

New member
As soon as this primary is over, I'm going to start wholeheartedly supporting her Senate opponent for her next re-election bid in NY.

Her campaign manager just came out with this:

"The last time that we were told we'd better cut the process short or the sky would fall was when the Supreme Court stopped the Florida recount in 2000. But Chicken Little was wrong. What was true then is true now: there is nothing to fear -- and everything to gain – from hearing from all of the voters."

This, after weeks of Clinton accusing Obama of wanting to disenfranchise voters in the upcoming primary states, and the voters of MI & FL, and cries of "every vote should count" trying to get those delegations seated.

Who the f is she kidding, here? Any chance she has rests ENTIRELY on the Superdelegates over-ruling "all the votes" and all of those voters that she is giving nothing more than lip service to. Her entire candidacy at this point is based on finding any way possible to not make the regular primary votes count, and find a way to somehow make the Supers change the outcome.

I'm so sick of the Clinton BS. C'mon, Pennsylvania....
The funniest thing about the 2008 Presidential race, is the huge numbers of Democrats acting like they just awoke from a 16-year slumber, blinking uncertainly in the unaccustomed sunlight, and noticing for the first time that the Clintons are corrupt con artists who do anything for political power.

And some of them act surprised at this discovery. :lolup:
The funniest thing about the 2008 Presidential race, is the huge numbers of Democrats acting like they just awoke from a 16-year slumber, blinking uncertainly in the unaccustomed sunlight, and noticing for the first time that the Clintons are corrupt con artists who do anything for political power.

And some of them act surprised at this discovery. :lolup:

Is this the best that you're able to consistently contribute on these threads?

How do you know how I've felt about Hillary; have you been monitoring my posts for the past 16 years?

Or are you generalizing?
The funniest thing about the 2008 Presidential race, is the huge numbers of Democrats acting like they just awoke from a 16-year slumber, blinking uncertainly in the unaccustomed sunlight, and noticing for the first time that the Clintons are corrupt con artists who do anything for political power.

And some of them act surprised at this discovery. :lolup:

How many years do you think it’ll be before you wake up and realize that bush is a murderer who has wantonly started wars and been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men, women and little children, in order to enrich his friends?

And what do you think you’ll have to do to get that blood off your hands and find some kind of redemption?
How many years do you think it’ll be before you wake up and realize that bush is a murderer who has wantonly started wars and been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men, women and little children, in order to enrich his friends?

And what do you think you’ll have to do to get that blood off your hands and find some kind of redemption?

Much better than my response. Well said.
I with you Hillary is done.
Except it for what it is, comedy at this point.
Obama doesn't appear the least bit rattled by her at this point.
In fact when he said she should be able to run as long as she wants I thought I detected him holding back a smirk.
How many years do you think it’ll be before you wake up and realize that bush is a murderer who has wantonly started wars and been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men, women and little children, in order to enrich his friends?
To realize that, I may need to borrow that bong you're obviously using.

And what do you think you’ll have to do to get that blood off your hands
First thing I'd have to do, is turn away from the comic books where you and your fellow nutcases get your "news" and post your brand of tripe. Funny how fast the "blood" vanishes when the leftist liars and hysterical wishful thinkers lose their audiences.

and find some kind of redemption?
That one's a little tougher. For me to gain redemption in the eyes of leftist lunatic fringe persons such as yourself, YOU would have to take off the blinders and start seeing what was actually happening in the world.

I hold out no great hope of that ever happening. Fortunately, redemption from the left, is as unimportant as it is unlikely.

Any other questions I can answer for you, darling? :lolup:
Little Acorn is one of the 30%. They really DO exist.

Make no mistake, Little A; the blood IS on your hands, much more so than many others who merely voted for Bush but realized how stupid that was eventually.
I with you Hillary is done.
Except it for what it is, comedy at this point.
Obama doesn't appear the least bit rattled by her at this point.
In fact when he said she should be able to run as long as she wants I thought I detected him holding back a smirk.

LOL, I know. Its great. He's way out of her league.
The funniest thing about the 2008 Presidential race, is the huge numbers of Democrats acting like they just awoke from a 16-year slumber, blinking uncertainly in the unaccustomed sunlight, and noticing for the first time that the Clintons are corrupt con artists who do anything for political power.

And some of them act surprised at this discovery. :lolup:

I'm going to go with a Georgia boy who got socially promoted through middle school and scated through public high school. And with this grand achievement he now thinks he is smart.
You can always tell when the board leftists have lost an argument. Their insults and personal attacks go from merely false to completely hysterical.

My sympathies.