Hillary 42 --- Obama 12

Dixie, you claim you actually COUNTED words in Hillary's & Bill's speeches.

And then you say "Let's all play the little nit-picky word-parsing game here, and get all caught up in a meaningless debate over nothing, because Dixie is cleaning our clocks!"?
Dixie, you claim you actually COUNTED words in Hillary's & Bill's speeches.

And then you say "Let's all play the little nit-picky word-parsing game here, and get all caught up in a meaningless debate over nothing, because Dixie is cleaning our clocks!"?
I doubt he did. He probably got it from a source that does that kind of thing for a living.

Give us a link, Dix. I'd like to see it.
Dixie, you claim you actually COUNTED words in Hillary's & Bill's speeches.

And then you say "Let's all play the little nit-picky word-parsing game here, and get all caught up in a meaningless debate over nothing, because Dixie is cleaning our clocks!"?

I counted self-references and compared to references to Obama. If you have Word, it takes about 20 minutes total. Self-references are different from just words, that was the point of the mini-debate on "his" and "he" ...those words are ambiguous in meaning, and not identified with self or Obama, so they are irrelevant. Oncie wanted to 'debate' that, but it's silly and stupid, and has nothing to do with my thread topic.
I doubt he did. He probably got it from a source that does that kind of thing for a living.

Give us a link, Dix. I'd like to see it.

Microsoft Word... really simple... paste in the text of the speech and do a 'find/replace' command for each of the words you are searching for. Like I said, takes about 20 minutes. I was curious because when I listened to the speech, I noticed she was talking a lot about herself instead of Obama. As my test proved, she certainly was. When you mentioned Bill, I did the same thing with his speech, and he didn't fare much better.... he mentioned Hillary more than himself, but hey... you blame him?
"Oncie wanted to 'debate' that, but it's silly and stupid, and has nothing to do with my thread topic."

Wrong. It has everything to do with the thread topic, since you're trying to assert that Hillary referred to herself MUCH more than she referred to Obama, but if you don't count the "he's" and "hims" in context - where they are NOT ambiguous - how can you make such a claim?

It may be that she still refers to herself more, but it is NOT irrelevant, and the "he's" in her speech are NOT ambiguous; they do not stand on their own. I guarantee that if you look at them in context, you will not be wondering if they're referring to Bill, or Obama, or Biden, or whoever.

You're just an idiot. A stupid rube, who wants everything on your terms, and refuses to consider anything outside of that.
Here is a slice from Bill's speech; you tell me if it's "irrelevant" to include the he's and hims if you're trying to make a comparison between the # of times he's referring to himself, and the # of times he's referring to Obama:

has convinced me that Barack Obama is the man for this job.


Now, he has a remarkable ability to inspire people, to raise our hopes and rally us to high purpose. He has the intelligence and curiosity every successful president needs. His policies on the economy, on taxes, on health care, on energy are far superior to the Republican alternatives.


He has shown -- he has shown a clear grasp of foreign policy and national security challenges and a firm commitment to rebuild our badly strained military.

His family heritage and his life experiences have given him a unique capacity to lead our increasingly diverse nation in an ever more interdependent world.


The long, hard primary tested and strengthened him. And in his first presidential decision, the selection of a running mate, he hit it out of the park.

Gee, that's 9 new references to Obama, which are completely unambiguous, and completely undermine your main point. No wonder you want them to be "irrelevant."
Onceler had the idea that there might be some debate about the actual speech, not something using a word counter without reference to any context.

Without looking at context, the word count is worthless.

The use of "I" when Hillary was expressing her believe that Obama is ready to lead is not self centered. In fact, it shows respect for her audience by not telling them what they have to believe.
"Oncie wanted to 'debate' that, but it's silly and stupid, and has nothing to do with my thread topic."

Wrong. It has everything to do with the thread topic, since you're trying to assert that Hillary referred to herself MUCH more than she referred to Obama, but if you don't count the "he's" and "hims" in context - where they are NOT ambiguous - how can you make such a claim?

It may be that she still refers to herself more, but it is NOT irrelevant, and the "he's" in her speech are NOT ambiguous; they do not stand on their own. I guarantee that if you look at them in context, you will not be wondering if they're referring to Bill, or Obama, or Biden, or whoever.

[deleted insults]

Not so. Any reference to Obama using the descriptor "he" would have naturally had to have been qualified by stating Obama's name... (it's how we make the "he" unambiguous.) By counting references to Obama, we have also counted references of "he" referring to Obama. The count was 12.

I can make such a claim because we aren't playing some silly nonsensical word game, we are examining how many times Hillary referenced herself in a speech that was supposed to be endorsing Obama. I counted her self references, they are unambiguous, no disputing what "I" means or refers to. I counted "Obama" because that too is unambiguous, we know what is meant by "Obama." I did not count "we" even though it is a partial self-reference, and something the Clinton's are notorious for doing in their speeches. The reason I didn't count this, is because it is ambiguous, we don't clearly understand what "we" references. The same is true with "he" and "she" and "it" we don't know the meaning without reading the context, the words are ambiguous unless defined. If she used "he" in reference to Obama, she had to also use his name in conjunction, otherwise... what "he" is she talking about?
The use of "I" when Hillary was expressing her believe that Obama is ready to lead is not self centered. In fact, it shows respect for her audience by not telling them what they have to believe.

No, anytime you use the word "I" you specifically are referencing yourself. Sorry.
Typical. You just want it your own way, on your strict terms - logic be damned.

Pick up your marbles & leave, rube.
Here is a slice from Bill's speech; you tell me if it's "irrelevant" to include the he's and hims if you're trying to make a comparison between the # of times he's referring to himself, and the # of times he's referring to Obama:

has convinced me that Barack Obama is the man for this job.


Now, he has a remarkable ability to inspire people, to raise our hopes and rally us to high purpose. He has the intelligence and curiosity every successful president needs. His policies on the economy, on taxes, on health care, on energy are far superior to the Republican alternatives.


He has shown -- he has shown a clear grasp of foreign policy and national security challenges and a firm commitment to rebuild our badly strained military.

His family heritage and his life experiences have given him a unique capacity to lead our increasingly diverse nation in an ever more interdependent world.


The long, hard primary tested and strengthened him. And in his first presidential decision, the selection of a running mate, he hit it out of the park.

Gee, that's 9 new references to Obama, which are completely unambiguous, and completely undermine your main point. No wonder you want them to be "irrelevant."

I count ONE reference to Obama, and a multitude of points made about him. You seem to be confusing a "reference" and a "point" and that's not too surprising coming from you, such a retard when it comes to the meaning of words. My point is not refuted, because... well, you failed to do that... especially when my point was about Hillary Clinton, not Bill.
Microsoft Word... really simple... paste in the text of the speech and do a 'find/replace' command for each of the words you are searching for. Like I said, takes about 20 minutes. I was curious because when I listened to the speech, I noticed she was talking a lot about herself instead of Obama. As my test proved, she certainly was. When you mentioned Bill, I did the same thing with his speech, and he didn't fare much better.... he mentioned Hillary more than himself, but hey... you blame him?
See? I told you he didn't sit around counting the words.