Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

The ATF could have taken Koresh in town, relatively alone, on any Saturday then executed a warrant with the compound minus their leader. That's SOP.

Could have, maybe. Also, he could have not done that. So why wait for him to do something he might or might not do?

You said before that it's totally OK to take lives "when necessary".

So, the ATF deemed it necessary to do what they did at Waco, didn't they?

So why are you getting upset about what the ATF did when you said to Black lives *yesterday* that they should be happy that their lives are only taken "when necessary"?
The ATF deliberately chose to take Koresh in his own compound on weapons charges because it'd look better to see him kneeling down to ATF officers dressed like Stormtroopers.

I'd love to see evidence or proof of this theory...as it stands, it's just you crafting it out of thin air to retcon the horrendous shit you said yesterday about Black lives not mattering "when necessary".

The ATF underestimated the resolve of Koresh and his followers.

So what? So they were the cultists they were portrayed as, right?

I seem to remember yesterday you positing a hypothetical scenario where Trump and a 10-year-old boy are in the same room, and you sought that potential violence directed at the child as reason enough to "empty the clip".

So Koresh was molesting and raping young children in his compound. But for some reason, you're not all about "emptying the clip and aiming above the hip" with them, and I'd like to know what the difference is? is it because one is a scenario you made up out of thin air, and the other is something that actually occurred? Is that the reason for your inconsistency? That you only support this macho posturing hypothetically?

The ATF fucked up and the result was a national tragedy.

Koresh fucked up...not the ATF. The ATF did what they had to do because Koresh refused to comply with the law.

Now, I'm old enough to remember you saying that not complying with the law was enough to justify the necessity of taking a life.

So now you're completely reversing that position from yesterday, just FYI.
Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success. Do you know why?

If you think about it, QAnon has been a huge success for the Democrats. He has split the Republican vote between the conspiracy theorists and the old school Republicans. Some districts, like Taylor-Greene's Georgia 14th, are so extremely Republican it does not matter, but even states like Texas overall, it is looking like it will matter. More and more Republicans have to decide whether they support the insurrection attempt, or not. Either way, they lose votes.
Could have, maybe. Also, he could have not done that. So why wait for him to do something he might or might not do?

You said before that it's totally OK to take lives "when necessary".

So, the ATF deemed it necessary to do what they did at Waco, didn't they?

So why are you getting upset about what the ATF did when you said to Black lives *yesterday* that they should be happy that their lives are only taken "when necessary"?

It depends on the mission, but the US puts saving innocent lives as a top priority. Enemy lives, not so much.
60-100 million people woken up, doing their own digging, and LOTS OF IT, forming their OWN opinion as FREE people were intended to do. Yes....I would call that a huge success. There is a reason the movement is called THE GREAT AWAKENING.

Your estimate is completely off. trump got 74 million votes, and about those votes are older style Republicans. There are about 37 million QAnon voters. Almost all those voters had voted for trump in 2016, before QAnon.

That is 37 million voters who are asking the question, why didn't the Republicans get rid of this giant conspiracy. The obvious answer is most Republicans are involved. Why would they vote for Republicans involved in the conspiracy?

And that is the path to a permanent Democratic majority.
It depends on the mission, but the US puts saving innocent lives as a top priority. Enemy lives, not so much.

See what I mean!? You just keep moving those goalposts.

You said yesterday that Black lives should be taken "when necessary".

Then you posited a hypothetical scenario that completely described what Koresh was doing to those kids, where you said that to prevent it we should "empty the clip above the hip".

Now, you're attacking the ATF for doing exactly that...for doing the thing you bragged about doing hypothetically.
Your estimate is completely off. trump got 74 million votes, and about those votes are older style Republicans. There are about 37 million QAnon voters. Almost all those voters had voted for trump in 2016, before QAnon.

That is 37 million voters who are asking the question, why didn't the Republicans get rid of this giant conspiracy. The obvious answer is most Republicans are involved. Why would they vote for Republicans involved in the conspiracy?

And that is the path to a permanent Democratic majority.

Not sure there's 37 million Qless Americans, but certainly agree there's too many of them.

Comments about power corrupting always spring to mind when one political party toys with the idea of completely dominating the opposition.
See what I mean!? You just keep moving those goalposts.

You said yesterday that Black lives should be taken "when necessary".

Why do you lie? Do you really believe I posted that or is that what you've forced yourself to believe?

We can bet I'm innocent of your lies with something physical but most losers never pay up. My fault since I suspected they were weak or mental in the first place.

Regardless, I never said what you claim. Furthermore, I fully support shooting any criminal, regardless of sex, gender, skin-tone, height, weight or anything else if they do as you confirmed in your previous post.
An excellent idea if your intent was to kill him, but the ATF's intent wasn't to do that.

It was to arrest him and try him in court, and to disarm the cult that was stashing weapons illegally.

He and his people took specific action to prevent that arrest and disarming from occurring.

Why didn't they just comply with the orders from law enforcement?
Why do you lie? Do you really believe I posted that or is that what you've forced yourself to believe?

No, you posted it.

I quote you in full.

We can bet I'm innocent of your lies with something physical but most losers never pay up. My fault since I suspected they were weak or mental in the first place.

Here's what I said, and what you said after:

Interested to know the "half way" point when it comes to Black lives...

Don't kill people unless necessary.


So...you're saying it's OK to take Black lives when necessary. That's what you said here.
Regardless, I never said what you claim. Furthermore, I fully support shooting any criminal, regardless of sex, gender, skin-tone, height, weight or anything else if they do as you confirmed in your previous post.

Then you must support what the ATF did in Waco because Koresh was abusing those kids.

Sorry, dear, but that's why I think you are a wee bit on the Crazy Train. It's okay to be passionate, but be smart about your interaction with others.

That's what you said, man, own that shit.

I said "Interested to know what the "half way" point is on Black Lives" and you responded "don't kill people unless necessary".

So that is you saying that you think it's OK to take Black lives when you deem it "necessary".

So own that shit, man. You thought it. You wrote it. You had every chance to not write it or think it, but you did. Why are you so against personal responsibility here?

You could also just say that you were wrong, and you now realize the error of what you said.

But something tells me you're not the kind of person who would admit to being wrong or saying something dumb.