Hillary vs. McCain

Who would you vote for?

  • Hillary

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • McCain

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • I'd stay home/third party (MWAHAHAHA libertarians!)

    Votes: 9 56.3%

  • Total voters
Turning over a new leaf.............

After the fiasco with John McCain today over the Obama flap with the Radio Show host...I can no longer support John McCain...I see absolutely no difference between him and Hillary...

As for Barack Obama I simply do not trust the man... a no vote there...If by a fluke Huckabee gets the nomination via convention...which is quite possible now since John shot himself in the proverbial foot once again...I would vote for Mike...

In all reality I frankly just don't give a damn anymore...y'all can choose your poison..I will no longer be a part of it! When the proverbial shit hits the fan, after the general is over, and y'all see what you really got...at least I can say I didn't vote for the traitor! I am at the point of total disgust with this whole election process!
After the fiasco with John McCain today over the Obama flap with the Radio Show host...I can no longer support John McCain...I see absolutely no difference between him and Hillay...

As for Barack Obama I simply do not trust the man... a no vote there...If by a fluke Huckabee gets the nomination via convention...which is quite possible now since John shot himself in the proverbial foot once again...I would vote for Mike...

In all reality I frankly just don't give a damn anymore...y'all can choose your poison..I will no longer be a part of it! When the proverbial shit hits the fan, after the general is over, and y'all see what you really got...at least I can say I didn't vote for the traitor!

yeah I just watched that episode a while ago. McCain was embaressed and aplologizing. how will he handle it after he becomes the nominee and all the right wing pundits start that type of crap supporting him ?
It will be interesting to watch him wonder what he has gotten himself into.
Don't worry about it..........

yeah I just watched that episode a while ago. McCain was embaressed and aplologizing. how will he handle it after he becomes the nominee and all the right wing pundits start that type of crap supporting him ?
It will be interesting to watch him wonder what he has gotten himself into.

John has lost just about all his conservative base...he is done!
He will either squeek by..............

If Sidney is done what will happen at the Republican convention ?

or Huckabee will get the nod....if it is John vs Hillary or Obama either one will most likely win...most conservatives I have talked to say John has lost it again! They nor I will give Hillary nor Obama the vote...most likely just sit it out and concentrate on the congressional elections!
or Huckabee will get the nod....if it is John vs Hillary or Obama either one will most likely win...most conservatives I have talked to say John has lost it again! They nor I will give Hillary nor Obama the vote...most likely just sit it out and concentrate on the congressional elections!
But But but you have been saying OVER AND OVER AND OVER that there is NO WAY Johnny boy could lose to either of these two. I guess I missed the apology so I need to go find out what all the hullabaloo is about.
Ok, read the article about the comments made by Cunningham. Again a bullshit right wing attack on a middle name he didn't give himself. So now the right is mad at McCain for being civil and distancing himself from the retard so loved by the other retards in the party. Is this really going to keep you from voting from him? God that shit is great. I hope lots of you thin skinned righties stay home on election day.
Ok, read the article about the comments made by Cunningham. Again a bullshit right wing attack on a middle name he didn't give himself. So now the right is mad at McCain for being civil and distancing himself from the retard so loved by the other retards in the party. Is this really going to keep you from voting from him? God that shit is great. I hope lots of you thin skinned righties stay home on election day.

That darned wimpy McClown!

This has to be very interestring to shrinks studying the phych of right wingers.
Ok, read the article about the comments made by Cunningham. Again a bullshit right wing attack on a middle name he didn't give himself. So now the right is mad at McCain for being civil and distancing himself from the retard so loved by the other retards in the party. Is this really going to keep you from voting from him? God that shit is great. I hope lots of you thin skinned righties stay home on election day.

Yeah, I was wondering if that was seriously BB's logic?
After the fiasco with John McCain today over the Obama flap with the Radio Show host...I can no longer support John McCain...I see absolutely no difference between him and Hillary...

As for Barack Obama I simply do not trust the man... a no vote there...If by a fluke Huckabee gets the nomination via convention...which is quite possible now since John shot himself in the proverbial foot once again...I would vote for Mike...

In all reality I frankly just don't give a damn anymore...y'all can choose your poison..I will no longer be a part of it! When the proverbial shit hits the fan, after the general is over, and y'all see what you really got...at least I can say I didn't vote for the traitor! I am at the point of total disgust with this whole election process!

I've always agreed with you but if you just called John McCain a traitor, after enduring 5 years of torture, A Grandfather in service, a Father in the service, and service himself, then I clearly don't here. I see your pic, and the man is wearing a black beret, and the picture looks from a while ago, is that you, where you a Ranger? And if so how could you not vote McCain?

You have to understand flaming on the campaign trail is bad, especially when this election comes down to the middle, bitter attacks on your opponent drive away independent votes, votes needed to keep the rubber stamp of socialism way from Pennsylvania Avenue.
you have to be a fucking idiot to vote third party if hillary is the nominee. principle means nothing unless you have a movement to back you. ron paul is dead to the world. so is every other third candidate in this race. You're essentially just handing your more educated vote to some idiot from the sticks of wherever you live to knee jerk for the (R) on the ballot. It's irresponsible and stupid and all six of you should be fucking ashamed.
I would rather have hillary than john mccain just cause i hate john mccain and i don't want him to win on principle.

It's a very tough choice based on who I am routing for, I also really hate obama and his cult followers, and it would be the BEST THING EVER if the super delegates handed it to hillary and ALL THOSE CULTIES CRIED CRIED CRIED.

But then I think, who will be the more ineffective democrat. Though many think obama coughs butterflies and shits rainbows right now, I'm not convinced he'll have the cajones to really get things done and have stuff passed in the house. That's a plus.

Hillary however, though she has cajones, is pretty divisive. But she's also a skilled and tactful politician.

Choices people, choices.
you have to be a fucking idiot to vote third party if hillary is the nominee. principle means nothing unless you have a movement to back you. ron paul is dead to the world. so is every other third candidate in this race. You're essentially just handing your more educated vote to some idiot from the sticks of wherever you live to knee jerk for the (R) on the ballot. It's irresponsible and stupid and all six of you should be fucking ashamed.

who would you rather vote for, hitler or stalin?

NO GUYS... im not pulling a godwins law on us (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodwins_law)...what I am saying is that if you personally feel two candiates are both not synced up on enough issues with yourself, there is NOTHING wrong with voting third party. Principle isn't just about a following it's whether or not you can go to sleep at night.