Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.


Maybe you missed the news: Flynn was always innocent.

The fact that they threatened to railroad his son as well should horrify any American.

If that was true he wouldn't have accepted a pardon; he'd have to sought appeal.

Again, was his son guilty too? Are you saying Trump's FBI was going to dishonestly convict Flynn's son? WTF? Please tell me more.
Working out effective and mutually satisfactory solutions to national problems is the purpose of a healthy government.

I agree, but you can't do that when half of the participants refuse to acknowledge that you legitimately won an election.

So it all comes back to that. We can't compromise with people who think that government is illegitimate. So I'm interested to know how you think we can.

How would you unite with people who insurrected against your election victory?

Why would someone who doesn't think you are legit compromise with you?
I agree, but you can't do that when half of the participants refuse to acknowledge that you legitimately won an election.

So it all comes back to that. We can't compromise with people who think that government is illegitimate. So I'm interested to know how you think we can.

How would you unite with people who insurrected against your election victory?

Why would someone who doesn't think you are legit compromise with you?

Wow. So you think over 70 million Americans insurrected? Who knew?!
We have a people problem as a nation.

Looking at the Seditionist-Republican Senators preparing to summarily acquit the orangutan via the jury nullification process,
it's important to remember that these troglodytes were actually elected to the the Senate by constituents
of whom they are presumably representative.

Look at these drooling idiots sleep, munch Doritos, or read comics during the presentation of evidence and remember that for each of these clowns, there's a large number of equally bad
or even worse citizens who sent them there.

Those are, while not fully evolved humans, actual American citizens--FELLOW COUNTRYMEN of the decent human beings who vote straight blue in blue states and red states alike.
What can be done with that? What solution is there for 74,000,000 covid-carrying illiterates who carry the same rights of citizenship as people who actually have some measure of worth?

If we're committed to our current 50-state format as a national entity, the answer is simple: there is no answer.
None of us alive today will live to see the domestic tranquility aspired to by our imperfect constitution.
Neither side has the numbers for outright victory. Perpetual hatred is the theme for America until the republic crumbles completely
and what remains afterward may be frightening to contemplate.
Wow. So you think over 70 million Americans insurrected? Who knew?!

The Republicans in Congress, who those people voted for, with the exception of 10 in the House and 5 in the Senate, supported the insurrection and the goals of the insurrection.

So again, I ask, how are we to unify with those people?

Almost all the Republicans voted against impeaching Trump for inciting the insurrection.

Almost all the Republicans voted against the Constitutionality of impeaching Trump for inciting the insurrection.

An overwhelming majority of Republicans voted to reject the Electoral College certification.

How do you compromise with that? You haven't said because I don't think you know how to do that.

If you're telling me that those 70M people didn't support the insurrection based on the Big Lie, then why did they vote for the Republicans who are the ones pushing The Big Lie?
Wow. So you think over 70 million Americans insurrected? Who knew?!

The Republicans in Congress, who represent those people, rejected the certification of the Electoral College, rejected the articles of Impeachment for inciting the insurrection, and rejected the Constitutionality of impeaching for inciting the insurrection.

So how do you compromise with that?
Dutch Uncle wants us to compromise with 70 million people who are represented by Republicans in Congress that have:

1. Rejected certification of the Electoral College
2. Rejected articles of impeachment for inciting an insurrection
3. Rejected the Constitutionality of impeaching for inciting an insurrection

So Dutch, by all means, explain to all of us how to compromise with those people.

A detailed plan would be great. Thanks.
The Republicans in Congress, who represent those people, rejected the certification of the Electoral College, rejected the articles of Impeachment for inciting the insurrection, and rejected the Constitutionality of impeaching for inciting the insurrection.

So how do you compromise with that?

Sooooo, no compromise. Cool!
Sooooo, no compromise. Cool!

Look, you are the one saying we must compromise, and I'm asking you how we do that with people who don't think that Democrats are legitimately elected?

You have no answer.

So like always, you got nothing.

So again, this whole "compromise" thing seems to be another trip down egocentric lane with you...

It's so easy to posture that you support compromise while not offering any logical or reasonable way to do that.

It seems like you're just falling back on the ambiguity of compromise because, like always, you haven't really given this any serious thought.
Look, you are the one saying we must compromise, and I'm asking you how we do that with people who don't think that Democrats are legitimately elected?

You have no answer.

So like always, you got nothing.

So again, this whole "compromise" thing seems to be another trip down egocentric lane with you...

It's so easy to posture that you support compromise while not offering any logical or reasonable way to do that.

It seems like you're just falling back on the ambiguity of compromise because, like always, you haven't really given this any serious thought.

Yes, but you just said there'd be no compromise. Did I misunderstand you?
Why do the Democrats need to compromise with the Republicans, who have no leverage other than attempted and ultimately unsuccessful violent insurrection?
It takes two to Tango. Both have to compromise. If one side doesn't, and you just wrote the Democrats won't, then there's no compromise.
It takes two to Tango. Both have to compromise. If one side doesn't, and you just wrote the Democrats won't, then there's no compromise.

But you've never explained how to compromise with people who don't view your election wins as legitimate.

This appears to be the Dutch Uncle Plan for Compromise:

Step 1: One side refuses to accept the legitimacy of the other

Step 2: ?????

Step 3: Compromise

So Dutch, what is Step 2? I'm genuinely interested to know how you get to Step 3 here without addressing Step 1.
But you've never explained how to compromise with people who don't view your election wins as legitimate.

This appears to be the Dutch Uncle Plan for Compromise:

Step 1: One side refuses to accept the legitimacy of the other

Step 2: ?????

Step 3: Compromise

So Dutch, what is Step 2? I'm genuinely interested to know how you get to Step 3 here without addressing Step 1.

Not my fucking job. I'm retired and laughing at all the fucking morons who think it's the other person's responsibility to fix our nation's problems.

People are funny...and so are you accusations. :)
Not my fucking job

So you come here and demand that Democrats compromise, but you offer no plan, no insight, no advice on how to do that, choosing instead to just ambiguously refer to compromise as the goal so as to avoid doing any work or giving it any serious thought.

So it's someone's else problem to figure out the thing you are demanding of everyone.

So you come here and demand that Democrats compromise, but you offer no plan, no insight, no advice on how to do that, choosing instead to just ambiguously refer to compromise as the goal so as to avoid doing any work or giving it any serious thought.

So it's someone's else problem to figure out the thing you are demanding of everyone.


No but you are free to push emotional rhetoric and lie about others all you like. God Bless America!
