Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

Q hasn’t posted in awhile. Do you think they now fear the FBI finding out their identity? It was all fun and games until Jan. 6th and then it became something ugly. I wonder if Q, either of them, will ever post, again.

Interesting. I don't know but without the Trump administration running interference for them, the hunt for Q and all domestic terrorists is on.
I'd call that a great success!

It's funny when we get dueling Reichtards. On one hand you got morons like the OP who think #QAnon is the best. Then you have the other side that denies that they even exist and pretends that they're a creation of the so-called liberal media. At any rate dropping a hashtag in this discussion will create some interest elsewhere, eh? lol

Let them fight. The Republican party is in full civil war mode. 2021 will be one of the most crucial years in their history. It will help determine if the party goes the way of the Whigs or if it returns to being a true conservative party instead of a cult of religious wackadoodles and Trump worshippers.
Lets look at what you believe shall we......

The media is honest and does their best to report the news accurately

Two weeks to flatten the curve

The people who CAUSED the great crash of 08 are the ones who need to be bailed out

The integrated system of Wallstreet, Big media, big business, big tech, career politicians, always has the best intentions for we citizens. In no way are we human cattle....

If you like your insurance,... you can keep your insurance

Big tech would NEVER spy on us,... surely those wonderful career politicians would see to it that something like that could never happen

Just to name a few. In fact,.... just a drop in the bucket.

Half the stuff you just listed could have come out of Bernie's or Elizabeth Warren's mouth. If that's your target why not just focus on that?
Let them fight. The Republican party is in full civil war mode. 2021 will be one of the most crucial years in their history. It will help determine if the party goes the way of the Whigs or if it returns to being a true conservative party instead of a cult of religious wackadoodles and Trump worshippers.

It looks from here that the crazies are winning. The impeachment trial will give us some clues.
It looks from here that the crazies are winning. The impeachment trial will give us some clues.
Lenigrad Lindsey, Confederate Cruz and Highbinder Hawley give us a look at the future of the QOP, Y’all Qeada, Vanilla Isis, the Patriot Party
It looks from here that the crazies are winning. The impeachment trial will give us some clues.

LOL. Looks are deceiving. Republicans have become RW Democrats using the same tactics of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" where a small but very vocal minority steers the direction of party over the Silent Majority.

A clue was in the past controversial elections of 2000, 2016 and 2020. Just because they don't speak up doesn't mean the Silent Majority isn't there.

You know I've been saying for months that the election is more about voting for the "D" or the "R", not the asshole with their name on the ballot. Trump cultists aside, that's the way it's always been.

The discussion about Boomers using the tech but not always using it wisely or correctly is an excellent point. Another great subject for a doctoral thesis.

Overall, I remain optimistic. This is a growing pain, nothing more. The US will be fine in the end. The main thing to remember is to grow toward the future, not stop and constantly pine for the past.
Q hasn’t posted in awhile. Do you think they now fear the FBI finding out their identity? It was all fun and games until Jan. 6th and then it became something ugly. I wonder if Q, either of them, will ever post, again.

Of course they dont fear it. The FBI has known their identities from the beginning. And if they havent,.....that would mean they are keystone kops that couldnt find their own ass with both hands. :laugh: I assure you,....they know exactly who and what they are.
Lenigrad Lindsey, Confederate Cruz and Highbinder Hawley give us a look at the future of the QOP, Y’all Qeada, Vanilla Isis, the Patriot Party

LOL. I'm enjoying seeing them being eaten by the Monster they helped create.

Again, 2021 will be a crucial year to see if there's even a future for the Republican Party or if they'll go the way of the Whigs....whom they replaced in the 1850s and, in 1860, seated their first President.

Unless something dramatic* happens I suspect Harris will become President in 2024. Will 2028 see the first Libertarian President because the RNC imploded from corruption like the Whigs 175 years previously or will the RNC rebuild into a conservative party focusing upon fiscal responsibility, national defense and personal accountability?

*global disaster, invasion by space aliens, regional war in the ME, etc.
Of course they dont fear it. The FBI has known their identities from the beginning. And if they havent,.....that would mean they are keystone kops that couldnt find their own ass with both hands. :laugh: I assure you,....they know exactly who and what they are.

If true, then I suspect there will be an extra flight to GITMO. :thup:
Let them fight. The Republican party is in full civil war mode. 2021 will be one of the most crucial years in their history. It will help determine if the party goes the way of the Whigs or if it returns to being a true conservative party instead of a cult of religious wackadoodles and Trump worshippers.

When were they a true conservative party?
When were they a true conservative party?
Many times throughout history. It was a cycle.

I liked the TR years, the Eisenhower years and the Reagan/Bush years the best. When was the Democratic party a true Democratic party before the Clintons turned them into raging fanatics?
It is hard to get people to form their own opinions these days. People like to get their news in short bullet form blasts with nothing to back it except the word of some propagandist talking head in the MSM.
What Q did was slowly wake a whole lot of people up,... world wide. Some estimates range from 60-100 million people.

For four years straight it forced the participants to get out there and do their own research. To talk with others about what YOU found and the conclusions that YOU came to. This is why the phenomenon spread so quickly. Those in the media hated and despised the movement because it challenged the narrative they were in charge of shaping every day. The media is responsible for shaping reality, or so they think. Actually,....TRUTH is what shapes reality.
To this day people who have put no effort into reading any of the Q posts wrongly believe the movement was all about Trump when in fact it never was. He was only a vehicle to help achieve a goal. What the Q phenomena was about was WAKING PEOPLE UP to the network of lies that is all around them. Getting people involved enuff where they actually WANT to go out and do their OWN digging and form their own opinions. In many cases,...an this is an absolute FACT,...Q readers were literally YEARS ahead of the general public when it came to certain news stories and how they were all interconnected. The reason this was happening was because Q readers were doing their own research instead of sitting around waiting for a media that has a vested interest in actually suppressing certain news stories instead of reporting on them like ACTUAL journalist would do.

60-100 million people woken up, doing their own digging, and LOTS OF IT, forming their OWN opinion as FREE people were intended to do. Yes....I would call that a huge success. There is a reason the movement is called THE GREAT AWAKENING.

Except, of course, for the pesky little fact that none of that actually happened.

See? This is why your mommy drinks so much, honey.
Boy....... a whole lot of this country's big players have invested a whole lot of time trying to discredit a little ole crazy conspiracy theory. Wonder why? Btw,....the discrediting didnt just start,....has been going on for well over 2 years.

Because millions of you gullible loons believe it, and kill over it. It's dangerous, and its believers need therapy. But, like you, they're too fucking stupid to realize that.

That's why.
I have never really asked,...but IMO there are at least two others who frequent this room who were involved. In my estimation both would back up what I am saying to the fullest because it is in fact the truth.

So two people that are just as demented as you would back up your crack-pot theories, and that's supposed to give you credibility, how exactly?
Many times throughout history. It was a cycle.

I liked the TR years, the Eisenhower years and the Reagan/Bush years the best. When was the Democratic party a true Democratic party before the Clintons turned them into raging fanatics?

The Reagan years began the decimation of the middle class so regardless of what you call it, it sucked.

What kind of fanaticism are you associating with the corporate owned wing of the Dem party?
Many times throughout history. It was a cycle.

I liked the TR years, the Eisenhower years and the Reagan/Bush years the best. When was the Democratic party a true Democratic party before the Clintons turned them into raging fanatics?


Clinton was a centrist. That's how he got elected in an era where the GOP made their living hating gays and blacks.

This current QOP crisis isn't something that sprang out of nowhere. QOP lies for decades have helped mold the gullible morons who now wag the republican dog. Trickle down economics, anti-gay legislation and propaganda, militaristic police and ramping up of the drug war, etc. Reagan was one of the most racist modern presidents, and kicked Nixon's southern strategy into overdrive with thousands of dog whistles.

Oh, and Reagan was a traitor who gave aid to our enemies.
You wish. It's taken over the entire republican party.

You wish. Keep the dream alive, kid!
