
And they repeat themselves a lot. :lolup:

And they start wishing their opponents get cancer and die, or that their families die: http://www.justplainpolitics.com/sh...light=people+like+acorn+personally#post239261

This is how the compassionate liberals of the board "answer" arguments. Especially when they lose them.

And these people think they are the ones who should be running our country...??

Please keep up the good work, darling. It's great when you so thoroughly discredit yourelf and your agenda. :lolup:
gramps you learned how to beat down thugs in votech
I learned how to professionally manage money in the MBA program.
even with your skills, I drop you like a bag of dirt in a garden with my martial arts training. Now go redo your denture grip

Oh pa-lease...put up or shut up already...I suppose you received your martial arts training via the internet also...non accredited no doubt!..Hey look at the bright side though you managed to get darla and soco cheerleading for you!
Have a nice fantasy life with fantasy training and fantasy degrees...darla and soco are easily impressed...because they lack a real life also!;)

seriously I'd mess him up. I know just enough to be dangerous.

Really... state your discipline/style... 'Karate Kid' numerous viewings do not count!...again put up or shut up...you,darla and the nutty ambulance chaser(soco) who spends more time in here than on the two cases he managed to get this year!:shock:
The feeling is mutual..............!

I would pay to see it. I can’t stand that old perv.

Everyone on the board is aware of this...you and soco claim to have me on IA but the two of you bring me up every chance you get! Keep me on IA and then you won't have to upset yourselves so much!

And by the way you are the pervert...everyone has read your postings...you talk about sex and killing more than anyone on this board combined...and you brag about having a mystical BF "Younger" than you...very telling indeed!
battle do you know anything

I boxed as a teen the got a black belt in tai kwon do
as an adult. I leave out the college wrestling which none of ya'll know about or respect. I would easily put you to the ground. But I'd only give you nuggies on your bald head cause I wouldn't want to hurt someone gramps.