Hillary Clinton Compares Herself to Wonder Woman

The racist ranting in the wheelchair was okay with you...He got your respect, didn't he?

You mean the cripple you wanted to beat up? The mentally challenged, crippled man you wanted to pull out of his wheelchair and beat up? WOW. Not only do you think all ethnically different people who have a religion are subhuman to you, you think the same about cripples. You are one twisted person there Buck Fuck. I mean completely fucked in the head.
You mean the cripple you wanted to beat up? The mentally challenged, crippled man you wanted to pull out of his wheelchair and beat up? WOW. Not only do you think all ethnically different people who have a religion are subhuman to you, you think the same about cripples. You are one twisted person there Buck Fuck. I mean completely fucked in the head.

He wasn't insane and he wasn't a cripple. All people with crutches are given a wheelchair in airports.
He was however a racist, and you defend him.