Hillary OUT of race, no VP spot with Obama


The Force is With Me
NEW YORK - Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton will endorse Senator Barack Obama on Friday, bringing a close to her 17-month campaign for the White House, aides said. Her decision came after Democrats urged her on Wednesday to leave the race and allow the party to coalesce around Mr. Obama.

Mrs. Clinton’s aides said she would "express her support for Senator Obama and party unity" at an event in Washington that day. One adviser said that Mrs. Clinton would concede defeat, congratulate Mr. Obama and proclaim him the party’s nominee, while pledging to do what was needed to assure his victory.

Her decision came after a day of conversations with supporters on Capitol Hill about her future now that that Mr. Obama had clinched the nomination. Mrs. Clinton had, in a speech after Tuesday night’s primaries, suggested she wanted to wait before deciding about her future, but in conversations throughout the day on Wednesday, her aides said, she was urged to step aside.

-- more at link


It's also been reported that the Obama campaign have nixed to idea of an Obama/Clinton ticket because Bill Clinton will have to disclose where the money came from .. and he won't.

this is an instant classic...

'He is the nominee'
"Look, I’ve known him for years, and I said that as the election came to an end, I would make my endorsement, come from underneath the desk — and I did that," Mr. Emanuel said. "The fact is, he is the nominee."


Somehow I have a feeling that Hillary heard from quite a few people today telling her to get out now. I am a tad shocked she agreed. But on to the general.
I truly hope they follow through with this.... Get rid of the bullshit questions from the media and let the people address the candidates directly.

"At a town-hall-style meeting in Baton Rouge on Wednesday, Mr. McCain announced that he had invited Mr. Obama to join him in a series of 10 such meetings between now and the Democratic convention in late August.

"I think Americans are tired about the ways presidential campaigns have been run in the past — all the gimmicks, the phony sound bits and photo-ops," Mr. McCain said. "Campaigns always seemed to be more about the candidates’ interest than the public."

Mr. McCain even proposed a date for the first event: June 12 in New York City.

Obama's fundraising advantage
Mr. Obama had earlier indicated that he might be open to such a proposal, though it is clearly to the McCain campaign’s advantage to push the concept. Mr. McCain will almost certainly be widely outspent by Mr. Obama, whose fund-raising has far outstripped his opponent’s, and joint appearances where the candidates would get equal attention could help offset the disparity.

Mr. McCain even joked about the financial aspect, suggesting that the candidates share the same airplane to the forums: "Given our expenses," he said, "I know my campaign would agree to it."

David Plouffe, the Obama campaign manager, later issued a statement saying the town-hall proposal was "appealing, and one that would allow a great conversation to take place about the need to change the direction of this country."

But he said that his side would recommend a "less structured and lengthier" format, "one that more closely resembles the historic debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas."

Nevertheless, Mr. Plouffe said he looked forward to continuing the discussion over the matter with the McCain campaign. "
Well here is what I think, and I did have several drinks, but I think I have this down anyway. I have been noticing that all of the pundits have been just stupified that Obama has been stepping into what's his name, the fossil, on national security. and they have all said, this is a mistake, he should be fighting him on domestic issues. Well, here is what I think is happening:

1) john edwards is going to be the vp nominee, defying conventional wisdom that Obama needs someone to "balance' his lack of experience on national security.

2) Obama, is right under everyone's nose, and much to my own surprise, actually doing something transformative. He is transforming the democratic party from a passel of pussies who look like they should be shopping for dresses, into hard asses. Obama, will not need a vp who can "take on McCain on national security" because Obama is going to be the tough on national security guy.

3) They don't see it coming. They see him as a "bambi" and "effeminate" something that such pillars of "wisdom" as MODO, who is addicted to her own "clever narrative" has been pushing, and they've all been selling and buying this. They see him this way because he never took a swing at Hillary. they concluded he can't punch. But he can. And he's going to knock McCain out on McCain's own playing field, while John Edwards plays the emotive, or, emo, role and gets all of the hardworking white people, and probably some really lazy ones too.

4) I think that Obama is actually far tougher than I took him for, he took Joe Lieberman aside on the floor tonight, take a look at this, we haven't seen this in a democrat since LBJ: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/06/04/lieberman-carries-mccains_n_105179.html Barack Obama is finally going to make that traitorous mf eat worms.

I think that I was wrong and there might actually be a landslide. I underestimated this guy. The fun thing is, the punditry and JOHN MCCAIN, still do.
Obama would be stupid if he picked her as VP. Would only be a matter of months before we found him with two bullets to the back of the head and it was reported as a suicide/arkancide.
Well here is what I think, and I did have several drinks, but I think I have this down anyway. I have been noticing that all of the pundits have been just stupified that Obama has been stepping into what's his name, the fossil, on national security. and they have all said, this is a mistake, he should be fighting him on domestic issues. Well, here is what I think is happening:

1) john edwards is going to be the vp nominee, defying conventional wisdom that Obama needs someone to "balance' his lack of experience on national security.

2) Obama, is right under everyone's nose, and much to my own surprise, actually doing something transformative. He is transforming the democratic party from a passel of pussies who look like they should be shopping for dresses, into hard asses. Obama, will not need a vp who can "take on McCain on national security" because Obama is going to be the tough on national security guy.

3) They don't see it coming. They see him as a "bambi" and "effeminate" something that such pillars of "wisdom" as MODO, who is addicted to her own "clever narrative" has been pushing, and they've all been selling and buying this. They see him this way because he never took a swing at Hillary. they concluded he can't punch. But he can. And he's going to knock McCain out on McCain's own playing field, while John Edwards plays the emotive, or, emo, role and gets all of the hardworking white people, and probably some really lazy ones too.

4) I think that Obama is actually far tougher than I took him for, he took Joe Lieberman aside on the floor tonight, take a look at this, we haven't seen this in a democrat since LBJ: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/06/04/lieberman-carries-mccains_n_105179.html Barack Obama is finally going to make that traitorous mf eat worms.

I think that I was wrong and there might actually be a landslide. I underestimated this guy. The fun thing is, the punditry and JOHN MCCAIN, still do.

1) If they are underestimating Obama at this point, then they deserve to lose. He just took out the Clintons. That should be warning enough not to underestimate him.

2) I think the alcohol effected your reasoning. He would be batshit crazy to put Edwards on his ticket. I agree that he is tougher than he appears, but this elections are not always about reality, but rather perception. Hillary tried (my opinion) to emasculate him and to an extent I think many people fell for it. For that reason, plus the fact that I think Edwards is a piss poor choice, I still think he takes on Biden.

3) Unless something dramatic happens, this will be a close race. It would be a mistake to underestimate McCains appeal. (the majority of this country is not like this board) Obama would have to sweep all of the swing states to make it even close to looking like a landslide. He currently trails in Michigan, Florida and Ohio. No way will there be a landslide if he loses any one of those, let alone all three.
Here is MY problem with McCain's "town hall meetings". He is NOT going to invite Bob Barr to accompany him and Obama on these town hall meetings. There is no way in hell he is going to let a serious conservative share the spot light. It will NOT be a series of town hall meetings with the candidates. It will ONLY be him and Obama. Barr will be excluded as well as the green party candidate. I think that at least the green, libertarian, republican and democratic parties should be included and you KNOW that will never happen
Here is MY problem with McCain's "town hall meetings". He is NOT going to invite Bob Barr to accompany him and Obama on these town hall meetings. There is no way in hell he is going to let a serious conservative share the spot light. It will NOT be a series of town hall meetings with the candidates. It will ONLY be him and Obama. Barr will be excluded as well as the green party candidate. I think that at least the green, libertarian, republican and democratic parties should be included and you KNOW that will never happen

I would say that is a fair assessment.
Well here is what I think, and I did have several drinks, but I think I have this down anyway. I have been noticing that all of the pundits have been just stupified that Obama has been stepping into what's his name, the fossil, on national security. and they have all said, this is a mistake, he should be fighting him on domestic issues. Well, here is what I think is happening:

1) john edwards is going to be the vp nominee, defying conventional wisdom that Obama needs someone to "balance' his lack of experience on national security.

2) Obama, is right under everyone's nose, and much to my own surprise, actually doing something transformative. He is transforming the democratic party from a passel of pussies who look like they should be shopping for dresses, into hard asses. Obama, will not need a vp who can "take on McCain on national security" because Obama is going to be the tough on national security guy.

3) They don't see it coming. They see him as a "bambi" and "effeminate" something that such pillars of "wisdom" as MODO, who is addicted to her own "clever narrative" has been pushing, and they've all been selling and buying this. They see him this way because he never took a swing at Hillary. they concluded he can't punch. But he can. And he's going to knock McCain out on McCain's own playing field, while John Edwards plays the emotive, or, emo, role and gets all of the hardworking white people, and probably some really lazy ones too.

4) I think that Obama is actually far tougher than I took him for, he took Joe Lieberman aside on the floor tonight, take a look at this, we haven't seen this in a democrat since LBJ: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/06/04/lieberman-carries-mccains_n_105179.html Barack Obama is finally going to make that traitorous mf eat worms.

I think that I was wrong and there might actually be a landslide. I underestimated this guy. The fun thing is, the punditry and JOHN MCCAIN, still do.

I hate to say I told so my sister, but .. I told you so.

This guy has got serious game.

That exchange with Lieberman .. if only there was video.
this is an instant classic...

'He is the nominee'
"Look, I’ve known him for years, and I said that as the election came to an end, I would make my endorsement, come from underneath the desk — and I did that," Mr. Emanuel said. "The fact is, he is the nominee."


Somehow I have a feeling that Hillary heard from quite a few people today telling her to get out now. I am a tad shocked she agreed. But on to the general.

Hillary should shut up about VP, she'll be lucky to get a cabinet post or something powerful in Senate, which the D's are more than likely to control.
i still cant get over bill and Chelsie laughing there asses off when she stayed in.

im sure the boom dropped on her today. GET THE FUCK OUT
3) Unless something dramatic happens, this will be a close race. It would be a mistake to underestimate McCains appeal. (the majority of this country is not like this board) Obama would have to sweep all of the swing states to make it even close to looking like a landslide. He currently trails in Michigan, Florida and Ohio. No way will there be a landslide if he loses any one of those, let alone all three.

Based on what?

He currently "trails" because the general has just begun, but the contrasts are already sinking in.

"Not to offend those who might be offended, but this speech is a mash and tough to digest. You have to get through the self-congratulatory praise of independence and commander-in-chief pose from the Senate, then you have to try to follow the inconsistency of some of his big-government ideas vs. his anti-big-government rhetoric, and his inconsistency even on his supposed strength -- the surge in Iraq vs. closing GITMO and conferring additional rights on the detainees."

Who said that?

Mark Levin, neocon, at the uber right-wing NATIONAL REVIEW


Step away from the bong my brother.

There is ZERO energy or enthusiasm on the republican side and the more McCain disses Bush, the more he angers the right-wing and those he has to depends (pun intended) on.


McCain is so desperate he's stealing Obama's ideas, not just the slogans and the ideas, but THE POLICIES .. FOREIGN POLICIES.

He followed Obama on striking targets in Pakistan.

He followed Obama on isolating Iran with global financial impediments .. even though he voted against it when OBAMA introduced it in the Senate. OBAMA made McCain look foolish in front of AIPAC when he spoke of it.


McCain doesn't have a clue about the economy and the guy who is crafting his economic policy, Phil Gramm, is a ticking time bomb that Obama is going to set a match to. Gramm is considered the man most responsible for the mortgage meltdown.. AND he's awash in lobbyist shit INCLUDING protecting foreign banks that shelter terrorist funds BEFORE and AFTER 9/11.

Dude, I could go on for pages .. but my rose-colored prescription Obama glasses are fogging up with tears of laughter.
Hillary should shut up about VP, she'll be lucky to get a cabinet post or something powerful in Senate, which the D's are more than likely to control.

I hate to say I said so, but .. I said so.

The Hillary VP sweepstakes is over.

The Obama campaign has said that is highly unlikely for the very reasons I said .. Bill will have to get vetted and he ain't telling where all the money came from .. thus the Obama VP vetting team said, it ain't happening.

The Clinton era is over.
Here is MY problem with McCain's "town hall meetings". He is NOT going to invite Bob Barr to accompany him and Obama on these town hall meetings. There is no way in hell he is going to let a serious conservative share the spot light. It will NOT be a series of town hall meetings with the candidates. It will ONLY be him and Obama. Barr will be excluded as well as the green party candidate. I think that at least the green, libertarian, republican and democratic parties should be included and you KNOW that will never happen

That ain't going to happen my good brother.

That isn't how the two main parties control the American electorate.

McFossil wants to do it because town halls are the only thing he's good at .. but not good enough.

The visuals alone will be priceless.
Based on what?

He currently "trails" because the general has just begun, but the contrasts are already sinking in.

"Not to offend those who might be offended, but this speech is a mash and tough to digest. You have to get through the self-congratulatory praise of independence and commander-in-chief pose from the Senate, then you have to try to follow the inconsistency of some of his big-government ideas vs. his anti-big-government rhetoric, and his inconsistency even on his supposed strength -- the surge in Iraq vs. closing GITMO and conferring additional rights on the detainees."

Who said that?

Mark Levin, neocon, at the uber right-wing NATIONAL REVIEW


Step away from the bong my brother.

There is ZERO energy or enthusiasm on the republican side and the more McCain disses Bush, the more he angers the right-wing and those he has to depends (pun intended) on.


McCain is so desperate he's stealing Obama's ideas, not just the slogans and the ideas, but THE POLICIES .. FOREIGN POLICIES.

He followed Obama on striking targets in Pakistan.

He followed Obama on isolating Iran with global financial impediments .. even though he voted against it when OBAMA introduced it in the Senate. OBAMA made McCain look foolish in front of AIPAC when he spoke of it.


McCain doesn't have a clue about the economy and the guy who is crafting his economic policy, Phil Gramm, is a ticking time bomb that Obama is going to set a match to. Gramm is considered the man most responsible for the mortgage meltdown.. AND he's awash in lobbyist shit INCLUDING protecting foreign banks that shelter terrorist funds BEFORE and AFTER 9/11.

Dude, I could go on for pages .. but my rose-colored prescription Obama glasses are fogging up with tears of laughter.

Like I said, those glasses are indeed coloring your vision. Like I said before, lets wager on the swing states. Doesn't have to be money.

My guess... McCain picks up Romney as VP. McCain wins FL, MI, PA, NV, IN, MO

Obama takes Biden and wins OH, CO, NM, IA, VA

The General may have just begun, but you are kidding yourself if people haven't known for a long time that it would be McCain, Obama. Obama has problems as does McCain.

You just have a hard time taking your emotion out of the equation. You are excited about the prospect of Obama and I do get that. At this point I think he wins.

But you are insane if you think it will be a Reagan like landslide or even a Papa Bush like destruction of Dukakis or Clinton over Dole.

Won't happen. Not in this political climate.

You forget.... McCain is the only thing standing between the Dems and full control of both houses of Congress and the White House. The only thing.

If you think Reps won't wake up to that point by November, you are indeed insane.
Like I said, those glasses are indeed coloring your vision. Like I said before, lets wager on the swing states. Doesn't have to be money.

My guess... McCain picks up Romney as VP. McCain wins FL, MI, PA, NV, IN, MO

Obama takes Biden and wins OH, CO, NM, IA, VA

The General may have just begun, but you are kidding yourself if people haven't known for a long time that it would be McCain, Obama. Obama has problems as does McCain.

You just have a hard time taking your emotion out of the equation. You are excited about the prospect of Obama and I do get that. At this point I think he wins.

But you are insane if you think it will be a Reagan like landslide or even a Papa Bush like destruction of Dukakis or Clinton over Dole.

Won't happen. Not in this political climate.

You forget.... McCain is the only thing standing between the Dems and full control of both houses of Congress and the White House. The only thing.

If you think Reps won't wake up to that point by November, you are indeed insane.

Your hypotheticals are based on ancient assumptions my friend.

Here's a secret .. Romney is a mormon and christian conservatives don't like them .. hence the success of Huckabee in the south.

You are correct about one thing .. it won't be a Reagan like LANDSLIDE, it will be a GOLDWATER-like LANDSLIDE.

If Obama picks Nunn .. goodbye south.

I may be insane .. but I ain't stupid.

Obama has serious game and he just put away a far more powerful political force than McFossil .. who pales in comparison.

Oh .. did I mention the money .. the TONS of money coming Obama's way?

Don't be confused by my admitted enthusiasm my brother. I've been doing politics for a long time and I get paid for unemotional analysis.

McCain is the only thing standing between disaster .. like a boy with his finger in the dyke.

I may be insane .. but I ain't stupid.