Hillary's bitter ad campaign

Darla, Huckabee didn't drop out of the race until McCain surpassed the magic number of delegates to win. Once you reach that number, you are the nominee. Right now it doesn't look like either Barrack or Hillary will have the magic number. If neither reach that number, that is when the Super Delegates must decide. That is your system.

For the record, I voted for Huckabee. I will most likely vote for McCain this fall.

But if a Democrat wins, I'd rather it be Hillary, but only because I think of the two, she can do more for Americans.

If Obama does win the nomination and Presidency, unlike many that post here, I will hope for the best for America. I would love 4 years later to be able to say that the best man or woman got the job (even if I didn't vote for them). Time will tell.

That's true but Huckabee was a joke, and your serious candidate, Romney, DID drop out. For the good of his party.
Romney dropped out when he reached a limit of spending his own money and no longer believed he could win.

I'm not sure what you think is a joke about Huckabee. Maybe the fact that lacking bitterness, he still clings to his bible, his faith and guns among other midwestern beliefs and values.

Anyway, had McCain not reached the Delegate threshold, the repubicans would still be in a competition just like the dems. Hillary and her supporters have invested months of effort and resources into this competition. Why should they drop out when they could still throw a touchdown with seconds left on the clock? I just don't understand your logic.
Yes, and when Hillary lost 11 in a row, it then became mathematically impossible (without across the board landslides and as well all know, and as she knows, that’s not happening) for her to win enough delegates. At that point, anyone other than a Clinton would have to drop out.
She has even been making her case that the superdelegates should pick who they feel is the best candidate, not who the voters voted for as the best candidate.

Now, I know you republicans are loving this , because it’s the only chance you have to put fossil in the white house, but as a registered Democrat, I want her out, ok? And, further, the bitch keeps moving the goal posts. Now, they’re saying that a six point win by Hillary would be a “blow out”. A month ago, she was up 20 points, and that was the blowout she needed.

Further, her husband is walking around calling her and your fossil the only two real Americans in the race. See, all of this is not going to be tolerated by democrats anymore than you or justjoe would tolerate it from Republicans.

That’s why you see Hillary’s numbers nationally, including her trustworthy numbers, taking a dive.

Now, do you mind if we keep our house and you keep yours, or do you feel you should keep both of them? I mean, the concern from “concerned republicans” is touching, but I can keep my own house, ok?

i think there is still like a 30% chance she will take the nomination. shes resilient.
Romney dropped out when he reached a limit of spending his own money and no longer believed he could win.

I'm not sure what you think is a joke about Huckabee. Maybe the fact that lacking bitterness, he still clings to his bible, his faith and guns among other midwestern beliefs and values.

Anyway, had McCain not reached the Delegate threshold, the repubicans would still be in a competition just like the dems. Hillary and her supporters have invested months of effort and resources into this competition. Why should they drop out when they could still throw a touchdown with seconds left on the clock? I just don't understand your logic.

Well, I explained it as best I could. She can’t win without an undemocratic process overturning the will of the democratic voters. It’s past time for her to go. There really isn’t anything else to explain, and I’m not being snotty, there just isn’t. She no longer believes she can win. She does believe she might be able to steal it by overturning the popular will, which would decimate the Democratic party. Not surprisingly, this upsets actual democrats. But it doesn’t upset Republicans. How can this get simpler?
it's not a football game and unlike the others who got with a shred of dignity, she may not even get out after the PA defeat.
O.K. Darla, I'll sit back and see if your prediction is right. If it is, I'll say congrats. And just for fun as an outsider (Repub), I'll predict that she wins PA and Ind both by 15 points and she will stay in longer!

I’m finally willing to make a prediction – she will be out by end of month.