Hillary vs. McCain

Who would you vote for?

  • Hillary

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • McCain

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • I'd stay home/third party (MWAHAHAHA libertarians!)

    Votes: 9 56.3%

  • Total voters
First and foremeost...I was not calling John a traitor in the war sense...I don't like his policies on Illegal Immigration,Job outsourcing,cheap labor insourcing Nafta/Cafta and a few other policies...as for the the fisaco about Obama... the Radio Talk show host was just hyping up the base...as Obama does give the personna of one supporting corrupt business dealings and soft on terrorists...as for using Obamas Middle name...so what it is his middle name!

John was an embarrassment bowing down and apologizing he looked really weak!...John made a big mistake he cannot afford to lose conservatives...Independents come in liberal/libertarians as well as conservative clothing...I being a super conservative...And for the record I am not a Republican...I am a registered 'American Independent' so your comment about catering to Independents was a moot point! And no I was not a Army Ranger...Armor/ Air Cav!

Resorting to name calling makes one look childish. McCain was strong to denounce what is at it's core - RACISM. It's disgusting that you defended it and I doubt many of even the most right wing people agree with you and not McCain. What would've been weak would be to bow to the peer pressure of the politically corrent right wing nazi's.