Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

I know a lot of people who are Independents but I registered as a Dem because you have to be with a party to vote in PA primaries.
I liked Alaska, you didn’t have to declare a party, you were listed as undeclared. You requested your primary preference Republican or Democrat.
I liked Alaska, you didn’t have to declare a party, you were listed as undeclared. You requested your primary preference Republican or Democrat.

That's a good way of doing it. PA is a throwback; the saying is that all elections here (at least in Pgh.) are decided at the primary level.
Do you know why?

Don’t know why it’s been a success for you .. don’t care, but it’s been a massive success for the Left in demonstrating the absolute mind blowing ignorance of the right and people who believe that Q bullshit. And because of the diishonor of trump and the ignorance of Q,republicans are losing voters in droves.

There is already more of us than there are of you, Q makes winning election even easier.. Republicans haven’t won the popular vote in 28 years.

Thanks. Good job
Do you know why?

Q'anon has been a great success for the Democrats- While the Republitards are chasing their tails with all the Q'anon Conspiracy theories, the Democrats have won control of the Executive and Both Legislative Branches of Congress- and the Republicans are scrambling in 100 different directions.


Don’t know why it’s been a success for you .. don’t care, but it’s been a massive success for the Left in demonstrating the absolute mind blowing ignorance of the right and people who believe that Q bullshit. And because of the diishonor of trump and the ignorance of Q,republicans are losing voters in droves.

There is already more of us than there are of you, Q makes winning election even easier.. Republicans haven’t won the popular vote in 28 years.

Thanks. Good job
2004 was a good year. :thup: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_United_States_presidential_election

Agreed about Q making the Republicans Qless. It depends on how their little civil war goes. In the end, the Qless will be neutralized just like any other terrorist group.

How long it takes the Republicans to recover is largely up to them but I'm guessing the US won't see a viable conservative presidential candidate until 2028 after President Harris serves her first term.
Not at all. Mueller said he could not charge collusion in the beginning. However, he listed many incidents of Trumps in contact with Russians. In his presser, he said the rest was the house's problem to investigate and charge.

Oh, you poor thing.

You think talking to people is collusion?
Agreed on the lack of evidence for Trump but Flynn both confessed to and accepted a pardon for his crimes.

Yeah, because at first he was using Eric Holder's law firm, was bankrupted, and they threatened to go after his son.

As with Russian collusion, the FBI doctored their reports to frame Flynn.
Agreed with the stats. Trump hasn't been good to the Republican party numbers and, as you pointed out, has pushed many into the Democratic camp. Over the decade it seems to stabilize around 30% for each party and 40% independents. I don't know why.

If Trump was so bad for the GOP the Democrats wouldn't be breathlessly pursuing him after he's left office.
Yeah, because at first he was using Eric Holder's law firm, was bankrupted, and they threatened to go after his son.

As with Russian collusion, the FBI doctored their reports to frame Flynn.

So? Was his son a lying POS traitor too?

Then why did Flynn accept a pardon? That's an easy reversal on appeal.
If Trump was so bad for the GOP the Democrats wouldn't be breathlessly pursuing him after he's left office.

Trump was bad for America. My question is "Why aren't the Republicans going after a fucking traitorous, insurrectionist fucking moron?"

The best thing Trump ever did for America was beat Hillary in the 2016 election. After that, it was mostly downhill. He'd have left a terrific legacy if he'd resigned "for health reasons" and let Mike take all the heat.
Trump was bad for America. My question is "Why aren't the Republicans going after a fucking traitorous, insurrectionist fucking moron?"

The best thing Trump ever did for America was beat Hillary in the 2016 election. After that, it was mostly downhill. He'd have left a terrific legacy if he'd resigned "for health reasons" and let Mike take all the heat.

So? Was his son a lying POS traitor too?

Then why did Flynn accept a pardon? That's an easy reversal on appeal.


Maybe you missed the news: Flynn was always innocent.

The fact that they threatened to railroad his son as well should horrify any American.

Maybe you missed the news: Flynn was always innocent.

The fact that they threatened to railroad his son as well should horrify any American.

Guess he shouldn't have pled guilty then. Waaaaaaa!!! They picked on his kid.
Wow. You people really are fascists.

No, 'we' really aren't fascists. For me personally, quite the opposite. I believe in the rule of law. You don't. I believe in our institutions and our constitution. You don't. You worship a man. I don't. Remind me again who the fascist is?