Hillary's bitter ad campaign


New member
Did anyone see her new PA ad? It has a series of "regular" voters talking about how offensive Obama's remarks were to them.

I know you're losing, and you have to do whatever you have to do, but she is treating that gaffe like the only life preserver in the ocean as she's going down for the last time.

Obama could have done the same thing with Bosnia. He remarked on it, but let it go after that. This thing has been Hillary's campaign for the last 4 days solid. Are voters this stupid? (don't answer that)
I saw the ad and all I could think was it was like those really bad movie bad ads that show all the people coming out of theater telling me how good the bad movie was.

"I couldn't look away, he said bitter and I could not believe what an elitist he is. You should really go out and vote for Hillary".
I think that because Obama knows he is going to be the nominee, he feels he has to play it smarter, by not going after her on things like the Bosnia fabrication. He's afraid to look like the big bad man beating up on a woman, and so piss off white women over a certain age, that they'll stay home or vote McCain.

Hillary on the other hand, is going for broke because she has a very small chance of being the nominee, and has nothing to lose. And she really likes John McCain. You think she cares if he becomes President? I don't. If it's not her, I think she wants it to be McCain.
I saw the ad and all I could think was it was like those really bad movie bad ads that show all the people coming out of theater telling me how good the bad movie was.

As soon as you see those ads, you know the movie's done. I hope that goes for Clinton, as well...
she's embarrassing herself at this point.
Saw a clip where she was trying it in a speach and she got a few heckles and total silence. She's crushing the Clinton legacy at this point, desparation moves.
Obama by double digits Nationally from here on out.
I saw the ad and all I could think was it was like those really bad movie bad ads that show all the people coming out of theater telling me how good the bad movie was.

"I couldn't look away, he said bitter and I could not believe what an elitist he is. You should really go out and vote for Hillary".

Well, that is the other thing. What is this thing about bitter? It's because of people like Top and Dano that bitter has a bad rap. You know how many times they have called me a bitter man-hater? You know how much I care?

I am bitter about some shit. I'm bitter that after 8 years under the biggest sociopathic lying sack of shit, John McCain can be running neck and neck. I'm bitter that after years of work, of spending my own money, of long hours, we are probably going to bomb Iran anyway. I'm bitter that Americans can't feel the death of a child in their hearts unless it is an American child.

But I am not embittered. I have a great relationship, a really good, secure (and that's saying something these days) job, incredible friends who I laugh with every day, and a budding business.

There is no shame in being bitter. It does not make you a left over. It does not make you a loser. It doesn't even make you unhappy. Those people should embrace their bitterness instead of being stung by it. Do you know anybody who is not bitter over something in this life? politics aside, I'm bitter that my father died. I live. I encompass many emotions. It is nothing to be ashamed of.
Bitter but not embittered...well said! And so true; who isn't bitter about something?

As for clinging to guns & religion, we all cling to something (those aren't my personal choices). Still, it's hard to argue that there isn't truth in everything Obama said. What critics are basically saying is that you can't tell working class voters, or any voters, the truth, because they don't want to hear it.

I'm sure Obama wishes he hadn't said it, but it's a gaffe at worst, and it's shelf life should be over by now. It shouldn't be the subject of an ad campaign.
she's embarrassing herself at this point.
Saw a clip where she was trying it in a speach and she got a few heckles and total silence. She's crushing the Clinton legacy at this point, desparation moves.
Obama by double digits Nationally from here on out.

Kind of like Hillary's unbeatable lead prediction of yours late last year? Barring some unforeseen major debacle... this race is going to be within 3-5%. I do think Obama is the leader at this point, but it will not be a blowout.
Bitter but not embittered...well said! And so true; who isn't bitter about something?

As for clinging to guns & religion, we all cling to something (those aren't my personal choices). Still, it's hard to argue that there isn't truth in everything Obama said. What critics are basically saying is that you can't tell working class voters, or any voters, the truth, because they don't want to hear it.

I'm sure Obama wishes he hadn't said it, but it's a gaffe at worst, and it's shelf life should be over by now. It shouldn't be the subject of an ad campaign.

So you believe the stereotypes portayed by Obama are completely accurate? Knuckledragging xenophobic gun nuts? Bible thumpers waiting for the rapture?

And I thought democrats refrained from using stereotypes.
So you believe the stereotypes portayed by Obama are completely accurate? Knuckledragging xenophobic gun nuts? Bible thumpers waiting for the rapture?

And I thought democrats refrained from using stereotypes.

Jeez...I didn't realize that Obama said "Knuckledragging xenophobic gun nuts" and "Bible thumpers waiting for the rapture". That IS pretty bad.

Wonder why the media is ignoring those particular remarks....
Jeez...I didn't realize that Obama said "Knuckledragging xenophobic gun nuts" and "Bible thumpers waiting for the rapture". That IS pretty bad.

Wonder why the media is ignoring those particular remarks....

I just call them southerners
What ever happened to that guy who used to tell the stories about Tinfoil and his grandmother's spongbaths? That guy used to crack me up.
So you believe the stereotypes portayed by Obama are completely accurate? Knuckledragging xenophobic gun nuts? Bible thumpers waiting for the rapture?

And I thought democrats refrained from using stereotypes.

After 6 years fo bush worship it is hard to avoid stereotypes with the wrong wingers.

still at 60% approval with Republicans.
LOL. Really? It was that guy with the initials. R something. RJ. Something like that.

LOL, Oh yeah, that guy. RJS - that troll was hillarious.

I really wish GunsNChrist would come over here though.
Now he was really funny (or she)
It amazes me that so many give Obama a pass whenever he shows a hint of his non-inspirational side.

I grew up in Indiana and my family loves our guns and we believe in God. Are we anti-immigration? NO, but we are for enforcing immigration laws.

What bothered me most about Obama's comments, was his audience. He was rising to the perceived level of his well-to-do San Fran donor club and he wanted them to feel sorry for us poor Midwesterners and look past our backward ways.

Sorry Obama, but we are proud of our ways, and we don't look down at anyone unless they are threatening our family or property...

Hillary is not much of a Midwesterner, but wait for the vote, and you will see a big win for Hillary in PA and Indiana becaue of this insult.

Obama will likely hold on and win the nomination, but it will be razor thin. I'm voting for McCain, but the dems in my family will vote for Hillary. If Obama is the dem, they all might just vote McCain in November.

I'd just like to see people admit Obama really jacked this one up and then move on to the real issues...
It amazes me that so many give Obama a pass whenever he shows a hint of his non-inspirational side.

I grew up in Indiana and my family loves our guns and we believe in God. Are we anti-immigration? NO, but we are for enforcing immigration laws.

What bothered me most about Obama's comments, was his audience. He was rising to the perceived level of his well-to-do San Fran donor club and he wanted them to feel sorry for us poor Midwesterners and look past our backward ways.

Sorry Obama, but we are proud of our ways, and we don't look down at anyone unless they are threatening our family or property...

Hillary is not much of a Midwesterner, but wait for the vote, and you will see a big win for Hillary in PA and Indiana becaue of this insult.

Obama will likely hold on and win the nomination, but it will be razor thin. I'm voting for McCain, but the dems in my family will vote for Hillary. If Obama is the dem, they all might just vote McCain in November.

I'd just like to see people admit Obama really jacked this one up and then move on to the real issues...

My family's from the Midwest (Ohio) and I was kind of thinking the same thing. I think people have a lot of pride and aren't 'bitter' as was portrayed. As has been stated here we are all bitter about some things in (our) life. But to have someone from the outside try to judge communities like that probably doesn't go over real well.

This may not be analogous but I think the East Coast sucks. I think the weather sucks and the people are rude. I've had a few people from the East Coast agree with me. I've had others tell me to f off and then said what's wrong with California and the West Coast. So I've passed the same judgement on others just as Obama was. My point is I can understand why people from the East Coast wouldn't like my characterization (sp), especially from an outsider.