Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

Yes. Tell me how the girl in red is a 'red herring'. Spell it out. LOL at you. You are a complete lightweight.

Like I said,.... you are so far behind that it is actually sad. Hubris sinks the ship,.... every time. ;)
Like I said,.... you are so far behind that it is actually sad. Hubris sinks the ship,.... every time. ;)

You can't answer the question. Because you are, frankly, too fucking stupid to understand it.
I only pay visits to those who are worth my time. Speaking of which,.... you sure do spend A LOT of time laser focused on ME and my posts. Too funny,.....:laugh:
No, it's sad. It's sad because you represent what half of America thinks. ignorant, xenophobic, frightened little mouse.

I am None of those things. I have literally NOTHING to fear from the likes of those who oppose me and mine.
The conspiracy theory is generally pro-Trump and anti-“deep state”, but it is not exactly coherent, and – like many conspiracy theories – is flexible enough to adapt to any new developments that might disprove it.

New York magazine and the Daily Beast have written articles explaining more of the basic beliefs of QAnon, but chances are that the more you read about it, the more confused you will be. Imagine a volatile mix of Pizzagate, InfoWars and the Satanic Panic of the 1980s, multiplied by the power of the internet and with an extra boost from a handful of conservative celebrities.

Most QAnon followers are Trump supporting evangelicals, Uscinski said, who are predisposed to believe a pro-Trump, anti-liberal narrative.


And those Evangelicals are predisposed and willing to believe any old crap.

In a way I find it to be both funny, and sad at the same time. How people have become such surface thinkers,... unable or unwilling to ask whats comes next, down the line questions.....

Here is a great example. For at least a couple of years now some very powerful people have claimed that Q posts are extremely dangerous. VERY dangerous in fact. It has also been said, by many in here even,... that the FBI can not only do just about anything,... but they are 100% a force for GOOD.

So I ask you,....WHY didnt this all powerful force for good simply shut down the source of the Q posts? WHY? And please,.... dont tell me they cant. They do it all the time .
WHY WAS this very dangerous thing NOT SHUT DOWN by the all powerful , all well meaning FBI when they EASILY could have IF IT were a normal website. WHY?

Could it be because THEY CANT because they are dealing with an alphabet agency that sits apart and well ABOVE the FBI?
No. Its just that living where you do makes it pretty funny that you would call ANYONE a hick.

Why? I spent almost my entire adult life in the Minneapolis/St Paul area, one of the most educated and enlightened metro areas in the country. I've traveled the world. I commuted to Dallas for almost ten years (and btw, Dallas is a thriving Metropolitan area, and Fort Worth is a cow town). I have more culture in my little finger than you do in your entire body. You think drinking and partying is the cool life style. Yes, you are a hick. It ain't about where you live. It's about how you live.
Why? I spent almost my entire adult life in the Minneapolis/St Paul area, one of the most educated and enlightened metro areas in the country. I've traveled the world. I commuted to Dallas for almost ten years (and btw, Dallas is a thriving Metropolitan area, and Fort Worth is a cow town). I have more culture in my little finger than you do in your entire body. You think drinking and partying is the cool life style. Yes, you are a hick. It ain't about where you live. It's about how you live.

Lemme tell you something.....the Twin cities arent DFW and they sure as hell arent Dallas. By a longgggggggg shot. :laugh:

Thanks to Qanon and Donald Trumpf, in the last two years Republicans lost control of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House.

I'd call that a great success!

It's funny when we get dueling Reichtards. On one hand you got morons like the OP who think #QAnon is the best. Then you have the other side that denies that they even exist and pretends that they're a creation of the so-called liberal media. At any rate dropping a hashtag in this discussion will create some interest elsewhere, eh? lol