Hillary's bitter ad campaign

I think that because Obama knows he is going to be the nominee, he feels he has to play it smarter, by not going after her on things like the Bosnia fabrication. He's afraid to look like the big bad man beating up on a woman, and so piss off white women over a certain age, that they'll stay home or vote McCain.

Hillary on the other hand, is going for broke because she has a very small chance of being the nominee, and has nothing to lose. And she really likes John McCain. You think she cares if he becomes President? I don't. If it's not her, I think she wants it to be McCain.

I agree.

The Clinton strategy has now turned to trying to ensure that Obama loses to McCain.
I don't think Nationally that we have a typical democrat or republican. We share some American values, but we differ on others.

Obama was asking the coastal progressives for cash and asking them to forgive the simpleness (God, Guns & Guts) of the Midwesterner.

I'm glad that regionally we are different. I travel a lot and it wouldn't be much fun if we all dressed, dined and thought alike. Our differences can make us weaker or stronger. We are all Americans.

Given Obama's "behind closed doors" west-coast audience, I'm not that shocked by his comments and that's the real problem.

In good times and bad times, Midwesterners pretty much have the same beliefs and values and we aren't ashamed of any of them. We value our family and friends and we will go out of our way to help a stranger (from North, South, East or West).
As a moderate conservative that leans republcan, I am curious to the merits of calling Hillary Clinton a beast. I disagree with her and Obama on rushing to end the war. We made a mess, we need to help clean it up.

Other than that, I am interested in some of the dem social initiatives. Hillary's Health Care plan really sounds like a winner for most Americans. I have health care for life after my more than 20 years service to country, but I have relatives that could really use it.
While in Germany, I was impressed with their Health care and I do think we could do even better.

I'm still rooting for McCain, but I wouldn't call her or Obama names. Why is she a Beast?
Beast is strong, but she is ruthless, and a complete phony (most politicians are, but she takes it to a new level). She has no core, or integrity, or shame.

Her healthcare plan, as is, will bankrupt the country.

She'd be a terrible President, imo.
Beast is strong, but she is ruthless, and a complete phony (most politicians are, but she takes it to a new level). She has no core, or integrity, or shame.

Her healthcare plan, as is, will bankrupt the country.

She'd be a terrible President, imo.

Well, I disagree with you on health care, and I actually think she'd be a competent President...and the only one who called her a "beast" on this thread is a right wing weirdo.

But she certainly is a liar. She's no more of a liar than John McCain is though. He has gotten a pass so far, due to the Hillary Obama dog and pony show. But he's just as big a liar.

I do think Obama seems to be more honest than either of them.
My family's from the Midwest (Ohio) and I was kind of thinking the same thing. I think people have a lot of pride and aren't 'bitter' as was portrayed. As has been stated here we are all bitter about some things in (our) life. But to have someone from the outside try to judge communities like that probably doesn't go over real well.

This may not be analogous but I think the East Coast sucks. I think the weather sucks and the people are rude. I've had a few people from the East Coast agree with me. I've had others tell me to f off and then said what's wrong with California and the West Coast. So I've passed the same judgement on others just as Obama was. My point is I can understand why people from the East Coast wouldn't like my characterization (sp), especially from an outsider.

Cawacko we here all know it's because you haven't gotten laid in Boston yet, and we don't take it seriously or personally.
Well, I would freely admit that I have completely lost objectivity when it comes to Hillary.

McCain has definitely gotten a pass, which will actually be kind of fun, because his supporters have as much of a false sense of complacency as I have seen in Presidential campaigns. He's in for a big surprise once the Dems settle the nomination.
Well, I would freely admit that I have completely lost objectivity when it comes to Hillary.

McCain has definitely gotten a pass, which will actually be kind of fun, because his supporters have as much of a false sense of complacency as I have seen in Presidential campaigns. He's in for a big surprise once the Dems settle the nomination.

Well, one of the really obvious things is, here is a guy who claims he is running on a clean up washington lobbyists platform, and the guy's whole campaign is staffed by lobbyists who are working for him for "free" (which means you and me are getting the bill if he wins). You know what they would do if that were Obama? McCain is getting the most free ride of all of them, but I think you're right and once this gets settled, the dems are going to start throwing some of this his way. I do resent Hillary for not bowing out, so that we could already be doing that. I mean, in private I say some shit about her that I wouldn't say on here.

But it's McCain who is eventually going to be the real problem. She is just his enabler. The press are his lapdogs.
Yep, she is a pretty typical politician. We know her well. Even McCain is somewhat typical. I'm just not sure flying blind with Obama is any better. Bush lacked experience and we see how that turned out.

But on health care, I'm not so sure the status-quo isn't already bankrupting us. I'm not so sure subsidized medical insurance for lower income Americans is more expensive than all the Emergency Room tabs we are already picking up. We are paying the bill now.

My problem with Obama's plan is mandating that parents pay for health care for their sons and daughter until age 25 or 26.

When we declare someone an adult, I do not believe you should mandate a parent to continue to pay their way. If I can no longer legally prevent them from staying out all night or engaging in other risky behaviors, I shouldn't be paying the price for their risky lifestyle. Doesn't "Adult" mean something other than sleezy establishments?

McCain is a safe choice for many Americans. Yes he supports continuing the unpopular war, but we are still a volunteer military (my oldest son and daughtger still serve) and most military still believe in the mission. He is a Republican that is willing to work with democrats (perhaps Bush's greatest failure). He isn't a Bush, but efforts to make him out to be a Bush might succeed.

For now, most are watching Obama and Hillary. It is entertaining!
Darla, do you really believe she should bow-out?

Seems to me a couple months ago, an "under-dog" team from New York was playing in the Super Bowl against what many considered the greatest team of all time.

Late in the 4th quarter with only a couple minutes left in the game, a quarterback doubted by so many escaped the clutches of defeat and threw an unbelievable pass to an almost unknown receiver. The receiver made the nearly impossible catch. The play changed the game and history. A few moments later, the NY Giants became Champions.

I'm a Colts fan, but I have to admit that this Super Bowl was the greatest Championship game I've ever seen. Hats off to the Giants and Pats. It was brutal and exciting to the end. What a game.

Point being, November is a long way away. Let Hillary and Obama finish the 4th quarter. Like the last Super Bowl, this nomination is one for the history books no matter who wins. Let them finish the game!

I do resent Hillary for not bowing out, so that we could already be doing that. I mean, in private I say some shit about her that I wouldn't say on here.

But it's McCain who is eventually going to be the real problem. She is just his enabler. The press are his lapdogs.
I think that because Obama knows he is going to be the nominee, he feels he has to play it smarter, by not going after her on things like the Bosnia fabrication. He's afraid to look like the big bad man beating up on a woman, and so piss off white women over a certain age, that they'll stay home or vote McCain.

Hillary on the other hand, is going for broke because she has a very small chance of being the nominee, and has nothing to lose. And she really likes John McCain. You think she cares if he becomes President? I don't. If it's not her, I think she wants it to be McCain.

There is no reason to go after somebody who is digging themselves a grave.

If your opponent is harming themselves, let them.
I think the "beating" is pretty much mutual at the moment. Obama is definately the front-runner and Hillary has only a flicker of a chance... yet a spark can sometimes start a fire. It is a long shot and the odds aren't good.

But Obama and Hillary may be better for the battle. This is still like a playground fight compared to the coming battle with McCain. Y

ou might not like McCain, but don't underestimate him as a "push-over". He's a fighter and the Dem candidate better be ready for a dog-fight after they leave the playground.
Darla, do you really believe she should bow-out?

Seems to me a couple months ago, an "under-dog" team from New York was playing in the Super Bowl against what many considered the greatest team of all time.

Late in the 4th quarter with only a couple minutes left in the game, a quarterback doubted by so many escaped the clutches of defeat and threw an unbelievable pass to an almost unknown receiver. The receiver made the nearly impossible catch. The play changed the game and history. A few moments later, the NY Giants became Champions.

I'm a Colts fan, but I have to admit that this Super Bowl was the greatest Championship game I've ever seen. Hats off to the Giants and Pats. It was brutal and exciting to the end. What a game.

Point being, November is a long way away. Let Hillary and Obama finish the 4th quarter. Like the last Super Bowl, this nomination is one for the history books no matter who wins. Let them finish the game!

Yes. Once she lost 11 primaries in a row, and the math worked out that the superdelegates would have to overturn the delegate count in order to award her the nomination, that was the time for her to drop out. If Obama was in that that position, I would feel the same. You lose, get out. Anything else, hurts the party. You don't see Republicans pulling this do you? And you won't. No matter how long you live.
It is still mathmatically possibe or Hillary to pass Obama on delegates and/or the popular vote. Yes it is a long shot, but the math still works.

If she passes him on popular vote and yes, they should count the popular votes from Florida and Michigan (delegates are debatabe) than she has a good argument to address to Super Delegates at the convention.

Like it or not, Super Delegates aren't new. If you don't like the Super Delegate system, demand your party change it (next election). If Obama holds on as the leader of Delegates and Popular votes, then hands-down the Super Delegates will nominate him. If Hillary takes over the popular vote, than the will of the people may be in question...

So let the 4th Quarter Play Out and let the rest of America be heard. PA, Ind, NC, etc., etc. They are just as American as you and me, and you shouldn't fear their votes.
It is still mathmatically possibe or Hillary to pass Obama on delegates and/or the popular vote. Yes it is a long shot, but the math still works.

If she passes him on popular vote and yes, they should count the popular votes from Florida and Michigan (delegates are debatabe) than she has a good argument to address to Super Delegates at the convention.

Like it or not, Super Delegates aren't new. If you don't like the Super Delegate system, demand your party change it (next election). If Obama holds on as the leader of Delegates and Popular votes, then hands-down the Super Delegates will nominate him. If Hillary takes over the popular vote, than the will of the people may be in question...

So let the 4th Quarter Play Out and let the rest of America be heard. PA, Ind, NC, etc., etc. They are just as American as you and me, and you shouldn't fear their votes.

How come your party didn’t have to hear from them before anointing McCain? What were you afraid of?

When the math shows that there is already a winner, the loser drops out, period. It's funny that's good enough for you guys, but you want “everyone to have a chance to vote” in the dem primaries. I wonder why?
How come your party didn’t have to hear from them before anointing McCain? What were you afraid of?

When the math shows that there is already a winner, the loser drops out, period. It's funny that's good enough for you guys, but you want “everyone to have a chance to vote” in the dem primaries. I wonder why?

Didn't McCain get the delegates he needed to win? Seems like a big waste of money for anyone to continue after that.
obama has said from the very beginning he doesn't want to play real dirty. hes been pulled in a few times but for the most part has taken the high road. hillary we all knew would play as dirty as possible.
Darla, Huckabee didn't drop out of the race until McCain surpassed the magic number of delegates to win. Once you reach that number, you are the nominee. Right now it doesn't look like either Barrack or Hillary will have the magic number. If neither reach that number, that is when the Super Delegates must decide. That is your system.

For the record, I voted for Huckabee. I will most likely vote for McCain this fall.

But if a Democrat wins, I'd rather it be Hillary, but only because I think of the two, she can do more for Americans.

If Obama does win the nomination and Presidency, unlike many that post here, I will hope for the best for America. I would love 4 years later to be able to say that the best man or woman got the job (even if I didn't vote for them). Time will tell.
Didn't McCain get the delegates he needed to win? Seems like a big waste of money for anyone to continue after that.

Yes, and when Hillary lost 11 in a row, it then became mathematically impossible (without across the board landslides and as well all know, and as she knows, that’s not happening) for her to win enough delegates. At that point, anyone other than a Clinton would have to drop out.
She has even been making her case that the superdelegates should pick who they feel is the best candidate, not who the voters voted for as the best candidate.

Now, I know you republicans are loving this , because it’s the only chance you have to put fossil in the white house, but as a registered Democrat, I want her out, ok? And, further, the bitch keeps moving the goal posts. Now, they’re saying that a six point win by Hillary would be a “blow out”. A month ago, she was up 20 points, and that was the blowout she needed.

Further, her husband is walking around calling her and your fossil the only two real Americans in the race. See, all of this is not going to be tolerated by democrats anymore than you or justjoe would tolerate it from Republicans.

That’s why you see Hillary’s numbers nationally, including her trustworthy numbers, taking a dive.

Now, do you mind if we keep our house and you keep yours, or do you feel you should keep both of them? I mean, the concern from “concerned republicans” is touching, but I can keep my own house, ok?