Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

The Reagan years began the decimation of the middle class so regardless of what you call it, it sucked.

What kind of fanaticism are you associating with the corporate owned wing of the Dem party?

That was, indeed a shift, but Americans chose it. The good was that Reagan successfully ended the Cold War through a combination of military might and working with Soviet leadership.

Results count. Look here for an example of Democratic Party excess and fanaticism: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...the-Trump-Cult-paranoid&highlight=coming+guns

Consider the Democratic policies Biden pushed (e.g. national minimum wage) which do nothing but kick the can down the road.

Why do half of American voters, even with an asshole like Trump, vote against the Democratic party? Why do only 30% of American voters belong to the Democratic party?
I really love to sit back and watch people put words in my mouth. Just write their own story as they go along and attribute it to me. Strawmanning is alive and well...:laugh:
That was, indeed a shift, but Americans chose it. The good was that Reagan successfully ended the Cold War through a combination of military might and working with Soviet leadership.

He didn't end the cold war, the Soviets imploded because they invaded Afghanistan and bankrupted themselves. Reagan's contribution was as meaningful as any other pretty actor in Hollywood in 1988.

Consider the Democratic policies Biden pushed (e.g. national minimum wage) which do nothing but kick the can down the road.

A national minimum wage is ENORMOUSLY popular in America with 67% support. Only an anti-democracy Republican would call that a "democratic policy".

And what does "kick the can down the road" mean? People getting a living wage are just kicking cans now?


Why do half of American voters, even with an asshole like Trump, vote against the Democratic party? Why do only 30% of American voters belong to the Democratic party?

Why hasn't the GOP won a popular vote more than once in the past 30 years? That should be your real question.

It's because the GOP is dogshit. Absolutely dogshit. How many QOP congressman voted to overturn the election? 140?

That's a batshit party. Yours is TRUMP'S party, now, and for the foreseeable future.

the Reagan/Bush years the best.

Why do you say that?

Here's what happened during Reagan and Bush the Elder:

2 Recessions
Tripling of the National Debt
Doubling of the Deficit
S&L Scandal
Iran Contra & the CIA's illicit drug war
AIDS epidemic
Selling Saddam weapons that we then attacked him for having
Beirut barracks bombed and no one was ever held to account for it
Pan AM 103
Black Monday
Largest taxpayer-funded bailout of our Financial system before Bush's.

That was "the best"?
Why do you say that?

Here's what happened during Reagan and Bush the Elder:

2 Recessions
Tripling of the National Debt
Doubling of the Deficit
S&L Scandal
Iran Contra & the CIA's illicit drug war
AIDS epidemic
Selling Saddam weapons that we then attacked him for having
Beirut barracks bombed and no one was ever held to account for it
Pan AM 103
Black Monday
Largest taxpayer-funded bailout of our Financial system before Bush's.

That was "the best"?

Best is a relative term.... but thanks for taking it out of context. I love when political partisans do that. :D
Best is a relative term.... but thanks for taking it out of context. I love when political partisans do that. :D

So "best" is a goalpost that you are shifting, then? Because there's nothing "best" about Reagan unless it's the best at being the worst.
So "best" is a goalpost that you are shifting, then? Because there's nothing "best" about Reagan unless it's the best at being the worst.

No, but thanks again for your political partisanship. Despite all of Trump's bullshit over the past four years, it's people like you who help push Americans to vote Republicans. Keep up the good work. :thup:

Maybe you like these best years:

Woodrow Willson: WW1


Truman: Korean War

LBJ: my personal favorite, Vietnam.

An argument can easily be laid the Clinton's adultery hobbled his Presidency with 9/11 being the result.

The Iraq War was all Republican bullshit, but less than a tenth of the American blood lost in LBJ's war.

"The Best Years of Our Lives". Why do you think 70% of Americans don't want to become Democrats?
No, but thanks again for your political partisanship.

Well, then maybe explain what you meant by "relatively", because it sure feels like you're moving goalposts here.

Despite all of Drumpf's bullshit over the past four years, it's people like you who help push Americans to vote Republicans

You push people to vote Republican because of your hyperbolic polarization that frames GOP fascists as no better than people marching for Black lives.

In fact, you're the sole reason for that polarization because of your lazy compulsion to have to boil everything down to two distinct and equal sides, upon which you heap scorn because you think it makes you look wise, when it really just makes you look lazy.

Maybe you like these best years:

Maybe you should ask me what I think rather than try to erect straw men and attribute them to me.
No, but thanks again for your political partisanship. Despite all of Trump's bullshit over the past four years, it's people like you who help push Americans to vote Republicans. Keep up the good work. :thup:

Maybe you like these best years:

Woodrow Willson: WW1


Truman: Korean War

LBJ: my personal favorite, Vietnam.

An argument can easily be laid the Clinton's adultery hobbled his Presidency with 9/11 being the result.

The Iraq War was all Republican bullshit, but less than a tenth of the American blood lost in LBJ's war.

"The Best Years of Our Lives". Why do you think 70% of Americans don't want to become Democrats?

I don't think we've ever had "the best" in this country.

Why do you think 70% of Americans don't want to become Democrats?

Because of your polarization.

Because of your reckless and irresponsible actions of drawing false equivalence.

Because you're a binary thinker.

Because people trust you when they shouldn't.
That's a batshit party. Yours is TRUMP'S party, now, and for the foreseeable future.
You push people to vote Republican because of your hyperbolic polarization that frames GOP fascists as no better than people marching for Black lives.
I'm not a Republican, but thanks for your bigotry and hatred placed upon me because I'm not a Democrat. :thup:
I don't think we've ever had "the best" in this country.

Of course you don't.

Because of your polarization.

Because of your reckless and irresponsible actions of drawing false equivalence.

Because you're a binary thinker.

Because people trust you when they shouldn't.

Although I admit to being arrogant, I had no idea you thought I was so powerful and influential. I assure you I am not. I'm just lil' ol' me.
I'm not a Republican, but thanks for your bigotry and hatred placed upon me because I'm not a Democrat.:

Right, you've made that clear...you don't identify as either because you have polarized them so dramatically and hyperbolically.

But there's nothing reasonable about polarizing bOtHsIdEs; doing so is simply and solely egocentric.
Launching a few cruise missiles at al-Qaeda was an insufficient response to neutralize the threat.

At the time, you moderates said he was wagging the dog.

20 years later, you say what he did wasn't enough.

So which is it? Or are you just making this argument yourself because you're lazy?

Also, the missile strike was in 1998, wasn't it? And 9/11 was 3 years later. But what preceded that strike? Bin Laden's 1996 manifesto declaring Jihad against America for its occupation of Muslim holy lands in Saudi Arabia.

It's not Clinton's fault that Bush didn't take the warnings of AQ and OBL seriously...my...doesn't that sound familiar? A Republican President ignoring his national security advisers when they warn of a catastrophic event.

That sounds very, very familiar, doesn't it?
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Of course you don't.

Why don't you? You're halfway there anyway because you're moving goalposts.

Although I admit to being arrogant, I had no idea you thought I was so powerful and influential.

"BoThSiDeS" only exacerbates polarization.

So if you want to blame anyone for our current state, you should blame yourself.

Your bOtHsIdErIsM normalized fascism, and then you had to polarize anti fascists because not normalizing fascism wouldn't allow you to make your bOtHsIdEs, which is intrinsic to the character and persona you have crafted for yourself on JPP.

Change my mind.
At the time, you moderates said he was wagging the dog.

20 years later, you say what he did wasn't enough.

So which is it? Or are you just making this argument yourself because you're lazy?

Not me, but, yes, that's what the Republicans claimed. Why did they say Clinton was wagging the dog?

I said it wasn't enough the second half of September, 2001. FWIW, I was also against the Iraq War from the beginning around 2002 when Cheney started sending out those smoke signals.

You keep lying by claiming I'm a Republican while you also equate Republicans to Trump, as if that guilt is retroactive 25-30 years. All it does is prove you are exactly what you are: a far Left politically partisan Democrat who hates the 70% of Americans who disagree with you regardless of the issue at hand.