Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

I'm comfortable with my knowledge of both the history and present ideological positions of both what they say (on their platform webpage) and what they are screeching in public. ?

So you can't articulate anything.

So this post of yours was just masturbation.

There are clear and identifiable differences between the GOP and the Democrats, but all you want to talk about is how you think they're the same.

Do you think that results in more or less polarization?
Political polarization cannot exist without someone assuming an artificial and lazy position for themselves that casts everyone else into two equal sides.
Nice of you to drop the drama queen stuff about you not representing common Democrat ideals. :)

On your comment, says who besides you? Why do you think so?
So you can't articulate anything.

So this post of yours was just masturbation.

There are clear and identifiable differences between the GOP and the Democrats, but all you want to talk about is how you think they're the same.

Do you think that results in more or less polarization?

LOL. It's okay if you don't know. I respect honesty over rhetoric. Yours to choose.
Nice of you to drop the drama queen stuff about you not representing common Democrat ideals.


So you're here contributing to the division, to the animosity, to the rhetoric, to the polarization, and you're doing it deliberately.

So just like I said in the post you quoted, all you do is exacerbate the polarization while pretending you're above it.

This post here is a clear example of you lighting the match.

So that's why I don't buy this bOtHsIdErIsM, and correctly identify it as lazy, egocentric bullshit.
LOL. It's okay if you don't know. I respect honesty over rhetoric. Yours to choose.

I mean, you're so fucking lazy you can't even articulate a single difference between the GOP and the Democrats, and you don't think that lazy polarization isn't making things worse???
Many times throughout history. It was a cycle.

I liked the TR years, the Eisenhower years and the Reagan/Bush years the best. When was the Democratic party a true Democratic party before the Clintons turned them into raging fanatics?
Eisenhower is the only one I liked.

So you're here contributing to the division, to the animosity, to the rhetoric, to the polarization, and you're doing it deliberately.

So just like I said in the post you quoted, all you do is exacerbate the polarization while pretending you're above it.

This post here is a clear example of you lighting the match.

So that's why I don't buy this bOtHsIdErIsM, and correctly identify it as lazy, egocentric bullshit.

Thank you for the clarification.

On the contrary, I'm contributing to the reunification of Americans, not increasing the division. This concept obviously upsets you.

Disagreed again on contributing to polarization or division. Disagreeing can be done amicably. Only bitter assholes refuse to discuss mutually satisfactory solutions. When deadlocked, progress cannot be made.

Like a marriage, the relationship between Left and Right, Democrats and Republicans is akin to the relationship between a wife and husband; it can only survive if there is mutual respect and trust. Just one or neither is a path to dysfunction and/or failure.

At the moment, the two political parties controlling most of the power in the United States Federal government are deadlocked with a near complete failure of mutual respect much less trust.

You, ma'm, are the one guilty of maintaining the deadlock versus finding mutually satisfactory solutions. Reason and logic are superior to finding these solutions than overwhelming emotional appeal...except in the Democratic Party.

"To your feet, ma'm."
Thank you for the clarification.

You knew what it was before you posted, don't play this fucking game with me.

Everything you do is intentional including calling it "Democrat" instead of "Democratic".

You knew the proper usage, you just didn't use it because of your habit to polarize everything and sow division.

You are guilty of all the things you accuse bOtHsIdEs.

You polarize (bOthSiDeS), you incite ("Democrat"), you lie ("thanks for the clarification").
Eisenhower is the only one I liked.

Just an amatuer opinion, but Eisenhower represented a high point before America, once again, went into a cycle of transition resulting in social upheaval, change and repercussions.

I forget who posted it, but there's a political theory about Presidential-types cycling over five elections or something. I'll look into it more.
On the contrary, I'm contributing to the reunification of Americans, not increasing the division.

You might think you're doing this, but your actions say otherwise.

Calling it "Democrat" instead of "Democratic" is divisive.

And you did it deliberately.

So...you're not doing anything close to what you say you are. You're doing the opposite.
You knew what it was before you posted, don't play this fucking game with me.

Everything you do is intentional including calling it "Democrat" instead of "Democratic".

You knew the proper usage, you just didn't use it because of your habit to polarize everything and sow division.

You are guilty of all the things you accuse bOtHsIdEs.

You polarize (bOthSiDeS), you incite ("Democrat"), you lie ("thanks for the clarification").

I confess to using slang Democrat instead of the formal Democratic. Why was that point #1 on your list of complaints...twice?

On what basis are you calling me a liar?
You might think you're doing this, but your actions say otherwise.

Calling it "Democrat" instead of "Democratic" is divisive.

And you did it deliberately.

So...you're not doing anything close to what you say you are. You're doing the opposite.

Hanlon's Razor.
Disagreed again on contributing to polarization or division. Disagreeing can be done amicably. Only bitter assholes refuse to discuss mutually satisfactory solutions. When deadlocked, progress cannot be made.

Right, but you're not doing anything to help that when you polarize bOtHsIdEs as you have done.

On top of polarizing, what you also do is minimize and reduce...like referring to Black lives as "an issue" and not a test of your moral character...which you failed, by the way, because you think that it's OK to take Black lives "when necessary".

Like a marriage, the relationship between Left and Right, Democrats and Republicans is akin to the relationship between a wife and husband; it can only survive if there is mutual respect and trust. Just one or neither is a path to dysfunction and/or failure.

No. Politics is not like a marriage at all, and you are here trying to reduce it to that because that reduction is the only way you can wrap your small mind around it.

That's one of the motivations behind your bOtHSiDeS...these are complex issues that are just too overwhelming for you to comprehend, so you are compelled by your insecurity to reduce them into something binary that you can understand.

That shit SUCKS. It's dangerous and it also normalizes things like fascism.

At the moment, the two political parties controlling most of the power in the United States Federal government are deadlocked with a near complete failure of mutual respect much less trust.

No, the parties are deadlocked on one thing and one thing only: TRUTH.

One party refuses to accept truth, and you're here telling me that is the other party's fault?

Go back and think on this a little more. Give it as much thought as you give your persona on JPP.

You, ma'm, are the one guilty of maintaining the deadlock versus finding mutually satisfactory solutions.

"It's OK to kill Black people when necessary" is not a solution to anything.

So you need to go back and unite with me, not the other way around.

Reason and logic are superior to finding these solutions than overwhelming emotional appea

So then when are you going to ditch the emotion of bOtHSiDerIsm and admit that one party refuses to accept truth?

Because reason and logic dictate that you can't work with someone who doesn't recognize your legitimacy and who refuses to accept basic truths.

Truths like the 2020 election wasn't stolen.
Reason and logic are superior to finding these solutions than overwhelming emotional appeal...except in the Democratic Party.

Nothing you have posted in this thread falls into the reason or logic bucket.

In fact, all you've done on this thread is exacerbate the division and tension with your intentional bomb-throwing.

So what you do is really shitty; you toss bombs in there, then point at the resulting chaos and cry about bomb-throwing.

You threw bombs all over this thread, and none of it swayed anyone to your binary thinking.

So it was all done for your self-gratification...in other words, masturbation.
...Truths like that the 2020 election wasn't stolen.

That's true. What's your point?

"It's OK to kill Black people when necessary" is not a solution to anything.
Why are you making it racist? Do you think it's okay to shoot Donald Trump as he's about to sexually assault a 10 year old boy? Unlike you, I'd advise "Aim above the boy and empty the magazine!"

Should that be because Trump is white or just because he's a very, very bad person with a history of criminality?
I confess to using slang Democrat instead of the formal Democratic.

It's not "slang", it's a slur.


Bullshitting doesn't work on me. So just stop it.

Why was that point #1 on your list of complaints...twice?

It wasn't on my list twice, you're just having a hard time trying to follow the thread because of your early onset dementia you old fart.

On what basis are you calling me a liar?

"thanks for the clarification".

You already knew that it was Democratic, not Democrat.

So you fucking lied to me. Again.

I really, really, really don't like liars.