Hillary Clinton Compares Herself to Wonder Woman

He wasn't insane and he wasn't a cripple. All people with crutches are given a wheelchair in airports.
He was however a racist, and you defend him.

Still trying to defend yourself from wanting to beat up on a cripple? It is not working Buck Fuck. Not only are you a real racist, you are a coward. Yawn. Anything to try and change the subject on this thread huh?
As terrible as this clowns behavior is, he's still 100x better than Hitlery.

There you have it, folks.
Things have gotten so bad in Trump world, that his worshippers have had to sink to the most impotent and feeble defense strategy imaginable:

"We know Trump is totally horrible and inept! But Hillary was even worse!"
There you have it, folks.
Things have gotten so bad in Trump world, that his worshippers have had to sink to the most impotent and feeble defense strategy imaginable:

That's generally how elections work in the country. Partisans going to partisan and the remainder choose between the lessor of two evils. We had a choice between the two most disliked candidates in the last 50 years (or how ever long the polls went back). Not exactly a ringing endorsement for either
The guy in the wheelchair was a Trump supporter? Man, you must have gotten a lot more out of that video than everyone else that saw it. Can you point me to that part specifically?

reports from an inside advisor says he voted for Bernie......I have it on good authoritay.....