Hillary 42 --- Obama 12

After listening to Hillary's DNC speech last night, I was curious about something... so I downloaded the text and loaded it into Word and did a little research for myself. Did you realize, in the speech, she said the words....

"I" ....18 times
"me" ...14 times
"my" ...10 times
"mine" ...1 time

A total of 43 references Hillary made to herself in a speech about Obama!

She mentions "Obama" just 12 times, and 10 of those were at the end of a sentence.

What is amazing is, you know the speech writer HAD to be aware that someone from the right was going to analyze this aspect of Hillary's speech, and call it into question the next day... so, how many self-references did they eliminate to get it down to 42-12? Hmmmmm???

I don't think her speech helped Obama one bit, but it did sound an awful lot like... hey... remember to think of ME in 2012... I'll be back!
Bill is on right now, hope you are listening to the content and not counting words, seems more productive, you may actually learn something.

I don't need to 'learn' anything from Bill... except maybe how to get blowjobs from chicks half my age. I can certainly imagine the egotistical Bill Clinton will not talk about Obama any more than his wife did.

So far, we have heard absolutely nothing about what Obama plans to do as president. Not a damn thing! Nothing on policy, nothing on solutions to the problems, not even an explanation of this 'hope and change' slogan that was adopted... Nadda! Seems to me, the Democrats are squandering a golden opportunity with the voters of America, for the sake of a few egotistical has-been's to have a moment in the sun.
I don't need to 'learn' anything from Bill... except maybe how to get blowjobs from chicks half my age. I can certainly imagine the egotistical Bill Clinton will not talk about Obama any more than his wife did.

So far, we have heard absolutely nothing about what Obama plans to do as president. Not a damn thing! Nothing on policy, nothing on solutions to the problems, not even an explanation of this 'hope and change' slogan that was adopted... Nadda! Seems to me, the Democrats are squandering a golden opportunity with the voters of America, for the sake of a few egotistical has-been's to have a moment in the sun.
Nah, they clearly listened to those who judged Hillary's speech. He definitely talked about Obama.
Nah, they clearly listened to those who judged Hillary's speech. He definitely talked about Obama.

Not really.... just ran the same test on Bill's speech...

"I" ...8 times
"I'm" ...3 times
"I'll" ...1 time
"me" ...9 times
"my" ...4 times
"she" ...10 times (referring to Hillary)
"Hillary" ....4 times
"Chelsea" ...2 times


"Obama" ...12 times.... AGAIN! LOL!
Bill and Hillary mentioned themselves 84 times... and Obama 24... in two speeches of about 20 minutes each (minus applause). So they mentioned themselves an average of once every 30 seconds, while mentioning the nominee an average of once every 2 minutes. Not in some off-the-cuff interview or Barbara Walter's special, but as major speakers at Barack Obama's national convention! And it's not like their speech writer wasn't aware that people would be looking at this, imagine what it must have been like before they edited the speeches? Imagine how bad it would be if I had actually taken the time to count how many times they cleverly disguised self-references as "we" and "us" to avoid redundancy?

I think it is absolutely amazing how these two get away with shit like this, and all the while, the pinheads just cheer and applaud like nothing is wrong at all in the world!
After listening to Hillary's DNC speech last night, I was curious about something... so I downloaded the text and loaded it into Word and did a little research for myself. Did you realize, in the speech, she said the words....

"I" ....18 times
"me" ...14 times
"my" ...10 times
"mine" ...1 time

A total of 43 references Hillary made to herself in a speech about Obama!

She mentions "Obama" just 12 times, and 10 of those were at the end of a sentence.

What is amazing is, you know the speech writer HAD to be aware that someone from the right was going to analyze this aspect of Hillary's speech, and call it into question the next day... so, how many self-references did they eliminate to get it down to 42-12? Hmmmmm???

I don't think her speech helped Obama one bit, but it did sound an awful lot like... hey... remember to think of ME in 2012... I'll be back!

Dixie......you have waaaaaaaay to much time on your hands! LOL

Though I am a political junkie I find political conventions excruciatingly boring.
So far, we have heard absolutely nothing about what Obama plans to do as president. Not a damn thing! Nothing on policy, nothing on solutions to the problems, not even an explanation of this 'hope and change' slogan that was adopted... Nadda! Seems to me, the Democrats are squandering a golden opportunity with the voters of America, for the sake of a few egotistical has-been's to have a moment in the sun.

Even for you that is one stupid statement. If you were honest you would acknowledge you are a partisan hack who has lost every debate back to Politics.com to WMDs to Iraq ties to terrorism, not one postion you have taken has been correct. Maineman proved that over and over again. You are like a whiny child whose immaturity is such they cannot see that they are wrong.

Read a bit and you shall see, but you will not, as your motivation is not analysis but a childish "I am right."


"For we have a choice in this country. We can accept a politics that breeds division, and conflict, and cynicism. We can tackle race only as spectacle – as we did in the OJ trial – or in the wake of tragedy, as we did in the aftermath of Katrina - or as fodder for the nightly news. We can play Reverend Wright’s sermons on every channel, every day and talk about them from now until the election, and make the only question in this campaign whether or not the American people think that I somehow believe or sympathize with his most offensive words. We can pounce on some gaffe by a Hillary supporter as evidence that she’s playing the race card, or we can speculate on whether white men will all flock to John McCain in the general election regardless of his policies.

We can do that.

But if we do, I can tell you that in the next election, we’ll be talking about some other distraction. And then another one. And then another one. And nothing will change."

Barack Obama
It should be fun to re-visit this thread next week, if someone wants to actually put in the time to count how many times a few GOP speakers say "I" and "me" compared to "McCain."

I've just got a hunch about this one.
Could it possibly be that people just say "I" a lot when they're making a speech?
Not really. I did a 5 minute speech for a friend to help him get elected County Commissioner. I just checked a few minutes ago. I said "I" or referred to myself only in the first and last paragraph, in the first I said who I was, in the last I said, "And for all these reasons, I enthusiastically support <name> for County Commissioner.

I said He, <name>, etc. throughout. The point of the speech wasn't to make me look good, it was to make my friend look good.
It should be fun to re-visit this thread next week, if someone wants to actually put in the time to count how many times a few GOP speakers say "I" and "me" compared to "McCain."

I've just got a hunch about this one.
I'm pretty sure somebody will, and somebody will post it.
Not really. I did a 5 minute speech for a friend to help him get elected County Commissioner. I just checked a few minutes ago. I said "I" or referred to myself only in the first and last paragraph, in the first I said who I was, in the last I said, "And for all these reasons, I enthusiastically support <name> for County Commissioner.

I said He, <name>, etc. throughout. The point of the speech wasn't to make me look good, it was to make my friend look good.

Oh, okay. You did a speech. That settles it.

Like I said, let's try a "Dixie" count on a few of the GOP speeches next week.
Oh, okay. You did a speech. That settles it.

Like I said, let's try a "Dixie" count on a few of the GOP speeches next week.
Right, and your "I'm guessing" is some sort of super spectacular uber-accurate generality of the ultimate rightness?

You are such a hack you can't even maintain a modicum of logic or back up your assumption with any sort of reality. While I can use a bit of my own experience to verify that when you are speaking about somebody else at least I do not often say "I".
Oh, okay. You did a speech. That settles it.

Like I said, let's try a "Dixie" count on a few of the GOP speeches next week.
Right, and your "Could it be possible" is some sort of super spectacular uber-accurate generality of the ultimate rightness?

You are such a hack you can't even maintain a modicum of logic or back up your assumption with any sort of reality. While I can use a bit of my own experience to verify that when I am speaking about somebody else at the very least I can say that I do not often say "I".
Right, and your "Could it be possible" is some sort of super spectacular uber-accurate generality of the ultimate rightness?

You are such a hack you can't even maintain a modicum of logic or back up your assumption with any sort of reality. While I can use a bit of my own experience to verify that when you are speaking about somebody else you do not often say "I".

Neither one of them gave the "nominating" speech. Their speeches were nothing like the one you gave. After about a week of hand-wringing, wondering what Clintons would show up & what they would do, the audience that was doing most of the hand-wringing - Democrats - is pretty much universal in their praise for the way that both Clintons were able to come across with sincerity & credibility as truly endorsing Obama, and mainly putting their own interests aside for the good of the party. We know they're egomaniacs, but for this week, they did as well as anyone would have expected or predicted.

But you rightie hacks can't help yourselves; you trip over each other to start these bogus threads on "body language" and "# of times they said I".

You want to make a bet, Damo? I'm betting Bush says "I" and "me" more than he says "McCain." Want to take that bet?