Hillary was the best choice


Junior Member
How do you snub the most people who voted for someone and not make them your VP? I think there is going to be a serious backlash over this. Don't get me wrong i'm still voting for Obama, but I think Hillary was the obvious choice, the choice by the majority of voters, and she won the big states, Ohio and others that are very important to winning. Biden's an OK pick, but I think he would have gotten a bigger bump from Hillary.
Picking the VP is not about awarding a prize for second place in the primaries.

Its about picking someone that will fill holes, bring new experiences and provide coverage for areas in which the candidate is lacking.
How do you snub the most people who voted for someone and not make them your VP? I think there is going to be a serious backlash over this. Don't get me wrong i'm still voting for Obama, but I think Hillary was the obvious choice, the choice by the majority of voters, and she won the big states, Ohio and others that are very important to winning. Biden's an OK pick, but I think he would have gotten a bigger bump from Hillary.

You are absolutely correct, Robdawg.

Obama is letting his ego get in the way of common sense.
How do you snub the most people who voted for someone and not make them your VP? I think there is going to be a serious backlash over this. Don't get me wrong i'm still voting for Obama, but I think Hillary was the obvious choice, the choice by the majority of voters, and she won the big states, Ohio and others that are very important to winning. Biden's an OK pick, but I think he would have gotten a bigger bump from Hillary.

How so? With Biden he knows what he's got. With Hillary, he'd always have to be looking over his shoulder to see how she is going to screw him, so she can run in 2012.
How so? With Biden he knows what he's got. With Hillary, he'd always have to be looking over his shoulder to see how she is going to screw him, so she can run in 2012.
You keep frenemies like that close. Not picking her doesn't change how he will be "looking over his shoulder to see how she is going to screw him", it just makes it so she can do it where he can't see or know anything about what she is doing.
How often are second place primary placers picked as VPs?

I don't know but suspect that it is not too often. Just my uneducated guess here. Biden's an OK pick if you ask me. He'll be a good attack dog and does fill some holes in the foreign relations area for Obama. If I weren't voting for Cindy I'd still have to vote against them though.
vp MEANS next to nothing,
it was a slap in Hillary's face
And for Biden being so Racist, Barack can now say WHO'S YOUR DADDY!!
no primary in history was ever like this one, nor did the one who got the most votes not be the nominee.

Perhaps you haven't noticed, but the phrase "no primary in history was ever like this one" has been common after pretty much every primary.

Just like the phrase "this is the most important presidential election in our lifetime".

The way the rules are set up, its not about who gets the most votes. If Hillary had won the nomination and Obama got more votes, you can bet she (or her followers) would be defending the status quo.

If you want the person who got the most votes to be the nominee, you have to change the rules BEFORE the primary. Not afterwards.
How do you snub the most people who voted for someone and not make them your VP? I think there is going to be a serious backlash over this. Don't get me wrong i'm still voting for Obama, but I think Hillary was the obvious choice, the choice by the majority of voters, and she won the big states, Ohio and others that are very important to winning. Biden's an OK pick, but I think he would have gotten a bigger bump from Hillary.

Hillary was NOT the best choice.

Hillary DID NOT win the Democratic primary.

The Clintons DID NOT want the donors to the Clinton library revealed.

As previously stated, the VP choice is NOT a prize for coming in 2nd.
think it was a matter of life preservation. Who is gonna kill obama to get biden as president?

For Hillary? well just look up the (clinton body count)
You keep frenemies like that close. Not picking her doesn't change how he will be "looking over his shoulder to see how she is going to screw him", it just makes it so she can do it where he can't see or know anything about what she is doing.

Well.....I suppose you would have to think of where she could do the most harm........the Senate or the White House.

Worth discussing?
Well.....I suppose you would have to think of where she could do the most harm........the Senate or the White House.

Worth discussing?
She could do the least harm living on the Air Force Base in the VP house.