hillary is smelling blood


the greatest misconception people have is that spelling is indication of intelligence. i have 8 English majors working FOR me making .5 what i do.. why is that? because i have a finance/econ degree?

So you're being paid off for internalizing fascist dogma; don't be proud.
i don't like Hillary for allot of sound reasons that I have detailed over and over again.

I can thoroughly understand that Chap...your hate for Hillary and would never deny your opinion of such...there is much to hate, for probably a lot of people....for various reasons.

What I am disappointed in, is how quick you were and others to make a mountain out of a molehill....I heard and watched the full hillary video where she talked with her fans regarding the convention and she in NO WAY indicated that she was going to try to WIN the nomination at the Convention....she said that after the tally, she was going to give full support to Obama and would pass her delegates and supporters over to him.

In ADDITION to this, if you did just an itty bitty bit of research, instead of jumping to conclusions, you would see that EVERYONE that has had a close presidential primary race in the recent past has gotten their due at the Convention...

This is not something KNEW for Hillary to get such...this is NORMAL....all male candidate losers such as kennedy, Hart, Bradley went to the convention and got their delegate count etc....as said, this is something that is NORMAL, not some SCHEME OF THE CLINTON'S conspiracy CRAP....

And honestly, I feel you did this JUST to cause a little ruckus among Democrats so that the Hillary supporters will NEVER heal and never be accepted in to the Obama supporter camp....because i can tell ya now, SOME of the Obama supporters ARE NOT IN ANY WAY making it something EASY to do, in my honest opinion.....

A convention vote for the nomination is a status quo....always has been if the race is even similarly close....

Loyalties to losing candidates remain a factor in the nomination process. A common myth is that delegates are somehow bound to stick with their candidate at the convention. Technically these delegates can vote for whom they like; however, because they're usually fervent supporters, loyalty prevails.

After a candidate drops out of the race, his or her delegates often seek guidance on whether to throw their support to another candidate. So bargaining for delegates is commonplace.

Bradley used this bargaining technique in 2000 before "releasing" his delegates to Gore, Moskowitz said. He did this for several reasons. First, he used his strong base in New York to get a prime speaking slot at the convention. And he wanted to get his supporters into convention committee slots.

"These people are really diehard supporters, so it's not like they just go 'Okay, I'll support Al Gore now,'" Moskowitz said. "They really did look to [Bradley] for guidance."

Also, i was teasing a bit in my post regarding causing trouble or being a sexist.....i didn't nail you with one over the other....funny you only got upset with the "sexist" part and not the other! hahahahaha! so, is that what you were doing with this thread......trying to cause a continued rift among Dems? Is that the hidden agenda or the secret plan or something? lol

Care -

Nope.. I just was tossing it out there for discussin. Hillary just wont go away.

50% shot she leave the dem party in the future.
10% she becomes john mccains running mate.

Shes the next Lieberman.
"SOME of the Obama supporters ARE NOT IN ANY WAY making it something EASY to do, in my honest opinion....."

Of course; that's the nature of a rift. Both sides still feel antagonistic. Some Hillary supporters aren't making it easy for Obama supporters to welcome them back in, either - starting anti-Obama websites, forming groups, whatever the PUMA's are, etc. It's a 2 way street, but that's why some rifts aren't that easy to heal.
Care -

Nope.. I just was tossing it out there for discussin. Hillary just wont go away.

50% shot she leave the dem party in the future.
10% she becomes john mccains running mate.

Shes the next Lieberman.

NO, she isn't Chap, she will stay in the democratic party, just as Kennedy did, which furthered his career in the Senate, after losing his bid for presidential candidate....

I could see her leaving for the Governorship of NY perhaps, but this would still be as a Democrat.....

Hillary is too imbedded with the Democratic Party to leave and she is farther left than Obama on quite a few things, though right of him on others admittingly....I find it impossible to ever imagine her as a vp for Mccain and I am CERTAIN she would NEVER, EVER do such and it is just pure nonsense rhetoric of those putting THAT out there Chappie....again, JUST to cause trouble.....imho.

And a good morning to ya! How's massachusetts? Have you been getting all the rain and storms we have been getting the last two weeks up here?

Care -

Nope.. I just was tossing it out there for discussin. Hillary just wont go away.

50% shot she leave the dem party in the future.
10% she becomes john mccains running mate.

Shes the next Lieberman.

No freaking way. She will always be a Democrat.

She's got a huge ego and a lot of ambition, like most other politicians do. You're confusing ego and ambition with something else.
NO, she isn't Chap, she will stay in the democratic party, just as Kennedy did, which furthered his career in the Senate, after losing his bid for presidential candidate....

I could see her leaving for the Governorship of NY perhaps, but this would still be as a Democrat.....

Hillary is too imbedded with the Democratic Party to leave and she is farther left than Obama on quite a few things, though right of him on others admittingly....I find it impossible to ever imagine her as a vp for Mccain and I am CERTAIN she would NEVER, EVER do such and it is just pure nonsense rhetoric of those putting THAT out there Chappie....again, JUST to cause trouble.....imho.

And a good morning to ya! How's massachusetts? Have you been getting all the rain and storms we have been getting the last two weeks up here?


Yes very tropical this summer. It seems like daily thunder storms. I was out in Houston last week and apparently we got rain all week because when i left my my grass was dead and when i got back it was alive again.

Im hoping this weather pattern subsides as im heading off to oaks bluff on the 16th for a week of relaxation.
No freaking way. She will always be a Democrat.

She's got a huge ego and a lot of ambition, like most other politicians do. You're confusing ego and ambition with something else.

so you dont think she would ever consider leaving the democrat party? wasn't she a republican in her life at one point?
No freaking way. She will always be a Democrat.

She's got a huge ego and a lot of ambition, like most other politicians do. You're confusing ego and ambition with something else.
I think that she wants her name raised in nomination as a point of history - the first woman so nominated by a major party. After that, she'll turn the delegates loose.
Yes very tropical this summer. It seems like daily thunder storms. I was out in Houston last week and apparently we got rain all week because when i left my my grass was dead and when i got back it was alive again.

Im hoping this weather pattern subsides as im heading off to oaks bluff on the 16th for a week of relaxation.

I LOVE MARTHA'S VINYARD, when in massachusetts, we went every year on vacation Chap, though we usually stayed in Edgartown verses Oaks Bluff but we spent a lot of time in Oaks Bluff regardless....

There are a couple of similar towns/vacation spots here that we are learning to love as much, such as Bar Harbor and Kennebunkport, with the New England/Cape cod homes and shops and restaurants and lobstah :) and beaches with the flower boxes in front of every store and the beach roses galore....though both are on a smaller scale than Martha's Vinyard....less people to please up here, but very charming none the less and some nice beaches similar to Gays head in martha's vinyard with the cliffs right off the flat beach... in Maine too, only really much better up here....very pituresque!(in the summer).....

I'm hoping the weather pattern changes soon too Chap, (we are actually beginning the day in the high 50's where i live now)....though the Vinyard misses some of the storms, cuz they blow over, being an island and all....so you migjt be ok either way....at oaks bluff....I am feeling your excitement...parking at the ferry's parking lot, catching the bus to the terminal, taking the Ferry over, looking at the sea and if lucky the seals on the rocks on the way out of Falmouth...then the island coming in to view....with old lighthouses....the beauty of it all is seared in to my soul. (I think i was a fisherman in a previous life, because i am just in love with these old fishing towns and new england towns on the sea....and the lighthouses)

Have a good time Chap!

And one more thing, all the years i've known you, I have NEVER known you to be a Sexist, and if my teasing really implied such about you, then I apologize Chap...I'm sorry to do such, and felt the need to set such straight, on site.

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I LOVE MARTHA'S VINYARD, when in massachusetts, we went every year on vacation Chap, though we usually stayed in Edgartown verses Oaks Bluff but we spent a lot of time in Oaks Bluff regardless....

There are a couple of similar towns/vacation spots here that we are learning to love as much, such as Bar Harbor and Kennebunkport, with the New England/Cape cod homes and shops and restaurants and lobstah :) and beaches with the flower boxes in front of every store and the beach roses galore....though both are on a smaller scale than Martha's Vinyard....less people to please up here, but very charming none the less and some nice beaches similar to Gays head in martha's vinyard with the cliffs right off the flat beach... in Maine too, only really much better up here....very pituresque!(in the summer).....

I'm hoping the weather pattern changes soon too Chap, (we are actually beginning the day in the high 50's where i live now)....though the Vinyard misses some of the storms, cuz they blow over, being an island and all....so you migjt be ok either way....at oaks bluff....I am feeling your excitement...parking at the ferry's parking lot, catching the bus to the terminal, taking the Ferry over, looking at the sea and if lucky the seals on the rocks on the way out of Falmouth...then the island coming in to view....with old lighthouses....the beauty of it all is seared in to my soul. (I think i was a fisherman in a previous life, because i am just in love with these old fishing towns and new england towns on the sea....and the lighthouses)

Have a good time Chap!

And one more thing, all the years i've known you, I have NEVER known you to be a Sexist, and if my teasing really implied such about you, then I apologize Chap...I'm sorry to do such, and felt the need to set such straight, on site.

i have vacationed in kennebunkport many times. stayed at the nonantum(sp?) resort a few summers ago for a quick get away.

I also have been to bar harbor. Boston has a booze cruise that goes that i went on a few times.

im thinking about taking the fast ferry from quonset point RI instead of driving to woods hole and herding over. its A LOT more money but 30min from my house and no bridge traffic. what do you think? have you ever done it?

We got a little 1 bedroom apartment right on circuit ave in the old arcade building. wanted to stay where the action is this time. No beach front but its a quick 5min walk and ill prob rent a bike or moped or something.

btw Care. i am thinking of buying a home near the ocean for my parents to retire to. My thinking is long term investment for me.. parents LOVE maine and get nice little retirement place for free in return for my dad using his craftsmanship to improve some place with an addition or something. what do you think are some good areas to focus?
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i have vacationed in kennebunkport many times. stayed at the nonantum(sp?) resort a few summers ago for a quick get away.

I also have been to bar harbor. Boston has a booze cruise that goes that i went on a few times.

im thinking about taking the fast ferry from quonset point RI instead of driving to woods hole and herding over. its A LOT more money but 30min from my house and no bridge traffic. what do you think? have you ever done it?

We got a little 1 bedroom apartment right on circuit ave in the old arcade building. wanted to stay where the action is this time. No beach front but its a quick 5min walk and ill prob rent a bike or moped or something.

I did a fast ferry from Falmouth once, and it was alot quicker...a really big yaght that brings you over....you park right there at a little dock, no busses to have to catch to a terminal....it was about double the money, ummmm, maybe it was triple the money to do this verses the ferry....but more convenient....

we never really had problems with the traffic on the bridge because we always planned our week beginning sunday or mid week....nor any 495 backups either....

You are starting on the 16th, a saturday...so traffic could be hell getting over to the ferry, depending on how early you leave in the morning, I would imagine the earlier the better....

I think the Rhode island ferry is a good choice just because of the short distance from south, central massachusetts and if you are bringing your kid, the ferry could be cumbersome with hauling the luggage on to the ferry bus and all...

PLUS, it will save you some in the gasoline from the drive to Woods Hole, verses the rhode island ferry.

Matt and I enjoy the ferry though, and i honestly like the whole, slow anticipation of getting there....

"SOME of the Obama supporters ARE NOT IN ANY WAY making it something EASY to do, in my honest opinion....."

Of course; that's the nature of a rift. Both sides still feel antagonistic. Some Hillary supporters aren't making it easy for Obama supporters to welcome them back in, either - starting anti-Obama websites, forming groups, whatever the PUMA's are, etc. It's a 2 way street, but that's why some rifts aren't that easy to heal.

Talking helps. It really is a matter of everyone feeling as if they have been heard, understood, and in some way, validated. I think it's hard to do in groups, easier one on one.
oh and renting bikes is a must! we lucked in to waterfront every time there....when i was working also, matt and I could afford it, then when i retired we could NOT, so we booked on street rooms not ocean view or ocean front....once when matt had a gig at a bar on the same street as the hotel, they found out about it and upgraded us for FREE in to an ocean front, penthouse suite!!! Another time, we had a street view for one night, and the hotel asked if we wanted to upgrade for FREE in to an ocean view, because the people that were going to rent it cancelled at the last minute.

We always went to the SAME place to stay and they expected us each year and this allowed us to develop a relationship with them, so they cut us breaks when they could or if any opportunity came about, they let us know first.....
I did a fast ferry from Falmouth once, and it was alot quicker...a really big yaght that brings you over....you park right there at a little dock, no busses to have to catch to a terminal....it was about double the money, ummmm, maybe it was triple the money to do this verses the ferry....but more convenient....

we never really had problems with the traffic on the bridge because we always planned our week beginning sunday or mid week....nor any 495 backups either....

You are starting on the 16th, a saturday...so traffic could be hell getting over to the ferry, depending on how early you leave in the morning, I would imagine the earlier the better....

I think the Rhode island ferry is a good choice just because of the short distance from south, central massachusetts and if you are bringing your kid, the ferry could be cumbersome with hauling the luggage on to the ferry bus and all...

PLUS, it will save you some in the gasoline from the drive to Woods Hole, verses the rhode island ferry.

Matt and I enjoy the ferry though, and i honestly like the whole, slow anticipation of getting there....


just weighing the pros and cons of getting up at 4am versus spending an extra $150-200 for the easy trip.
oh and renting bikes is a must! we lucked in to waterfront every time there....when i was working also, matt and I could afford it, then when i retired we could NOT, so we booked on street rooms not ocean view or ocean front....once when matt had a gig at a bar on the same street as the hotel, they found out about it and upgraded us for FREE in to an ocean front, penthouse suite!!! Another time, we had a street view for one night, and the hotel asked if we wanted to upgrade for FREE in to an ocean view, because the people that were going to rent it cancelled at the last minute.

We always went to the SAME place to stay and they expected us each year and this allowed us to develop a relationship with them, so they cut us breaks when they could or if any opportunity came about, they let us know first.....

thats awesome. Yah this year we are sort of going on the cheap. cost only 1400 for the place. Last year i spent like 10grand on vacations. this year with gas and food higher something had to give.
thats awesome. Yah this year we are sort of going on the cheap. cost only 1400 for the place. Last year i spent like 10grand on vacations. this year with gas and food higher something had to give.

We used to do THOSE things, taking 3 vacations a year, usually 2 overseas somewhere when I was working too....and spent that kind of money easily...not anymore!

let me say that I enjoyed every vacation we ever took, and felt at the time that the money was well spent as hard as i worked ALL THE TIME.....

But now, looking back at those 15 years of $10 grand a year at least, on vacations.....as an older and wiser person, I wish I had done some of those vacations on the cheap and saved the money.... I don't think you will regret it and $1400 is a GREAT price for the week! (Which my mother was hounding us all along on this :(, that we would regret it someday, wasting this money as mom called it)

and damnit, "my mom" was probably right!

so you dont think she would ever consider leaving the democrat party? wasn't she a republican in her life at one point?

Yeah, when she was 19 years old. BFD.

She's not leaving the Democratic party. That's all part of the bitter, scorned woman narrative. I'm not buying it.

I think she has an ego and ambition. And she probably wants her, and her supporters, to be recognized for a historic campaign. That's all.

I'm not really all that shocked that a national politician, in a historic race, wants some of the limelight for herself and her supporters. I wouldn't read too much into it.