Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

I thought that elections were the compromise. The side that wins, leads. But that ideal no longer holds true, especially when the dude that loses believes they have a right to murder innocent people because they lost. At that point it’s time to rethink or reshape the concept of democracy.

Look around the microcosm of this board. These people want nothing to do with compromise, and they are willing to abandon all norms, intelligence, common sense and the health and best interests of this nation before engaging in compromise.

As you’ve said, it takes two to tango.

That's the traditional view, but in 2000 thousands of Democrats screamed Bush stole the election. In 2016, even more Democrats screamed Trump stole the election. The Republicans are just following suit. Falsely claiming the otherside stole the election is just a fad.

Agreed there is very little compromise on this forum.
I thought that elections were the compromise. The side that wins, leads. But that ideal no longer holds true, especially when the dude that loses believes they have a right to murder innocent people because they lost. At that point it’s time to rethink or reshape the concept of democracy.

Look around the microcosm of this board. These people want nothing to do with compromise, and they are willing to abandon all norms, intelligence, common sense and the health and best interests of this nation before engaging in compromise.

As you’ve said, it takes two to tango.

Their minds are owned by Putin

Why compromise for Putin’s sake
Soooo, you're just running your sore and don't have a clue about my political party or beliefs? What kind of lawyer did you claim to be?

Why do you keep bringing it back to my profession every time you babble some incoherent, smug nonsense and get called out for it?
Why do you keep bringing it back to my profession every time you babble some incoherent, smug nonsense and get called out for it?

Because you're a liar and liars always lie. They're never to be trusted. It figures you disagree. :)

That's the traditional view, but in 2000 thousands of Democrats screamed Bush stole the election.

Yeah, remember when a conservative supreme court handed Bush an election that he lost by 200k votes and all those Democrats waving "GORE" flags shouted "stop the steal" and murdered cops at the capitol?

In 2016, even more Democrats screamed Trump stole the election.

No, Democrats pointed out what 17 U.S. intelligence agencies concluded -- and what Mueller confirmed -- is that Russia meddled with the election, Trump's campaign colluded with Russia, and Trump tried to obstruct the investigation by firing Comey and then admitting (on live TV) that he did so to stop the investigation into the election. Then trump went on to become the worst president ever, betrayed the U.S. by aligning with Putin against our CIA, and allowed 500k people to die from a pandemic that he ignored for political reasons. (Also, Trump finished behind Hillary by 3 million votes.)

The Republicans are just following suit. Falsely claiming the otherside stole the election is just a fad.

Democrats reacted by citing evidence. Republicans reacted by fabricating evidence. More "bOtH sIdeS" bullshit.

Agreed there is very little compromise on this forum.

Maybe we can't have compromise because fucking dipshits like you lie about history and facts?
That's the traditional view, but in 2000 thousands of Democrats screamed Bush stole the election. In 2016, even more Democrats screamed Trump stole the election. The Republicans are just following suit. Falsely claiming the otherside stole the election is just a fad.

Agreed there is very little compromise on this forum.

Have you never read all triode court documents I have posted for fucking over a decade?

It’s cold hard court documented fact the Republican Party has cheated in elections for decades

Stop pretending it’s not true

Get right with the facts
Because you're a liar and liars always lie. They're never to be trusted. It figures you disagree. :)


I honestly don't get why you keep posting here. You have ZERO interest in discussing the issues.

You've dodged EVERY substantive point that LV and I have laid out for you.
I honestly don't get why you keep posting here. You have ZERO interest in discussing the issues.

You've dodged EVERY substantive point that LV and I have laid out for you.

I have discussed the issues. You shit your pants over it, started slinging insults and made multiple false accusations. At that point, I stopped taking you seriously and started treating you as a joke....which you are, kid. Good luck with your legal classes.

So what kind of law do you want to practice? Just ambulance chasing or wills?

I have discussed the issues.

Yep. You're a fucking liar. LV is shredding you with the facts, and you're ignoring her, too. you discuss issues until you realize that people who can actually count to 10 are involved, then you retreat like the dimwitted coward you are.
Have you never read all triode court documents I have posted for fucking over a decade?

It’s cold hard court documented fact the Republican Party has cheated in elections for decades

Stop pretending it’s not true

Get right with the facts

Isn't cheating in an election illegal? Why didn't the Democrats prosecute and hang the fuckers? I'd say shoot them, but you guys are against guns. :)
Stone is obviously a big-time Q and Qanon backer.. That puts him way to the right, in a dark and ugly place, on the political spectrum. He has given up on the American experiment and wants the far right to take over. That is a tough sell for real patriotic Americans who think we can improve the country. That has been the aim since 1776. America was never supposed to be done after the founders wrote it. We had many ways to make it better. The amendments are one way. But that is a slow process., In a world that goes faster all the time, We have to rely on good politicians.
Want to revolutionize the country? Get rid of the wealthy and corporations financing our elections. They are the reason our government does not respond quickly to the people. Rightys are always pointed in the wrong direction.
That's the traditional view, but in 2000 thousands of Democrats screamed Bush stole the election. In 2016, even more Democrats screamed Trump stole the election. The Republicans are just following suit. Falsely claiming the otherside stole the election is just a fad.

Agreed there is very little compromise on this forum.

There is very little compromise in this country, and claiming that Bush,or trump stole the election is First Amendment Rights. Storming and desecrating the Capitol has absolutely noting to do with the First Amendment nor anything to do with the Constitution by any stretch of the imagination, nor does murdering people you don’t agree with. Compromise stops at murder. Democrats don’t engage in political murder, don’t espouse it, don’t celebrate it. Republicans do.

There is no way to compromise with that.
Isn't cheating in an election illegal? Why didn't the Democrats prosecute and hang the fuckers? I'd say shoot them, but you guys are against guns. :)

In a war of evil against evil, we lose. We are not evil people. We aren’t evil enough to poison water supplies. We aren’t evil enough the slaughter small child with elephant guns, not evil enough to blow up buildings, or engage in the mindless horrors that people you think we should compromise with have no problem doing. If it comes down to guns, why not just abandon the failed notion of democracy and split the country in half? That is the only compromise that may work in a land of monsters.
There is very little compromise in this country, and claiming that Bush,or trump stole the election is First Amendment Rights. Storming and desecrating the Capitol has absolutely noting to do with the First Amendment nor anything to do with the Constitution by any stretch of the imagination, nor does murdering people you don’t agree with. Compromise stops at murder. Democrats don’t engage in political murder, don’t espouse it, don’t celebrate it. Republicans do.

There is no way to compromise with that.

Nowadays, correct. It was much better in the 60s through 80s. Just as both sides started moving apart in the 90s to the point we have an insurrection on Capitol Hill in 2021, it will take a few years to grow back together.

The only way people can get along is through mutual-respect and mutual trust. Both of those have to be earned and earning them takes time as all adults on this forum should understand.

Let's just hope it doesn't take another 25 fucking years to be normal again. :)
In a war of evil against evil, we lose. We are not evil people. We aren’t evil enough to poison water supplies. We aren’t evil enough the slaughter small child with elephant guns, not evil enough to blow up buildings, or engage in the mindless horrors that people you think we should compromise with have no problem doing. If it comes down to guns, why not just abandon the failed notion of democracy and split the country in half? That is the only compromise that may work in a land of monsters.

Good always triumphs over evil because evil, inevitably, results in mass death. Dead people aren't winners.

Did evil people send the Marines to Vietnam? Burn Waco? Shoot a mother with a baby in her arms? No political side in this discussion holds the high ground on morality.

Want to say "Yes, Democrats are fucking evil but the Republicans are much, much worse!"? Then I'd agree with you. :)
Good always triumphs over evil because evil, inevitably, results in mass death. Dead people aren't winners.

This is woefully naive.

Good never really triumphs over evil because of people like you who think that good and evil are the same thing.

Did evil people send the Marines to Vietnam? Burn Waco? Shoot a mother with a baby in her arms? No political side in this discussion holds the high ground on morality.

Yes, we actually do because all that shit happened decades ago and we're talking about our current state, which is exclusively right-wing Conservatives committing acts of political terror, sanctioned by their own party.

BTW - the evil of Waco wasn't the ATF, it was Koresh using human shields, some of whom were children he molested.

Want to say "Yes, Democrats are fucking evil but the Republicans are much, much worse!"? Then I'd agree with you.

No you wouldn't because you said both sides are the same.