Hillary was the best choice

Southern Man, the thing with that is if McCain picks Romney to be his VP the Dems will use the same tactic of using Romney's words against McCain. At the end of the day it might have a small effect but probably not a large one.
Romney wasn't nearly as critical or condescending and in fact was respectful. He certainly wasn’t arrogant. Furthermore, he actually had substantial numbers of people vote for him.
Biden said those things in the primary. Its not uncommon. And I think the voters know that.

Anyone with sense enough to research a candidate will see right thru that bit of mudslinging.

But then.........George W. did get elected twice. So the intelligence of voters can be lower than I give them credit for.

Biden was a good choice. It doesn't show Obama's inability to make good decisions. It shows his ability to make decisions based on facts instead of on campaign rhetoric.
But then.........George W. did get elected twice. So the intelligence of voters can be lower than I give them credit for.
Ahh yes the old 'vote republican if you're stupid' routine. Please please use that at your local Kiwanis meeting. :cof1:
And got a whopping less than 1% of the vote in the only state he remained in the race, that's how much excitement Biden brings to this ticket. The rockstar image isn't going to carry him through, nor can it be maintained for too long but choosing somebody who couldn't even garner enough excitement to get more votes than Ron Paul seems, well, just kinda sad.

You are going on the assumption that Biden was picked for how far he got in the primaries, instead of on his record, his accomplishments and his ability to be vice-president.

......as for Obama's rock star status.......that's something thrown out by the right, when they don't really know how to explain Obama's popularity with the public, his charisma, and how the crowds come to him......not like McCain, where he has to go to where thre crowds are.....cheese aisle anyone?
Romney wasn't nearly as critical or condescending and in fact was respectful. He certainly wasn’t arrogant. Furthermore, he actually had substantial numbers of people vote for him.

You're joking right.......a simple google search by a little old lady sitting behind a computer screen, in a small town found this in just 2 minutes......can you imagine what will be found if someone was actually looking?


"If you ask people, 'Look at the three things Senator McCain has done as a
senator,' if you want that kind of a liberal Democratic course as president,
then you can vote for him," Romney told campaign workers. "But those three
pieces of legislation, those aren't conservative, those aren't Republican,
those are not the kind of leadership that we need as we go forward."

McCain answered swiftly, accusing the former Massachusetts governor of
"wholesale deception of voters. On every one of the issues he has attacked
us on, Mitt Romney was for it before he was against it."


He added, "The truth is, Mitt Romney was a liberal governor of Massachusetts
who raised taxes, imposed with Ted Kennedy a big government mandate health
care plan that is now a quarter of a billion dollars in the red, and managed
his state's economy incompetently, leaving Massachusetts with less job
growth than 46 other states."

McCain later told a Jacksonville audience that Romney has been "entirely
consistent. He's consistently taken at least two sides of every issue,
sometimes more than two."


"I favor transparency," Romney told The Associated Press on Thursday between
campaign stops in New Hampshire. "Let people make contributions and report
it on the Web site, so you know who's contributed to whom, but
McCain-Feingold has not worked. It's hurt my party, it hurts First Amendment
rights. I think it was a bad bill."

On Wednesday, the same day McCain formally announced his candidacy, Romney
said in an Internet posting: "The American people should be able to exercise
their First Amendment rights without having to think about hiring a lawyer."

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Mitt Romney and John McCain accused each other Monday
of being liberals, a charge tantamount to blasphemy in the caustic campaign
for the Republican presidential nomination.
One day before the crucial Florida primary, Romney lambasted the Arizona
senator for a host of "liberal answers" to the country's problems. Among
them: McCain's legislation curbing money in politics, his more forgiving
view of illegal immigrants and his backing of an energy bill that Romney
said would raise consumer costs.

"And I just don't think those liberal answers are what America is looking
for, not for the Republican Party or for any party, for that matter," Romney
said in Fort Myers, Fla.

McCain accused Romney of "wholesale deception of voters" and of
flip-flopping on the issues.

"On every one of the issues he has attacked us on, Mitt Romney was for it
before he was against it," McCain said.


CONCORD, N.H. -- Republican Mitt Romney assailed his two leading
presidential rivals Thursday, criticizing John McCain's stance on
immigration and dismissing Rudy Giuliani's support for gun control, abortion
and gay rights as a losing combination in the GOP primary.

Running a distant third in national polls, Romney used a campaign stop in
New Hampshire to challenge McCain's support for stronger border security
paired with an eventual path to citizenship for some of the 11 million
illegal immigrants in the United States.
You are going on the assumption that Biden was picked for how far he got in the primaries, instead of on his record, his accomplishments and his ability to be vice-president.

......as for Obama's rock star status.......that's something thrown out by the right, when they don't really know how to explain Obama's popularity with the public, his charisma, and how the crowds come to him......not like McCain, where he has to go to where thre crowds are.....cheese aisle anyone?
No, I am going on his appeal to the people who were voting and saying it was a mistake because it is directly contrary to a message of change.
Ahh yes the old 'vote republican if you're stupid' routine. Please please use that at your local Kiwanis meeting. :cof1:

No, not an old routine. And I am not a democrat or a member of any club.

But if you look at the number of screwups, mistakes, and coverups in his first administration, his getting reelected was a HUGE surprise.
No, not an old routine. And I am not a democrat or a member of any club.

But if you look at the number of screwups, mistakes, and coverups in his first administration, his getting reelected was a HUGE surprise.
Oh I can see that you are above partisanship. :rolleyes: