High Gas Prices? Blame the Tree Huggers!

ANWAR is mainly just a political cry by the right.
If we started full bore on getting oil out of there it would be several years before any go to market.

Now drilling off the FL, CA, East coast is another matter, everything is in place there to get the oil out and transported, etc.
The right does not want that drilled though and hence the cry of ANWAR is pretty much all we hear from them.

Yep! You will never hear anyone on the right telling how Jeb Bush told his little brother, you ain't drilling the FL coast, because I got a bunch of voters down here who said, not in my backyard you don't, and little brother, said "Okey Dokey Jebbie", and quashed that real quick.

No, it's always the liberals.

How must it be to have to lie, every single day, in order to post on a message board? Lie after lie after lie. No shame.
We've already established (back on page 1) that Speculators do not have any leverage over price. I didn't have to ask, I already knew this. It is why they call them "speculators" ...they are "speculating" on the price going up or down. Kind of like gamblers. Now, if you went to Vegas and lost money all weekend, would it be the fault of all the gamblers, or just that you had shitty luck?

It is impossible for me to outmatch myself, but if anyone could outmatch me, it would be myself, you sure as hell aren't about to.

What a crock of poopie doo Dixie! SPECULATORS are driving prices up by buying up all the future oil.....they are the "demand" that is driving it up by buying up oil that has not even come out of the ground yet with putting up only 10%-15% of its worth to buy these futures allowing them to invest more and more and more....which is basically taking OIL OFF the market, is my understanding of it....

This is MOSTLY manipulation of the market that is happening because of the lack of regulation and firm business practices....

and has NOTHING to do with today's supply and demand....?
What a crock of poopie doo Dixie! SPECULATORS are driving prices up by buying up all the future oil.....they are the "demand" that is driving it up by buying up oil that has not even come out of the ground yet with putting up only 10%-15% of its worth to buy these futures allowing them to invest more and more and more....which is basically taking OIL OFF the market, is my understanding of it....

This is MOSTLY manipulation of the market that is happening because of the lack of regulation and firm business practices....

and has NOTHING to do with today's supply and demand....?

This just shows how absolutely little you know or understand about economics. High price on any commodity is the result of supply being less than demand, and low price is the result of supply being greater than demand.

The problem is, pinheads want to look at a situation and find a way to blame it on something other than what "the enemy" says is to blame. Can't be agreeing with the enemy, so you will suspend reality if you have to, in order to keep from agreeing. This is a prime example. Everyone who has ever studied economics or read any books on economics, understands the laws of supply and demand and how they effect price. Since admitting this is a Supply problem would mean drilling for new oil in ANWR and elsewhere, and since that is in opposition to your liberal view, it becomes important for you to find something else to blame the high prices on. It doesn't matter if it makes no logical sense, doesn't matter if it follows the principles of economics, just as long as it sounds believable to enough gullible people.

Speculators buy and sell stock futures based on whether they think price will go up or down. Since this is a Supply problem, and a large chunk of gullible people want to believe it is not a Supply problem, the speculators, understanding economic principles, are betting on the price continuing to rise. If America suddenly realized this is a Supply problem, and began drilling for new oil, the very same speculators you are blaming for high prices, would be betting on the price going down. Speculators are only reacting to the effects of Supply and Demand, they are not the reason for the problem.

Now, you guys can keep perpetuating this myth about Speculators being the reason for high gas prices, but it is kind of like blaming undertakers for the Black Death. As long as you cling to your foolishness, the real problem will never be addressed, and the price of gas will continue to rise, and the speculators continue to have an easy job. My question is, how high does gas have to go before you admit the problem is our supply? When it tops $10 a gallon, will you listen to the basic principles of economics? When it gets to $20 a gallon, will you still be squealing about speculators?
ANWAR is mainly just a political cry by the right.
If we started full bore on getting oil out of there it would be several years before any go to market.

Now drilling off the FL, CA, East coast is another matter, everything is in place there to get the oil out and transported, etc.
The right does not want that drilled though and hence the cry of ANWAR is pretty much all we hear from them.

First of all, it is ANWR... Stands for Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Not to be confused with Anwar Sadat, third President of Egypt. It's easy to claim it is a "political cry" rather than a National Wildlife Refuge, because most people will never go there and probably couldn't find it on the map. It is over 19 million acres of wilderness, no roads or infrastructure, no settlements to speak of, other than on the outskirts. It's just a big remote desolate chunk of arctic desert, with a huge petroleum reserve below it.

We've debated drilling for the oil in ANWR since WWII, but environmentalists have always stood in the way. Despite the fact that modern day oil operations have been proven successful in working harmoniously with nature. Of the 19 million acres, only 1.5 million in the North Slope are suitable for drilling. So we are talking about a relatively small portion of ANWR, and we aren't talking about "destroying" this area, only putting some oil rigs up, which would be closely monitored for environmental protection. 17.5 million acres of ANWR would never be touched.

With the current supply crisis, it becomes even more urgent for us to examine the possibilities of drilling our own reserves. ANWR will not solve all our problems, it is only a small portion of the oil we need. But it is a significant source of oil which remains untapped, and unavailable for use. If we ever hope of freeing ourselves from dependence on middle eastern oil, we simply must look at how to replace it with domestic supply. There is no other way, we can't 'conserve' our way out of this problem, we can't decrease our demand enough to make a difference in our oil dependency.