctuation. trump Diva is in the same boat w/respect to grammar/punctuation, but she rarely posts anything worthy of my time.
More Russophobia. Trying to shame the Greens isn't going to help the Democrats win elections. I voted Green because most of the platform appealed to me and they are the only anti-war party.

Depending on what state you lived in, voting Green may have been a reasonable moral gesture (if you lived in a state where the electoral college effectively disenfranchised you, anyway, since the state would never be realistically in play in a competitive election). But, that leaves open my question, which isn't Russophobic at all. The simple FACT is that the Russians helped Stein's campaign in order to try to hurt Clinton and help Trump to the presidency. I'm curious whether Stein understood what was happening, or was just a naive beneficiary of that corruption.
No. Russophobia is a real thing and you are experiencing it.

I'm not at all Russophobic. If anything, I'd describe myself as Russophilic. I'm a fan of Dostoevsky, Tschaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and I have even been putting in a little effort to learn some Russian with the idea of taking a trip to Russia in the next couple years. It's not Russophobic to frankly acknowledge what Putin's strategy was in the 2016 election.
I'm not at all Russophobic. If anything, I'd describe myself as Russophilic. I'm a fan of Dostoevsky, Tschaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and I have even been putting in a little effort to learn some Russian with the idea of taking a trip to Russia in the next couple years. It's not Russophobic to frankly acknowledge what Putin's strategy was in the 2016 election.

I'm not a Russian lit fan, but I've done the same thing -- taken Russian language lessons in the hopes of someday visiting. Do you have a particular area or city in mind? For me it's St. Petersburg and the museums, then the far eastern regions including Siberia.

I've noticed that cons try to deflect away from Trump by labeling anyone who's unhappy with the Russian meddling a "Russophobe."
I may have, but definitely not in the context of Chuck Schumer's niece, since I know nothing about her.

Morning, Oneuli.

"emotional response", ... an interesting topic. You know, one of the things we do here is 'juke', like 'poke at each other' for an 'emotional response'. Now this doesn't stop us from solving world problems here like poverty, war, justice, essence of God, meaning of Life, World Peace and the like. So, (tapping ALL 8 fingers on desk) I've become concerned. I think I will side with your mother on this one and suggest you seriously contemplate a Professional Matchmaker.
Brevity is a hallmark of great writing.

Is it? Let's look at a top-100 list of novels compiled by algorithm from over 100 other top 100 lists:


Here is the consensus top 5:

(1) In Search of Lost Time
(2) Don Quixote
(3) Ulysses
(4) The Great Gatsby
(5) Moby Dick

Their average length is 426,165 words. By comparison, the Harry Potter novels range between about 77,000 words and 257,000.

Great writers focus on what they want to convey, not on how many words it takes to do so. Understandably, that will drive away readers with shorter attention spans. A lot more people will get through "Harry Potter and the Alchemist's Stone" than "In Search of Lost Time." Many writers are willing to sacrifice some of what they're trying to say in order to hold onto the short-attention-span crowd. Others are not.
I'm not a Russian lit fan, but I've done the same thing -- taken Russian language lessons in the hopes of someday visiting. Do you have a particular area or city in mind? For me it's St. Petersburg and the museums, then the far eastern regions including Siberia.

I've noticed that cons try to deflect away from Trump by labeling anyone who's unhappy with the Russian meddling a "Russophobe."

I've got a girlfriend who has been learning Swedish, so we've got some half-baked plans of maybe doing a week where we hit Stockholm for a couple days, then fly to St. Petersburg for a couple, then another flight to Moscow for two more.

Anyway, "Russophobe" is simply a slur meant to derail the discussion, so they don't need to focus on a person's actual arguments. Ironically, it's just the flip side of what conservatives were doing in the 1950s, when they avoided discussing political substance by accusing liberals of being secretly Red.
Morning, Oneuli.

"emotional response", ... an interesting topic. You know, one of the things we do here is 'juke', like 'poke at each other' for an 'emotional response'. Now this doesn't stop us from solving world problems here like poverty, war, justice, essence of God, meaning of Life, World Peace and the like. So, (tapping ALL 8 fingers on desk) I've become concerned. I think I will side with your mother on this one and suggest you seriously contemplate a Professional Matchmaker.

I've completely lost track of what you're saying. What emotional response are you talking about? And what makes you think my mother wants me consulting a professional matchmaker?
I'm not a Russian lit fan, but I've done the same thing -- taken Russian language lessons in the hopes of someday visiting. Do you have a particular area or city in mind? For me it's St. Petersburg and the museums, then the far eastern regions including Siberia.

I've noticed that cons try to deflect away from Trump by labeling anyone who's unhappy with the Russian meddling a "Russophobe."

Out of curiosity, did you take the language lessons in person, or do something self-taught? For my part, I've got trouble committing to a particular schedule for in-person lessons, because my projects for work are really unpredictable, so I've just been playing around on "Duolingo" and various Youtube language lessons. Obviously, that won't be enough to get me fluent, but in my experience it'll be enough to get me to the point where I can read the signs, ask simple questions, and otherwise handle basic tourist functions well enough that the locals will appreciate the effort.
I know nothing about Chuck Schumer's niece, so I don't believe I said anything about that earlier.

You know, I first tossed out "Hot Babe Chick" a few times expecting SOMETHING. (Like, 'Do NOT Objectify me!', or something like that)

Then I went with "ching girl" to amp things up a bit, ... you know, at least generate a sneer, some kind of 'emotional response'. Naturally, this was done not directly at you (that would be rude and inappropriate) but within 'earshot' so you would 'hear it'.

Still ... nothing.

OK. Jack goes with the "7/Eleven guy ... box of Tampons ... Asian girlfriend". THAT has at LEAST have to FORCE a smile on your face. (Uh ... apparently not)

So, now old Jack has to use 'Maximum Brain Power'. You know how you get one of those 10 piece Jigsaw Puzzles and have to start at the corners, then go for the flat edges for the sides? So ...

1. smart and educated.
2. lives in NYC.
3. 30 (+/-)
4. unmarried.
5. Progressive.
6. sophisticated, chic, 'current'
7. has disposable income.

Jack's a gambler, and has determined there is a 50/50 chance Oneuli has seen a live performance of Amy Schumer and her Comedy routine. She always attacks ethnic groups and is very popular with the urban, trendy, professional, liberal types. I saw an hour long routine with Amy in San Francisco on TV a few years ago, it was hilarious. Amy would go after some ethnic group and the camera would pan over and catch that person or groups' reaction. The best was this Middle Eastern woman, fully clothed with head scarf attached ... raising her fist and laughing out loud like a drunk German girl at Oktoberfest. Thinking about it, I don't think I EVER saw a Middle Eastern woman laugh. Amy said some Asian joke and the camera pans over to these 3 Asian girls, hahahaha ... each instinctively placing a hand over their lower face. These are probably 2nd and 3rd generation asian girls that still carry they ethnic baggage, hahahahaha , I loved it. So, with that in mind, Jack lifts a line from Any Schemers routine "Asian women have small vaginas". And, who shows up right on time ... Owl ...(hahahahahahahah) Perfect! So I throw out that line and Owl runs with it. She echoes it a few times, so I know you have had to 'hear it'.

And, .......................... silence.

Conclusion: You're lacking an emotional response and it may be difficult to marry you off.
I've completely lost track of what you're saying. What emotional response are you talking about? And what makes you think my mother wants me consulting a professional matchmaker?

Well, one of the services provided at JPP Forum, is in-depth psychoanalyst by other (not having any particular skills mind you) Posters.

I think you said you wanted children? And, like your Mom keeps reminding you 'the clock is ticking'.

So, ... your lack of a 'emotional response' is at the core of you not getting married, ... hence ... Professional Matchmaker is in order.

(naturally, this is just an opinion and is NOT endorsed by any professional group)