Holy Crap! Hillbilly might take Texas too!

She did it....

They are projecting her the winner of the Primary in Texas.

That's three of four states, two of them by huge margins...
MSNBC has called TX for Hillary. But the truth is she did not cut into his delegate lead much if at all. When all is said and done you are looking at about a 100 delegate difference. The dem race goes on till July.
I'm pretty sure McCain won the presidency based on the Dem results tonight. The convention will be brokered and McCain will win because of the dem infighting.
As much as I HATE HATE HATE mccain, him winning would be SUUUUPER funny because the democrats have been orgasmic the past year thinking they are going to clean up on election day.

Still though I'm not convinced mccain can beat one of the two even if they fight all the way to the summer. But we'll see.
I'm pretty sure McCain won the presidency based on the Dem results tonight. The convention will be brokered and McCain will win because of the dem infighting.

I don't think this is any way affects the outcome of the general.

It's just a matter of, if it's Hillary vs McCain does it really matter.
It matters enough for me to in that case vote ........ McCAIN 2008 Woooo!!

I will never vote for war.

If it's Hillary, I'll vote third party. But supposedly the delegate math says she can't do it unless she forces it to the convention and makes it a super-delegate decision. So maybe you were right after all...that could mean a McCain win.

The silver lining of that cloud is that he will finish the job Bush began with his wars and he'll bankrupt this country, and a lot of people who voted for him will go hungry lose their health insurance and die.

Other than that I don't see the upside to all of this.
How does any Democratic voter feel good today?

We know Obama voters don't feel good (I can attest).

Unless you are severely mathematically challenged, how do you feel good if you're a Hillary voter? The only chance she stands of winning is by politicking enough Superdelegates over to her side to overturn the pledged count in the end. That will likely sink her chances in the general, if she was somehow able to do that. And if she can't, and Obama is the nominee, he goes into the general as bruised as possible.

The GOP is positively giddy right now. They have another few months to tee off on Obama while he has to focus on putting this thing away, against an opponent that is making the "anti-Obama" case better than even they could. Do Dem voters in OH & TX understand this?

Really frustrating. It's been rare in my lifetime that Dem voters fail to frustrate the hell out of me.
How does any Democratic voter feel good today?

We know Obama voters don't feel good (I can attest).

Unless you are severely mathematically challenged, how do you feel good if you're a Hillary voter? The only chance she stands of winning is by politicking enough Superdelegates over to her side to overturn the pledged count in the end. That will likely sink her chances in the general, if she was somehow able to do that. And if she can't, and Obama is the nominee, he goes into the general as bruised as possible.

The GOP is positively giddy right now. They have another few months to tee off on Obama while he has to focus on putting this thing away, against an opponent that is making the "anti-Obama" case better than even they could. Do Dem voters in OH & TX understand this?

Really frustrating. It's been rare in my lifetime that Dem voters fail to frustrate the hell out of me.

your might be right oncelear.

On the upside for Obama voters, is that clinton only gained a couple delegates on obama.

And the media will mostly go dark on the GOP primaries now. McCain will be dropped from media coverage to a large extent. Obama and Clinton will still reap huge media coverage, which can have its upsides.

Remember, Bill Clinton didn't wrap up the Democratic primary in 1992 until June.
How does any Democratic voter feel good today?

We know Obama voters don't feel good (I can attest).

Unless you are severely mathematically challenged, how do you feel good if you're a Hillary voter? The only chance she stands of winning is by politicking enough Superdelegates over to her side to overturn the pledged count in the end. That will likely sink her chances in the general, if she was somehow able to do that. And if she can't, and Obama is the nominee, he goes into the general as bruised as possible.

The GOP is positively giddy right now. They have another few months to tee off on Obama while he has to focus on putting this thing away, against an opponent that is making the "anti-Obama" case better than even they could. Do Dem voters in OH & TX understand this?

Really frustrating. It's been rare in my lifetime that Dem voters fail to frustrate the hell out of me.

Well, all I can add to that is, leave it to the democrats to decide "Hey, it's not only a very important election, it's a cake election for us...why don't we run the first serious black candidate and first serious woman candidate against each other! Great idea, that should split and embitter half our base no matter what, and really fuck things up! And the pundits said even democrats couldn't fuck this up"

It was never a good idea.

This was the year progressives, real progressives, should have had a landslide win, with an Al Gore or a John Edwards. But we had to show off instead. Look at us, aren't we enlightened. It's the Love me I'm a liberal disease.
I will not throw away my vote that can vote against MR. 100 years of the US in Iraq.
I will vote for whomever has a chance of beating McCain, Even if I have to hold my nose while I do it
I will not throw away my vote that can vote against MR. 100 years of in Iraq.
I will vote for whomever has a chance of beating McCain, Even if I have to hold my nose while I do it

I need to do more than hold my nose to vote for Hillary. I need to finally go in for that partial-lobotomy, as well.

Darla's right; historic is cool, but Edwards, ultimately, was the best choice, and Dems kind of blew it yet again. He has none of the vulnerabilities of Hillary or Obama, and would have easily trounced McCain.
Will we get President Obama or President Clinton, I am getting bored with this?
Other than personality and her war vote, I still dont understand the dislike of Senator Clinton?