Hi there white voters

Suck it, troll!

I'm not wrong about you being Alias.

That was already demonstrated, many posts ago. By you.

Obviously Elect a white man was a troll pretending to be your 'friend', but that has nothing to do with who you really are.

You are truly psychotic and seriously need to seek professional help, IMMEDIATELY!!
I assume mods can research the ip addresses...

OK, now take that assumption do a little thinking beyond what limited cognitive abilities you have shown thus far and I am confident that you will at the bare minimum stumble across your answer. One can only hope :)
So you do allow sock puppets to disrupt the forum. I can assume you eere the interloper? I'll bet you're also every troll on here too. Do you get a woody over all the worthless hits?

The rules allow for members to disrupt via sock puppets.

10. Dual Accounts - Don't go overboard. I'll allow a couple,

and it's up to the mods whether the sock/troll is 'acceptable' or not.

we have a different standard for obvious troll/sock puppet accounts. Trolls don't have rights. They exist at our discretion.
Disruption, aka self moderation, is not allowed. Trolls and dual accounts are at our discretion. This did not meet our standard and was banned. Whether its connected to another poster here or not is irrelevent in this case (and frankly no ones damn business)because we would not ban the primary account. And if we did you fuckers would be so butt hurt and cry over that too. We do not ban lightly here and the few people who have warranted a permaban went out of their way by great stretches to get banned.
So you do allow sock puppets to disrupt the forum. I can assume you eere the interloper? I'll bet you're also every troll on here too. Do you get a woody over all the worthless hits?
Is there some sort of competition here to be the biggest retard possible? If so everyone else should just call it quits because they have no hope of beating you.