Hidden Harris Is Handing Out Camouflage Hats

buy back of things like AK47s?
I haven't seen one person , except people on the far far left that want to take all guns away and there are very very few of them.
that's why we don't think Harris will get that many votes......few demmycrats are as far left as she is......I mean,seriously......that's why she got no votes in the primaries.....
I DO remember during her ill fated 2020 campaign she supported a honky tax on whites, defund the police and doing away with private health insurance.
Hmmm. As much as I loathe Trump I may have to vote for him.
that's why we don't think Harris will get that many votes......few demmycrats are as far left as she is......I mean,seriously......that's why she got no votes in the primaries.....
well SHE isn't the one saying " Take their guns away " that was TRUMP.
it is your boy TRUMP that is the one wanting to take peoples Constitutional rights away NOT Harris.
He not only wants to take peoples second Amendment rights away he wants to take peoples on the left First Amendment rights away by shutting down all the left leaning MSM outlets.
I haven't hear Harris say anything like this.
and I will ask you right wingers AGAIN what are you going to do when Trump is done taking left leaning peoples Constitutional rights away and he starts coming after YOURS?
Be careful what you wish for because when you get it and it turns on you and bites you in the ass it is too late to go back
Have a nice day
buy back of things like AK47s?
I haven't seen one person , except people on the far far left that want to take all guns away and there are very very few of them. EVERY body that I know on the left just wants reasonable licensing and registration of hand guns and things like AK 47s.
most people I know on the left and right own guns a lot of them like myself have hand guns and are licensed and registered.
STOP lying so far the ONLY politician I have heard saying any thing about taking guns away has been YOUR orange GOD TRUMP.
Have a nice day
she used Australia as an example - so far beyond "AK47's"
nice try though.
The Harris camo hat...


it is your boy TRUMP that is the one wanting to take peoples Constitutional rights away NOT Harris.
you might find someone stupid enough to believe that lie.......but if you do it will be a fuckwit who's voted for lib'ruls since his momma let him move back in the basement after he got kicked out of college for burning the dean's Yugo......
you might find someone stupid enough to believe that lie.......but if you do it will be a fuckwit who's voted for lib'ruls since his momma let him move back in the basement after he got kicked out of college for burning the dean's Yugo......
HELLO !!! ASSHOLE he did say he would shut down many left leaning MSM outlets taking away many Americans first Amendment rights away, and HE DID SAY TAKE THEIR GUNS AWAY and we will deal with the due process thing later Taking a lot of Americans Second Amendments rights away from them.
NOT ONE left leaning person has said " take their guns away " but you think it is fine for Trump to do it.
TRUMP is the ONLY one and I mean ONLY ONE that has ever come right out and said he wanted to take AMERICANS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS away from them.
I know you are going to say the FAR FAR left wants to take their guns away, that is NOT somebody running for President.
Have a nice day
Maybe it will help her to continue to hide till the election. But somehow I don't think it will help her with country folks when she wants to take their guns away. "Here have a Camo hat now give me your gun". That dog won't hunt.

BTW: God bless Amazon this morning my computer charger gave out. So I ordered 2 more. I received them by 1:00 am today. (y)
Walz is an avid hunter
Both NC and even Texas are in play now. I've seen much bigger leads in WI and MI.

After this week, she'll start to put more distance between herself & Trump. Considering that Trump was going to coast to victory a month ago - I'd say her strategy is working out just fine.
I really hope so

I saw her up 9 in one poll
Remind me when is the last time she gave a news conference in the United States and answered questions. She is certainly hiding from reporters
Let's guess...now that the party is over, when will her first press conference be?
HELLO !!! ASSHOLE he did say he would shut down many left leaning MSM outlets taking away many Americans first Amendment rights away, and HE DID SAY TAKE THEIR GUNS AWAY and we will deal with the due process thing later
no, idiot......he was urging quick action on red flag laws with guarantee of protecting civil rights but making sure people showing signs of being a risk to themselves or others would not remain in contact with fire arms.......but then you fucks don't care about fact, do you......
Let's guess...now that the party is over, when will her first press conference be?
I heard that in her first run for the presidency she went 11 months without press conference........of course that may have had something to do with the fact she never got a single vote.....