Hi -- New here.

My apologies.

1. I'm from California, 'ching girl' is a good opening line with asian girls, they smile and think it's funny. (Like "What's a nice ching girl like you doing in a place like this")
2. "Asian women have small vaginas" is a comedic routine that Amy Schumer employs with her 'trendy, upscale, Progressive' audience. I tossed it out there figuring you were familiar with Amy Schumer.
3. "... suggesting that the reason a woman isn't married is that she doesn't respond emotionally to such things." You said something about "emotional response" ... It sounded like a challenge ... "Try to make me laugh" Jack did his best.

I use self deprecating humor like "Maximum Brain Power" followed by "10 piece Jigsaw Puzzle". It usually brings an eye roll, audible grunt, head shake, or an uptick on the 'funny scale'.

I will note your 'serious' nature and refrain from any attempt at provoking an 'emotional response'.

A.n.y.w.a.y. ... I got to go, but would like talking about VAT (value added tax) as a way to raise money to pay off the Debt, I heard you talking about 'Debt' earlier. The 'State Capitalism vs. Free Capitalism' question. And which is a better form of Government "One Party vs. Multi-Party". I gotta' go, talk to you later.

I look forward to more discussions, but I've got to warn you in advance that my knowledge of VAT systems is pretty shallow, so I'm not sure how much value I can bring to a discussion on that.
What languages other than Russian have you studied?

Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, German, Italian, and French. I'm a total dilettante and haven't made a huge amount of progress with any of them. Basically, when I get to that steep part of the learning curve, I flit to a new language.
And the American conservatives were the original Russophobes.
But now their puppet masters are requiring that they go to the other side...
...and like the obedient sheep they are, they do it.

We live in very strange times. It wasn't too long ago that our conservative patriot friends were slamming Obama for appearing to be "weak" to Putin. Now they're tripping over their di... er, tongues to praise Putin's lapdog Donnie and claim that he's "tough."

Weakness is strength. Enemies are friends. Up is down. Dumb is smart.
Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, German, Italian, and French. I'm a total dilettante and haven't made a huge amount of progress with any of them. Basically, when I get to that steep part of the learning curve, I flit to a new language.

Heheheheh.... I hear you. I was once fluent in German, but that was back in h.s. Since then I've learned a bit of Spanish, Russian, Swahili (work friend was trying to teach me), Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe). That's enough. lol I think I'd have more incentive if I knew anyone fluent in any of these languages to converse with. We do have some Nish first speakers here, but they tend to be very elderly and only come up to the university for special occasions. Our instructors themselves are still learning as well.
this is why its sooo stupid to insist on Americans only speaking English and Spanish and other languages being shunned

when you teach a child more than one languages from birth it wires their brains for multiple languages

they then can learn others with ease

Its a right wing demand on society to keep people dumb and fearful of other cultures
Yes. That's discouraging -- when you put in a ton of effort to learn a foreign language, but then can't move past basic proficiency, because everyone you meet there speaks English better than you speak their language, and so they just switch to English. Much of Western Europe has that problem. Most parts of Italy don't, though, so Italian isn't a bad one to learn. Spanish is probably the most practical option, though, since a fairly small share of people in Latin America speak decent English.

As for my girlfriend, she's been watching Swedish shows on Netflix and just liked the sound of it.

In Paris most understand English, but won't speak it to you. So I tried in my bad French and they'd roll their eyes, or something to that effect.
In Paris most understand English, but won't speak it to you. So I tried in my bad French and they'd roll their eyes, or something to that effect.

They were kind of rude? My middle daughter and son went to Paris and then on to Switzerland last year. She had a different experience; she tried speaking her fairly rusty French in shops and ppl were delighted and complimented her. Of course they were pretending to be from Canada so maybe that had something to do with it. lol
Imagine if you tried to speak French in a right wing southern berg

they might call you a Muslim and try to kill you
Heheheheh.... I hear you. I was once fluent in German, but that was back in h.s. Since then I've learned a bit of Spanish, Russian, Swahili (work friend was trying to teach me), Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe). That's enough. lol I think I'd have more incentive if I knew anyone fluent in any of these languages to converse with. We do have some Nish first speakers here, but they tend to be very elderly and only come up to the university for special occasions. Our instructors themselves are still learning as well.

Wir koennen auf Deutsch schreiben, wenn Sie wollen. Mein Deutsch ist, leider, schrecklich, aber vieleicht wenn ich traineren konnte, kann ich es verbessern.

Yo puedo tambien escribir un poco en espanol, pero yo soy mucho peor con espanol que con aleman.
Wir koennen auf Deutsch schreiben, wenn Sie wollen. Mein Deutsch ist, leider, schrecklich, aber vieleicht wenn ich traineren konnte, kann ich es verbessern.

Yo puedo tambien escribir un poco en espanol, pero yo soy mucho peor con espanol que con aleman.

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In Paris most understand English, but won't speak it to you. So I tried in my bad French and they'd roll their eyes, or something to that effect.

I spoke no French the last time I was in Paris, but don't recall them being difficult about it. I've since picked up a smattering of French, but have only had a chance to use it in Quebec and Casablanca, neither of which is known for that Gallic hauteur.