Highway Robbery. Texas Cops Seize INNOCENT Black Motorists Cash, Cars

NYC, Chicago, Indianapolis, Cleveland.....those are all tyrannical free?

Is there some kind of learning dysfunction that affects people on the right?

Nope, never said that .. but it is commonplace in the south far more than in the north, midwest, west, or anywhere else in America.

Do you require an interpreter?
Is there some kind of learning dysfunction that affects people on the right?

Nope, never said that .. but it is commonplace in the south far more than in the north, midwest, west, or anywhere else in America.

Do you require an interpreter?

What's funny is that you mistake him for "someone on the right".
What's funny is that you mistake him for "someone on the right".

My assumption of which side of the political divide he stands on is based on my interpretation of his comments that I've read .. although I know he's a libertarian .. but most libertarians are disaffected republicans, but you'll notice I didn't suggest he was a republican.
My assumption of which side of the political divide he stands on is based on my interpretation of his comments that I've read .. although I know he's a libertarian .. but most libertarians are disaffected republicans, but you'll notice I didn't suggest he was a republican.

blah blah boring
Damn, this is even worse than the Tulia scandal, and that was horrific!

I hope fervently that whoever is involved in this, from the top down, is convicted and sentenced to the longest, harshest, penalties possible -- after being required to make the fullest possible restitution to their victims, even if it takes the rest of their lives. This is reprehensible and that's a gross understatement.

It's called asset forfeiture. It's in the law. The supreme court has ruled that it is a perfectly acceptable practice, and that due process isn't required to bring it about.
The one family said they were going to buy a used car. I still would've gone for at least a postal money order ...

Carrying around a large amount of cash is something that drug dealers usually do. But it is not, in my opinion, enough proof to allow it to be seized.

I dunno, maybe if they were carrying around hundreds of thousands or millions hidden in some beat up old used car. But 6000 shouldn't be enough to justify it, and it should always require due process.
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Asshat is 22
BAC brings us the worse news. I hope those fuckers get 50 years. And I hope holder shifts from Nazi dea to civil rights crimes. For christ sakes it's 2009.
Asshat is 22
BAC brings us the worse news. I hope those fuckers get 50 years. And I hope holder shifts from Nazi dea to civil rights crimes. For christ sakes it's 2009.

do not presume to hope that the feds are going to make any changes to civil asset forfeiture laws. It's way too easy for them, and smaller government bodies, to legally steal your property and you have zero recourse. Too much money involved for them to give it up.
this very story has already been hashed out and bitched about in numerous forums last year when the story broke. WTF is up with the chicagotribune to bring it in months after every one else?

That is all you have to say? Cops in your backwards fucking state are shaking people down for their money based on their race and all you can do is bitch that this came up months ago?

This is one more by product of the war on drugs. Cops can profit if they make busts, now they can profit even if they DON'T make busts. Easier to do this to black drivers in East Texas because no one is going to believe them.
That is all you have to say? Cops in your backwards fucking state are shaking people down for their money based on their race and all you can do is bitch that this came up months ago?

NO, thats not all I have to say. It's a god damned shame that SOME people can only be stirred to anger and outrage once they read a story like this in the liberal mainstream media. It takes a REAL American to find it in the libertarian and civil rights blog arena months before any mainstream media cares to take it up. THAT is when we bitch about it, months before most lazy assed news fed civilians who can't be stirred to action unless its on tv news before or after american idol.

This is one more by product of the war on drugs. Cops can profit if they make busts, now they can profit even if they DON'T make busts. Easier to do this to black drivers in East Texas because no one is going to believe them.

its easier to do this to anyone who isn't filthy fucking rich. Maybe you should read some more articles about civil asset forfeiture laws and cases so you can realize that cops do this to everyone, from simple theft of hundreds of dollars up to committing murder in the name of the law to steal peoples property.

Look up don scott in malibu california, tell me what you think then and why you didn't bitch about it when it happened.