Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

Do you know why?

It is hard to get people to form their own opinions these days. People like to get their news in short bullet form blasts with nothing to back it except the word of some propagandist talking head in the MSM.
What Q did was slowly wake a whole lot of people up,... world wide. Some estimates range from 60-100 million people.

For four years straight it forced the participants to get out there and do their own research. To talk with others about what YOU found and the conclusions that YOU came to. This is why the phenomenon spread so quickly. Those in the media hated and despised the movement because it challenged the narrative they were in charge of shaping every day. The media is responsible for shaping reality, or so they think. Actually,....TRUTH is what shapes reality.
To this day people who have put no effort into reading any of the Q posts wrongly believe the movement was all about Trump when in fact it never was. He was only a vehicle to help achieve a goal. What the Q phenomena was about was WAKING PEOPLE UP to the network of lies that is all around them. Getting people involved enuff where they actually WANT to go out and do their OWN digging and form their own opinions. In many cases,...an this is an absolute FACT,...Q readers were literally YEARS ahead of the general public when it came to certain news stories and how they were all interconnected. The reason this was happening was because Q readers were doing their own research instead of sitting around waiting for a media that has a vested interest in actually suppressing certain news stories instead of reporting on them like ACTUAL journalist would do.

60-100 million people woken up, doing their own digging, and LOTS OF IT, forming their OWN opinion as FREE people were intended to do. Yes....I would call that a huge success. There is a reason the movement is called THE GREAT AWAKENING.
Because they’re loons lol?


They arent loons. Much of what was fed to the public BY THE CORRUPT MEDIA was grossly taken out of context. I mean,...of course it was. Would you expect any different? Point being.....There is no bullet point presentation when it comes to explaining the Q movement. Four years of Q posts which were almost 5000 and all the reading and research that went into trying to either prove or disprove cannot be explained in a couple of posts on the internet.
It is hard to get people to form their own opinions these days. People like to get their news in short bullet form blasts with nothing to back it except the word of some propagandist talking head in the MSM.
What Q did was slowly wake a whole lot of people up,... world wide. Some estimates range from 60-100 million people.

For four years straight it forced the participants to get out there and do their own research. To talk with others about what YOU found and the conclusions that YOU came to. This is why the phenomenon spread so quickly. Those in the media hated and despised the movement because it challenged the narrative they were in charge of shaping every day. The media is responsible for shaping reality, or so they think. Actually,....TRUTH is what shapes reality.
To this day people who have put no effort into reading any of the Q posts wrongly believe the movement was all about Trump when in fact it never was. He was only a vehicle to help achieve a goal. What the Q phenomena was about was WAKING PEOPLE UP to the network of lies that is all around them. Getting people involved enuff where they actually WANT to go out and do their OWN digging and form their own opinions. In many cases,...an this is an absolute FACT,...Q readers were literally YEARS ahead of the general public when it came to certain news stories and how they were all interconnected. The reason this was happening was because Q readers were doing their own research instead of sitting around waiting for a media that has a vested interest in actually suppressing certain news stories instead of reporting on them like ACTUAL journalist would do.

60-100 million people woken up, doing their own digging, and LOTS OF IT, forming their OWN opinion as FREE people were intended to do. Yes....I would call that a huge success. There is a reason the movement is called THE GREAT AWAKENING.

Well, I don’t need Q to do all that lol.

To this day, I still don’t know what they’re about exactly.
Also,.... a whole lot of what the media has attributed to Q was actually NEVER posted by him. It was posted by people CLAIMING to be following his posts. Thats a whole lot different,.... to say the least...LOL That would be like attributing every post ever made here at JPP to the owners of this board as if they said them. Not very fair.
Well, I don’t need Q to do all that lol.

To this day, I still don’t know what they’re about exactly.

Thats fantastic. I never have either. But........ a whole lot of other people do. Ever find yourself saying it feels like a lot of people are walking around as if they are almost asleep? I know you have,...a lot of people have. I have many times. THOSE are the ones the Q posts were intended for....
Thanks to Qanon and Donald Trumpf, in the last two years Republicans lost control of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House.
I have never really asked,...but IMO there are at least two others who frequent this room who were involved. In my estimation both would back up what I am saying to the fullest because it is in fact the truth.
Thanks to Qanon and Donald Trumpf, in the last two years Republicans lost control of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House.

LOL......The things some of you believe. :rolleyes: So small and small minded. I already told you,... this isnt about Trump and the Republicans and Democrats. :laugh: Sooooooooo much bigger than that. As if its all just about simple little politics. Absurd....
Because they’re loons lol?


See how powerful that MSM stranglehold is? You are one of the best and brightest in here,.... by far. You have said you dont know much about the movement yet you insinuate that 70 million people are loons. WHY,... because the MSM told you that. The same MSM that you ALREADY KNOW has done its level best to lead people away from the truth, to distort facts, and has been nothing more than a propaganda machine for those who truly run this world for decades. Not blaming you, or getting on you about it,..... just pointing it out. The media is a powerful thing.
They are as good as predictions as 7 times bankrupted reality show guy is at business. hahahahaha

Funny thing is........YOU YOURSELF have a hatred for the mainstream media and the business as usual politicians in BOTH parties and have said so many times. So much so that it has gotten you into a little trouble in here with some of the avid hard core Dems. They dont like it when you or anyone else stray too far off the little reservation that was created for each of us. I give you a lot of credit for being bright enuff to know that these problems we face arent quite as simple as left/right like so many want us to believe. Dont succumb.....
See how powerful that MSM stranglehold is? You are one of the best and brightest in here,.... by far. You have said you dont know much about the movement yet you insinuate that 70 million people are loons. WHY,... because the MSM told you that. The same MSM that you ALREADY KNOW has done its level best to lead people away from the truth, to distort facts, and has been nothing more than a propaganda machine for those who truly run this world for decades. Not blaming you, or getting on you about it,..... just pointing it out. The media is a powerful thing.

No disrespect man but is anyone who is not a Q believer supposed to know what this means? Reagan was called a great communicator for a reason. This is like the opposite, just some inside Q talk outsiders won’t understand. Maybe that’s the whole point?