Hillary won't get the nomination

We will see if the Hillary cackle is enough to stop her ;)

cackle v. , -led , -ling , -les . v.intr. To make the shrill cry characteristic of a hen after laying an egg.

Sean Hannity is doing his best to turn the cackle into the same thing as the Dean yeaaaaaa!
Americans want 8 more years of Clintonomics!!!

Of course they do. They want 8 more years of BILL Clintonomics, which were really "Bob Rubinomics."

Hillary will not provide 8 more years of Clintonomics, at least the kind we saw in the '90's. Hillary is nothing like Bill.
Of course they do. They want 8 more years of BILL Clintonomics, which were really "Bob Rubinomics."

Hillary will not provide 8 more years of Clintonomics, at least the kind we saw in the '90's. Hillary is nothing like Bill.

Umm it does not matter who gets in there. The economics will suck.
Kinda hard to turn a sows ear into a silk purse.

but what the heck, record numbers of millionaires and bankruptcies :clink:

If topper thinks hillary getting in there will make the economy all rosy, he is smoking some good stuff.
I listened to him the other day, he has an enhanced tape of the Cackle and keeps playing it over and over again when her name comes up.

It's too early for any of that to matter. If it was just after the first of the primaries, and she had lost in them, it would make some difference. Instead people will just be over it long before any elections are held.

Seriously, he's an idiot.
You heard it here first.

You can say it's wishful thinking, and I'd agree with you, but there has been a definite shift over the past week. She's trying to run out the clock, and it's way too early. Her answers in the debate were horrifyingly safe, and she's starting to look more & more like the "Washington establishment" candidate. Her vote on the Iran thing should be a wake-up call to primary voters everywhere.

Obama is raking in cash, and the media is focused on "the cackle" (typical media). I've gotta believe that as voters take a closer look and start really considering the consequences, they'll abandon Hillary in droves.

Either that, or we're screwed, and most of my adult life will be dominated by mediocre/bad leaders who happen to have "name recognition"...

I'll bet you she not only gets the nomination but will be the next President. I used to think she was too polarizing but I think now she can overcome that.

I'll go on the assumption that the more left-leaning people on this board represent the feelings of other liberal Democrats in that Hillary is not their first choice. Be that as it may on election day when the options are Hillary vs. some Republican I believe those Democrats considering voting third party will ultimately hold their noses and vote for Hillary which will give her the support she needs to win.
I'll bet you she not only gets the nomination but will be the next President. I used to think she was too polarizing but I think now she can overcome that.

I'll go on the assumption that the more left-leaning people on this board represent the feelings of other liberal Democrats in that Hillary is not their first choice. Be that as it may on election day when the options are Hillary vs. some Republican I believe those Democrats considering voting third party will ultimately hold their noses and vote for Hillary which will give her the support she needs to win.

Not this one.
It is extraordinarily difficult for me to imagine pulling the lever for either Hillary or Giuliani, and I'm from NY.
It is extraordinarily difficult for me to imagine pulling the lever for either Hillary or Giuliani, and I'm from NY.

I wonder if we live near each other, wouldn't that be funny?

Well, it's way better than wondering if BB is in my grocery store.
Not this one.
This one might. It all depends on the day of the week or the cycle of the moon or what I have for breakfast that morning.

It would definitely require a clothespin on the nose: there's no question about that. There's something still to be said for having the first female president, however.
I'll bet you she not only gets the nomination but will be the next President. I used to think she was too polarizing but I think now she can overcome that.

I'll go on the assumption that the more left-leaning people on this board represent the feelings of other liberal Democrats in that Hillary is not their first choice. Be that as it may on election day when the options are Hillary vs. some Republican I believe those Democrats considering voting third party will ultimately hold their noses and vote for Hillary which will give her the support she needs to win.

I'll do what I can to deny Hillary the nomination.

In the end, I'll end up voting for whoever is more likely to win the election and be capable of winding down the iraq war, pursue sanity and diplomacy with Iran and other rogue states, who will mend our alliances and international reputation, and who will at least make incremental or baby-steps towards economic fairness in healthcare, education, and jobs.

The way I hear the top GOPers talk, they basically want to continue the bush policies - although supposedly, they'll be more "competent" at it.
remember if u end up voting for Hillary and she sucks as a president you no longer have the right to make any points on this board.
I'll do what I can to deny Hillary the nomination.

In the end, I'll end up voting for whoever is more likely to win the election and be capable of winding down the iraq war, pursue sanity and diplomacy with Iran and other rogue states, who will mend our alliances and international reputation, and who will at least make incremental or baby-steps towards economic fairness in healthcare, education, and jobs.

The way I hear the top GOPers talk, they basically want to continue the bush policies - although supposedly, they'll be more "competent" at it.

A long way of saying you will vote for Hillary if she is the Democratic Presidential nominee.
This one might. It all depends on the day of the week or the cycle of the moon or what I have for breakfast that morning.

It would definitely require a clothespin on the nose: there's no question about that. There's something still to be said for having the first female president, however.

Well, I was going to do it Ornot. I thought all along I'd do it.

But now, I can't see myself voting for her. I feel as if I personally resent her too much, as if she has looked at my "demographic" and made the decision that she can afford to dismiss me completely, because in the end, I'm going to vote for her if she's the nominee, and I'm not going to do it. That doesn't mean I'm going to vote Republican, the very idea is absurd. I'll vote for whatever 3rd party is on the ballot, I don't care if it's the socialist party, it wouldn't be the first time I'd pulled that lever.
Well, I was going to do it Ornot. I thought all along I'd do it.

But now, I can't see myself voting for her. I feel as if I personally resent her too much, as if she has looked at my "demographic" and made the decision that she can afford to dismiss me completely, because in the end, I'm going to vote for her if she's the nominee, and I'm not going to do it. That doesn't mean I'm going to vote Republican, the very idea is absurd. I'll vote for whatever 3rd party is on the ballot, I don't care if it's the socialist party, it wouldn't be the first time I'd pulled that lever.

Not that it matters but you're also in New York which Hillary will win handily (even over Rudy I presume).
Not that it matters but you're also in New York which Hillary will win handily (even over Rudy I presume).

Well according to Rudy he is taking votes from Hillary inb blue states in droves, and no doubt, NY is in play if he is the R nominee. I don't belive it.

It does matter. I can't say I'd vote third party if I lived in Ohio. Tougher call.