Hi there white voters

smells like a legion troll

Well today is your day. If you have proof I am a legion troll then give it to the mods.

Don't give me any bullshit about having integrity. If you had integrity, you wouldn't have implied that I am a legion troll.

Well, I am calling you out bitch. Put up or shut the fuck up.

I dare you

I double dog dare you

I triple dog dare you
yeah...mimicking another poster is legion's style and you're clearly mimicking FRS. you may not be legion, but you smell like him.
Done with this one. I wish it was funny or something, but instead it was just stupid trolling with no value.
Check his profile. He was 'referred' by FRS/Alias. And on FRS/Alias's profile, it says he 'referred' Elect a white man. Other than the mods, no one can edit another's profile.

So FRS/Alias/White Guy are the same.

Gotcha. They should all be banned.
Check his profile. He was 'referred' by FRS/Alias. And on FRS/Alias's profile, it says he 'referred' Elect a white man. Other than the mods, no one can edit another's profile.

Then, using your logic, you are Adia, Althea, annata; because you referred them.
By the way, it never said he was referred by "Alias" and you attempting to make the connection is making you look really stupid; but I digress. :D
Then, using your logic, you are Adia, Althea, annata; because you referred them.
By the way, it never said he was referred by "Alias" and you attempting to make the connection is making you look really stupid; but I digress. :D

No, shit-for-brains. My 'logic' is that HOWEY wasn't the sock puppet that was just banned.
No, shit-for-brains. My 'logic' is that HOWEY wasn't the sock puppet that was just banned.

You're trying to claim that one poster is another; because one referred the other.
Ergo: This equates to you being Adia, Althea, and annata; because you referred them.

Deal with it. :D